Author's Notes

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Pre-writing Notes:

Okay, first things first: this is a fic about the characters, not the people, and there will be shipping (flower husbands and then Joel and Lizzie are married with implied other ships). This is an Empires 1, Last Life, and Third Life fic, with a tiny bit of Evo. I will not be mentioning Double Life, Limited Life (it wasn't out at the time of writing) or Empires 2. I only went to Empires 2 for lore once, and that was to expand on Sausage's lore. There may be author's notes at the beginning or end of chapters, depending on how I'm feeling. They will be bolded. Also, this is my first fic and my first story with romance, so the characters might be OOC, or the romance may be badly written. I have, however, written several other stories, just for funsies. I can take and would like constructive criticism. In case you don't know what constructive criticism is, it's telling me what I'm doing wrong, but, like, nicely, and providing - if possible - a way for me to fix it.

Right, back to things about the fic. It will have angst and fluff. Trigger warnings for blood, death, implications of torture (Post writing me: It's not super bad. It's just the aftermath, and even that isn't bad. I think.). I will add more as they come up (Spoiler alert: I did not add more). The prologue is set in Last Life, and the rest is set in Empires, with references to Third Life and Evo. It starts the day of the Rapture. I don't think I've changed anything that happened before that, except that the flower husbands date never happened and the people of the empires are more like actual people. Also, I only watched Grian's perspective of Evo, Grian, Lizzie, and Scott's perspectives of the Life serieses, and did not watch Joey's perspective of Empires, so I may have some things wrong.

In my little universe, fWhip and Gem are siblings. Other details about the workings of this universe will come out in the story. (I will also write up a whole thing with all the lore, but there's fun ways of revealing it in this and my other stories, so... Maybe don't read that yet? Or do, if you're confused? I might not even have it up by the time you're reading this)

This next bit you don't need to read. You can just move on to the story if you want, unless you want to know more about how the plot came to be. So: The original idea was flower husbands, that story so many people use where Scott and Jimmy faintly remember Third Life and slowly remember more, but mine would be different because Pearl remembered things too and was gonna wingman them. Then my sister convinced me to actually write this (yall better thank her for the very existence of this story), and I stayed up till 2 a.m. imagining the story, and a plot with Xornoth existing showed up whoops. I also thought of the last line in this fic before knowing how they were gonna beat Xornoth. Then I started writing my outline, and more story just existed, like Pix being missing. Also, my somewhat-detailed layout alone was over 6500 words long.

Now then, I'm really excited to write this so Imma do that. 

Post-Writing Notes:

In case you haven't figured it out yet, this entire story was written before posting. And the next one I'm going to post. The above notes are me before writing it, but after writing the outline. This is me afterwards. The prologue and the first chapter were edited by my sister, 2-braincells on tumblr. Then she decided she didn't want to read a longer story. If it ever gets a cover, it will likely be drawn by her. (if you have any ideas for a cover, please tell me.) If there is anything you think I should put warnings in for, let me know. Also, the title is changeable, if you have any good ideas. You will be credited, for that and any cover ideas. (unless you don't want to be for whatever reason.) I am Canadian, so if anything looks like it was spelled weird, (colour, favourite, centre, etc.) that might be why. I think that's everything, other than please comment I want to interact, so... story!

(Also this story ends happily, I promise)

A Path to a Different Happy Ending (Flower Husbands Empires Fic)Where stories live. Discover now