Nothing Remans a Secret Forever - Part 2

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Lizzie had left to go and confront her father, leaving Mike with some time to himself. He was going to stay in his office. But there was something he needed to try and do. 

Sighing he stood tall. Still in his usual shirt  and waistcoat. But a black overcoat suddenly appeared on his shoulders as he stood up and was about to leave. The door was flung open again right as he was about to leave, Hope stood there looking flustered, 

"Hope" Mike smiled at her, 

"You going somewhere?" The Tribrid asked, 

He nodded, "There was something I needed to do" He sighed, "That I have been putting off for a very long time" 

"Lets go then" She suggested, bouncing round to his side, 

"Absolutely not!" He argued, "It's not safe for you there!"

Hope rolled her eyes, "Not safe where?" She asked, 

"Heaven" He sighed,

"I thought Heaven had been destroyed?" She asked,

He nodded, "It has been, but it's ruins are still there"

"I thought you had fallen though?" Hope asked, "How can you reach heaven?" 

"When I destroyed it, the protective seals around it faded" He explained, "Anyone who knows how can access it, which is why it's not safe! There are scavengers and all sorts!" 

"Okay so you'll need back up" She decided,

Mike rolled his eyes, "You're not going to back down are you?" 

"Absolutely not" She told him, "Let's go" 

Mike waved a hand and a fur coat appeared on Hope, 

"What's this for?" Hope asked, 

"You'll see" Mike sighed, before grabbing her shoulders and orbing the two of them away. 

-- Line Break -- 

They reappeared on a snowy hill, with what looked like snow still falling. 

"Whys it so cold" Hope shuddered as she pulled her jacket around herself, 

"I told you, all the protection vanished. Most enchantments did as well. Paradise turned into hell" he sighed, 

He took her hand and started leading her down the hill. Neither of them noticing that they didn't release their hands. "

"Is that why it's snowing?" She asked,

A grim look crossed Mike's face, "It's not snow..." 

"What is it then?" Hope asked in shock, 

They stopped walking for a second, a collapsed farm stood in front of them. 

"A great tidal wave of destruction destroyed everything in heaven. It's not snow Hope. It's ash" he admitted, "It's all ash" 

"Oh my god" Hope gasped, causing the ground to shudder, 

"Careful with blasphemy up here" He warned, "Dad never liked it" 

"Sorry" She whispered to the sky, 

Mike took her hand again, still leading her, 

"What are we looking for?" She asked, 

"My old house" Mike explained, "We're going to war Hope. Even if it's not against Lucifer, Triad will come for the school. Malivore will attack. I need my gear" 

"Your sword?" She asked, 

Mike shook his head, "I know where that is" He admitted, his eyes glued on the very subject of their conversation, 

"Then what?" She asked, 

"My armour" He told her, "I didn't have chance to recover it after the war" 

"Could you not just make new armour?" She asked, 

Mike shook his head, "No, this armour was special. Forged by my brother Rafael in the forges of creation" 

"Where's your old house then?" She asked, 

Michael pointed upwards, to a hill just ahead of them, "On top of there" 

The house was a mansion, or the ruins of one at least. 

"Lets go home" He whispered, 

Still holding onto her hand, he lead her up the hill. The doors were large, made of a dark oak. 

"I never thought I'd come back here" He admitted, "When I locked Lucy in the cage, when I fell to earth. I thought that was it. The war was done" 

Hope squeezed his hand, "You ready?" She asked,

He nodded. For the first time since they'd arrived he let go of her hand. Placing a hand on each of the large oak doors, he pushed with all his might. They groaned open as he stepped inside. In the centre of the room there was a fountain with no water. Wooden beams had fallen from the ceiling and lay on the cracked tiles of the ground. 

"You lived here?" She asked in amazement, admiring the ruins. Which whilst they were ruins, they were stunning, 

"Yeah" He sighed, "The three archangels. Lucy used to before she fell" 

He moved through the hall, memories of his siblings playing through his head. 

"We were happy here" He explained, "I watched Gabby and Raf grow up. I spent my youth with Lucy. The first archangels" he sighed, 

She gazed at him with sadness in her eyes, able to see just how much he missed his family,

"I know we need to talk about what happened" Mike sighed, "But there will be time for that later. Right now I just need my best friend" 

He held out a hand to her and she took it, smiling softly at him, "I'm here Michael" she told him, 

"Thank you my wolf" 

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