Magic 101 - Part 4

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Hope and Michael re-materialised in a penthouse, 

"Where are we?" Hope asked him, 

He gestured to the window, "Go have a look" 

She walked over to the window, looking out she recognised the Chicago skyline, "We're in Chicago?" 

"Welcome to my place. When Caroline asked me to teach, I got this place so that I'd have a 'basecamp'" He explained, "What did you think I live in Mystic Falls?" 

"Kind of yeah" Hope laughed, "But... why are we here?" 

Mike paused, pulling out a bottle of whiskey he poured a glass, "Walking on Hallowed ground is hard for me. I needed a pick me up before making the second jump" 

"Why..." Hope started asking, but remembered what they said earlier, 

But Mike smiled at her softly. He grabbed her hand and lead her over to the sofa. 

"There was a war" He sighed, "A civil war between my people. And because of that war, certain parts of earth are harder for me to be present in"  

"Why Churches?" She asked, 

"Hallowed ground. In most cultures it's sacred. With how the war ended, I can't cross sacred ground without a price" He admitted, 

Hope lay a hand on his, "Mike.... what are you?" 

"I can't tell you" Mike reminded her, "And you can't figure it out I'm sorry but you have to trust me"

She nodded, "Okay"

"Please don't tell Alaric about any of this" Mike pleaded, "I trust you not to dig into it, but him..." 

"It's okay I understand" Hope agreed, "We should probably get back to school though"

Mike nodded, placing the glass on the countertop. He walked into a separate room where his wardrobe was. Pulling out a black hoodie, he threw it on over his plain white tee. Returning to Hope he saw her gazing out of his window in wonder, "You like the view?" The Archangel asked her, 

"It's stunning" Hope sighed, 

Without taking his eyes off of Hope, Mike smiled, "It is..." 

"I can see why you chose this spot" She laughed turning around to face him, "But if you don't sleep and are magic, why do you actually need it?" 

Mike's smile of affection was quickly replaced with one of sentimentality, "When you don't have a real home, you do your best" 

"Your home... the war?" She asked, 

A nod was her only answer, "Don't mention any of this to Gabby. She's still torn up about it" 

"Okay" Hope agreed, 

Holding out a hand, Mike smiled, "Let's get you back to school, yeah Hope?" 

The Tribrid returned the Archangel's smile and grasped his hand, "Lets go" 

Then in the blink of an eye they were gone.

-- Line Break -- 

The blast of lightning was the only thing that alerted Josie that Hope and Mike were back.

"How'd it go?" She asked immediately bouncing over to Hope and the Archangel. The later ignored her, muttered bye top Hope and vanished into blue particles, 

"He needs rest" Hope tried to reassure her, "Sorry" 

Josie held back her look of anguish, "I don't get what happened, I helped protect him" 

"We all knew he'd change Josie" Hope tried to offer, 

But the siphoner scoffed, "He hasn't changed for you?" 

"I can't explain it" Hope offered, "There are certain things he won't talk to me about, that's one of them"

"Maybe I should talk to him?" Josie asked, but Hope shook her head, "You're best off talking to someone else. Someone like Gabby"

Josie nodded, "Thanks Hope" 

After the exchange ended, Hope left the girl and returned to school, whilst Lizzie joined her sister ready to give the new recruit the lay of the land. 

As Hope entered the school she collided with a blur of red hair, "Gabby?" The Tribrid asked in surprise when she saw who the individual was, "What are you doing here?" 

"Looking for my pain in the ass brother who hasn't let me know he's okay yet!" She snapped, "Have you seen him?" 

"He dropped me off here before vanishing" Hope shrugged, "I don't know where he went" 

"Where did you go?" She asked, "After he yanked you away from Alaric?" 

"His penthouse in Chicago, he needed to change his jacket" Hope offered, remembering her promise about talking about the war, 

"Did you talk about anything? Anything at all?" She demanded, 

Hope shrugged, "Nothing, just about the view" 

"Damnit, useless mortals" she cursed, before vanishing in a flash of green. 

Hope ran to her room and shut the door, "Mike your sister is looking for you" She whispered, "I don't know if you can hear me like this, but talk to her" 

After leaving what she assumed was Mike's version of a voicemail, she headed to Ric's office to talk Landon through what he had seen and get him compelled. However when she arrived she found Mike stood just behind him, his eyes glowing blue and a frown across his face. 

When he noticed Hope he smiled softly at her, "I got your message" he mouthed, 

she nodded before pointing her head at the greasy boy. He shook his head, a grimace returning to his face, "So now we've told you all of this I'm afraid we can't let you remember it" Ric sighed

MG, one of the vampires at the school, walked in. However when he tried to compel Landon it didn't work. 

"Matt sometimes slips vervain into the coffee at the gas station" Ric groaned, "Lock him up, we'll try again in a bit" 

"I could do it?" Mike offered but Alaric shut him down. Still not trusting him, 

So instead Mike waved his hand, flashing Landon into a cage, "I'll be back when this doesn't work" he grumbled before vanishing into blue particles.

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