Do Angels Even Have Birthdays? - Part 1

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Mike was in Chicago, after a the whole fiasco with the Jinni he had called in some vacation days. He had spent most of it in his penthouse in Chicago meditating. Trying to figure out what he was becoming. He'd done research on angelic lore, whilst plenty of it was a load of nonsense, there were a few bits that may have helped. 

Although all he had found was that fallen angels became demons. Which whilst it was partially true, it wasn't the whole truth. And didn't explain what happened to archangels. 

However he knew his vacation would end today, when Gabriel turned up on his door. Like she did every year, no matter where he was. 

This year she broke down the door, squealing like a child on Christmas, "Happy birthday!" She yelled as she jumped on her big brother's back.

"Gabriel!" He cursed, as he stumbled forwards, "What have I told you about this!" 

"You say every year you don't want to celebrate, every year we celebrate anyways" She yelped, 

Mike flipped her onto the couch, the younger archangel giggling as she fell, "I got you a present!" 

Reluctantly, Mike took the package she held in her hands. Green wrapping paper surrounded it.

"You're lucky I love you" He sighed. Ripping off the wrapping paper, there was a small black box inside. Lifting the lid off there was a beautiful pocket watch inside. It was predominantly made out out of gold, with an image of two wings on the front of it. The two hands were reasonably normal, but the actual face was impressive. You could see the mechanisms of the watch as the hands ticked around the roman numerals.

"You found it!" Mike exclaimed in delight, "I thought this was gone! Lost in the middle ages" 

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"You found it!" Mike exclaimed in delight, "I thought this was gone! Lost in the middle ages" 

"It was" Gabriel laughed, "It took me years to track it down. Found it in the archives of the church of saint Michael in Yorkshire, England"

Michael traced his fingers over the watch, smiling at the old watch, "Thank you Gabriel" he said, honestly happy, 

"It's your birthday!" She laughed, "I had to make sure you got a good present" 

"You still have yours?" He asked, 

She waved her hand and a similar pocket watch appeared in her hand.

She waved her hand and a similar pocket watch appeared in her hand

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"Always keep it safe" She explained, 

"Good, now. My vacation is over, time to head back to the school" He sighed. With a wave of his hand, the clothes he were wearing shifted. His pjs shifted into a white dress shirt, a black waistcoat and black jeans. He slipped the watch into his pocket and attached the chain, 

The two of them grinned at each other, before orbing out of the room. 

-- Line Break -- 

The two reappeared in Mike's office. After everything that had happened, Alaric had decided that it would be easier for Mike to have an office. Somewhere he could orb in and out of without anybody noticing. Mike had warded it so that nothing 'evil' could enter it. There were layers and layers of protection runes and enchantments.

Mike and Gabby appeared inside the office. Almost ready for the rest of the day. However when they appeared, there was a large yell of "Surprise" with banners all over the room, 

Hope and Alaric were stood there grinning at the archangel, "Gabriel!" he yelled, turning towards his little sister, 

But his sister had made a quick exit as soon as they had turned up. 

Hope laughed and launched into his embrace, "Happy birthday!" she yelled straight into his ear making him flinch slightly, 

Mike awkwardly laughed, "What's got into you?" he asked, 

"I guess I just woke up on the right side of the bed" She laughed, planting a kiss on his cheek and jumping down, 

"For the first time in history" Mike chuckled, 

Hope gasped with mock offence, "I can be cheery!" She argued, 

Mike nodded, "Of course you can Hope" 

Hope stepped back and Alaric approached Mike, "Happy birthday" he chuckled, giving the archangel a hug. Surprising him again.

"Thanks" He chuckled awkwardly, "So can I get ready for my lessons?" He asked,

The two nodded, Alaric leaving immediately. 

Hope grinned at him, giving him a little wave like a lovestruck teenage in a romance film, before finally leaving. 

Mike sighed, with a wave of his hands all the material he needed for his lessons appeared on his desk, along with a glass of whiskey. He figured that depending on who else Gabriel told, he would need it. He sat behind his desk and nursed it slightly before sighing, 

"I hate birthdays"

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