Final Author's Notes

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Sorry, I'm excited.

Gonna be honest here, I had that last line planned since before I even knew that Xornoth was gonna come back. The wording was ever so slightly different, but still. Also my outline for what to put in this author's note is 'screaming, special thanks, more screaming.' I'm serious.

Now, onto those special thanks:

To you: thank you, thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou. I don't know how much support this fic will have, since I'm writing it all ahead of time, but to anyone who gets this far, thank you.

Another thanks to my sister (2-braincells on tumblr) who was my editor for the prologue and first two chapters and the reason this exists (When I told her I was thinking of maybe writing a fan fiction and a little about the idea, she was like yes. Do it.). Love her approximately 71.2% of the time, the rest is burning hatred. :) That's sibling relationships for ya!

No one else deserves thanks, except me (And the creators I guess? I don't know). I wrote this mostly on my own~

More screaming! Yay!


Ahem, sorry.

Important thing: I have a plan for a sequel. It will be Shubble trying to find her family. If I ever come up with more story than that (suggestions welcome!)

Several months post writing this interruption: If it happens, the sequel will be more of a series of oneshots posted whenever I write them, not a weekly thing, and will not really take place in this world.

I also have several ideas for other unrelated stories, including a WitchCraft SMP inspired flowerhusbands fic (I really like flowerhusbands, can ya tell?) and some Double Life Pearl girlbossing that I came up with because of a pinterest post (I will explain that in the author's note for that). Which would you like to see first (One of those two or the sequel)?

I'm gonna go back to screaming for a while...


The above notes were actually written directly after I finished writing this. I have finished writing the Double Life Pearl thing, and that's what I'm posting next.

It'll probably start coming out a month after this. And I might not be posting everything on Tuesdays anymore.

This was written on August 30th, just after I schedule posted everything. I think that's all I have to say, other than thank you for reading! All of you. I don't care if you joined the day the first chapter was posted (August 29) or are reading it years later. 

Written January 23rd, as we approach the actual finish of posting (wow, like six months later!):

Just wanted to let you know I have mostly scrapped the flowerhusbands witchcraft thing, it's been a while since witchcraft was around and am instead writing a desert duo fic that will be posted after the double life Pearl thing. It's already 30k and I'm barely halfway through, yall. (From a little over a week later: It's 45k now and I've still got minimum ten chapters and an epilogue to write. Four days after this: 50k and seven chapters and an epilogue now!)

It will still be at least a month until I start posting the Pearl thing.

Thanks for the support (now that I know what it actually is), and I just remembered something else I wanted to do:

A QnAish! I'm open to answer questions about me, my writing process, plans for future stories (any of the above or the fancy secret one that's kinda brewing in my brain but might not come to be), more information on current worlds (including ones from my oneshots), story recommendations (fanfic, real, or even just author recommendations, I have a great many opinions), questions about me, or like a math equation. I don't really care. And if you don't have questions, don't feel you have to ask.

Fair warning, certain questions about me (such as my full name or where I live or how old I am) will get vague or inaccurate answers. Or if your question makes me uncomfy or if I don't understand what you're asking, it might not get answered. Keep in mind that I am a minor who has lived a very sheltered life.

The plan is that I would answer my favourite question each week or, if there's lots of questions, my favourite and the oldest. If there are no questions left, then no answers. It's a chance to make it easier and more inviting to ask questions with little judgement. Also I thought it could be fun.

You can either comment your questions on this part or directly message me with them (and a reminder that it's for this QnA and to be answered publicly), whichever method is more comfortable for you! (and if you don't want me to mention your username when answering the questions, let me know)

I'll post another story for the QnA, probably a week after this comes out.

A Path to a Different Happy Ending (Flower Husbands Empires Fic)Where stories live. Discover now