Spring Break - Part 1

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"So you're sure you don't need me?" Mike asked a final time, 

"It's just a simple recovery Mike don't worry" Ric explained, "We've got enough super powerful teenagers to cover our backs" 

Mike nodded, "Fine, but If you run into the slightest trouble, call me!" he ordered, 

Alaric gave a mock salute, "Yessir" 

As he headed to the car, Lizzie was the next to come up to him, 

"Try not to kill them all?" Mike asked, 

She nodded, "I've got my little ball of light" She chuckled, "Even if it's another summer ruined by our resident tribrid" she cursed, 

"Elizabeth" She warned, "This isn't Hope's fault! Your father was the one who was infected" 

"Still!" Lizzie exclaimed, "Doesn't help!" 

"Enjoy your road trip Lizzie" He offered, as she showed him the finger. Marching away.

Hope was the last one to come to him, "Come if I call?" She asked, 

He nodded, "Always" 

Landon was glaring at him from the car as they embraced, jealousy oozing off of him. Matching looks were worn by Alaric and Lizzie as they observed the greasy haired boy seething. Looks of smugness. As much as Alaric had to pretend that he was worried about the boy, he hadn't ever liked him. Especially as a match for Hope, he always preferred Mike. Lizzie never even pretended to like him. 

"Be safe" He told her,

She nodded this time, "Always" 

The two parted ways as the group set off on their mission to recover the Urn. The school was empty as everyone was on spring break, giving Mike some vacation time. Which was good because almost as soon as the group had left he got a message in his head from Gabby, asking him to come to her. When the van was out of sight, and nobody else was looking, he orbed to Gabby. 

-- Line Break -- 

Mike reappeared on the hill overlooking a cemetery, 

"How many?" Mike asked stoically, 


?" Gabby said, "I can't be sure, but I managed to trace them here" 

"Do we know which ones?" He asked, 

She shook her head, "I don't know who survived it, it could be anybody" 

"It's very hallowed ground" Mike sighed, "With me fully fallen it's going to be harder" 

She nodded, "But we have to" 

"We'll try to reason with them first" He sighed, "We lost enough in the war" 

Gabriel nodded in agreement, playing with her fingers anxiously, "What if we have to fight" She whispered,

"Then you'll leave" He ordered, "You will not fight them, I will" 

"You can't on your own!" She argued, 

He shook his head, "I still have enough angelic power that I won't need to tap into the black magic Gabby" 

She nodded, "Fine" 

They started walking down the hill, tourists wandering around the cemetery blending in. Only they didn't blend in to Mike and Gabby, they would always recognise their own kind. All the tourists froze when they entered the cemetery. Turning to look at the two archangels,

"Michael" one breathed in disbelief, 

All of the angels hiding in the cemetery tensed up and got ready for a fight. But Michael held his hands up, 

"I'm not here to fight" He told them, "We're just here to talk" 

"After what you did?!" One of the angels yelled, 

He nodded, "I have paid my penance. I still am" he admitted, 

Unfurling his wings, to show he had fallen. 

"The great archangel michael" one of the angels scoffed, "Fallen like the rest of us" 

He nodded, "I never wanted this" 

"You caused it!" The lead angel yelled, "We were winning the war and you ended it!" 

"It would have destroyed everything" Mike tried to argue, "I tried to save everyone I did, but Lucy..." 

The group of angels had all gathered before them, and all flinched at the name of their most feared enemy, 

"You two are the reason we are here, why we hide!" the lead angel, Zadkiel, snapped, "Most of us fell, apart from the lucky few who weren't in heaven when you did it!" 

"I am sorry" Michael apologised, "If I could go back and change it all I would" 

"Well you can't" Zadkiel sighed, 

Mike looked at each and every one of them.  Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel.

"Do you remember all the battles we fought" Michael sighed, sitting down on a bench as the sunset behind him, 

"We were your most trusted legion" Uriel agreed, "The 7 guardian angels, a class above the rest" 

Michael nodded, "I handpicked each and every one of you. Taught you all everything you know" 

"You still left us" Zadkiel snapped, "Abandoned us" 

"I mourned you" Mike revealed, "All of you. I marched up to god and challenged his plan" 

"You challenged father?" Chamuel asked in surprise,

Michael nodded, "I begged him to fix everything, to restore you all. But he refused, said it was all part of his plan" 

"And you rebelled?" Zadkiel scoffed, "Please" 

"You've seen the wings" Mike challenged, "You can feel the darkness around me. Father cast me from heaven, stripped me of my memories" 

"For going against his plan?" 

Mike nodded, "And for what I did to end the war" 

"That wasn't father's plan?" Uriel asked in surprise. 

Mike sat backwards and nodded, 

"I didn't want to do it. Father didn't want me to. But the only way to stop all the angels and demons from waring was to destroy heaven."


Right so angel lore is incredibly complicated. Some texts say that there were other guardian angels, but I'm going with these. In this lore it was Michael, Gabriel, Raphael (Archangels). And Chamuel, Zadkiel, Uriel and Jophiel. This arc is going to be looking into the background of the angels and what happened in the war. So hopefully it all makes sense.

- HG

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