Nothing Remains a Secret Forever - Part 3

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Mike lead Hope through the building until they reached another large oak door. 

"What's in here?" Hope asked,

"My room" He admitted, 

Once again releasing her hand, he pushed the doors open like he had done with the front door.

Upon entry Hope was speechless at the sight. True, like the rest of the building the room was ruined. Ivy was growing up the walls, the window hand been smashed and the furniture was broken apart all over the room. 

"So this is the room of the great archangel Michael?" Hope asked as she approached a fallen bookshelf that still had some books. Even if they were slightly charred, "You read a lot of Shakespeare" 

Mike was gazing at the room in silence as she spoke. Memories haunting his mind. 

The tribrid pulled up a photo frame with four people. None of who she recognised, 

"Who are they?" She asked,

Sighing Mike took the frame off her and smiled at it softly, "That's us" He revealed, "Our first forms all those years ago" 

"You all look so... happy" Hope added on, as she lay her head on his shoulder, "Which one were you?" 

He pointed to the tallest male in the photo. Brown hair fell onto his forehead, his broad shoulders encompassed his two little sisters, 

"I should have known" She chuckled, "That's Lucifer?" 

She was pointing to the small brunette next to him. Gabby still had her signature red hair, so it as a good assumption to make.

"Yeah, but back then she was Sammael" He sighed, "The light bringer" 

"She looks so... innocent" She laughed, "The devil"

Mike gave her a sharp look, "Yes, the devil. Also known as my twin sister" 

"Sorry" She realized her mistake, "It's just still weird to think about"

"I know Hope" He sighed, "It's still hard, always will be. You know how family can be"

Hope nodded, having her own fair share of family drama, with possibly the most overdramatic family on the planet. 

"Where's your armor?" She asked,

Mike turned to one of the walls, "I always kept it hidden, If I would ever bring it out it would be for bad reasons. Like right now" With a wave of his hand the wall disappeared revealing a stand with armor on it, "I had hoped to never wear it again"

Weirdly, it wasn't a full set of armor. Just the helm and the chest plate. The helm was quite basic. A silver piece with a T shape where the face would go. 

The chest plate however, could only be described as ornate. It was the same silver metal as the helm. On the center of the chest was a sword flanked by two wings. Almost identical to the necklace Hope's father had given her. The shoulders had crucifixes on them and finally where his ribs were, there were various religious symbols of protection carved into the armour. 

"It's beautiful" Hope gasped, 

Nodding Mike ran a hand down the front of his old armor "It harbors many bad memories" he sighed, 

"Well let's make sure you don't have to use it yeah?" She suggested, "We'll stop Lucifer rising, we'll save the world" 

Mike scoffed, "How? We don't even know what the last seal is! We're fighting a losing battle Hope!" 

"If I've learnt anything this last year, It's to have faith" She explained,

Mike shook his head, "I hate to disappoint you, but having faith in dear old dad will get you nowhere now-a-days" 

"I never said I had faith in god" She argued, placing a hand on his cheek, "My faith is in you Michael" 

Mike gazed into her eyes, an unfamiliar emotion to him shining back. 

"How do I do this Hope?" He asked her, 

She shrugged, "Have faith" 

"In who?" He asked

"In me" She smiled, "We don't need god. We don't need a higher power. If we have faith in each other, nothing can ever beat us" 

What neither of them noticed, was that as they stood there. Staring into each other's eyes. Love filling both of them. They didn't see the sword on the armor and the sword on the necklace glow blue. 

-- Line Break -- 

The duo had left the mansion and were once more walking through the ruined ashlands, 

"How are we going to stop Malivore then?" She asked, 

"We stop it rising" Mike explained, "We find whatever the hell Landon touched and I do what I should have done since the start. Throw it into the deepest darkest hole where it can never be found" 

"And if we can't do that?" She asked,

Mike shrugged, "I kill it" 

"How?" She asked, 

Mike shrugged, "I'll figure it out" 

"Just... just make sure we don't lose you in the process" She begged, 

Mike chuckled, "Hope, If i die I'll just reform" He reminded her, 

She shrugged, "I like this version of you" She explained, "It makes me feel safe. It's the one I..." she trailed off, not wanting to speak,

Mike was about to turn and follow up, when he saw what had stopped her.

Bodies. Hundreds and thousands of bodies on a battlefield before them. All dead. 

They had reached the graveyard of angels.

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