Chapter Four: Memories

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Pearl scoured through her storage, wondering what she could need to go to Pixandria. Rockets, for sure. Extra clothes, food, maybe shulkers? She'd probably just put whatever she thought she might need in her ender chest and get it from there if necessary.

She paused thinking back to the meeting, and more specifically, the looks she had seen Scott and Jimmy giving each other when they thought no one was looking.

There was something there, clear as day. Except... She glanced outside. This day wasn't very clear. Maybe as clear as Lizzie's ocean. Yeah, that.

But Scott and Jimmy! There was no heterosexual explanation for those looks. She didn't think anyone else noticed but-

A flashback.

A young Watcher stood before her, tall and pale.

"You're going to be joining the next game, Pearl Moon. I know they're known for their horrors, but... It's not all bad. And we try to erase memories, so people don't have to live with them. But back to my point! Some wonderful things come of these games - and we have no choice but to run them, anyways. Uh, would you like to see some proof?"

"Yeah, I would. I've seen some of these things, and Grian literally beat his best friend from it - possibly more - to death because of this game!" When Pearl said 'game' it was dripping with spite.

"Here. Let me show you."

Suddenly, she was watching from afar.

Two boys, one who she - at the time of this happening - immediately recognized as Jimmy and the other who she now recognized as Scott, were sitting in a field of flowers.

"It's beautiful, isn't it, Jimmy?" Scott turned to his companion.

"Yeah!" Jimmy smiled.

"It's not the only beautiful thing here." Scott smirked.

"Scott!" Jimmy turned away, blushing.

"I'm talking about myself, of course."

Both boys burst into laughter.

The scene flashed, and Pearl was watching a different one, an earlier one.

The two were in a cave, working away at a variety of things.

"Hey, Scott! I have something for you!" Jimmy smiled.

"Oh? What?" Scott turned to him.

"This!" Jimmy pulled out a poppy, and held it out.

"Oh! It's very pretty." Scott took the flower.

"Yep! Now I've confessed my love."

Scott glanced up, an eyebrow raised.

"For poppies! Not you!"

"Nope, for me. We're married now."

A flash, and the two were exchanging rings.

Another flash, laughing over a pufferfish.

"Stop." Pearl said. "And how did this end? What happened when one of them died?" She challenged the Watcher.

The scene switched to Scott, holding Jimmy's body, an arrow through his throat.

"No, no, please no! Not yet! A little longer..." He dissolved into sobs.

"See? There! The happiness makes the sorrow worse!" Pearl protested.

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