Chapter Twelve: Escape Attempts

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The people who had been building in the Ocean Empire were gathered in Lizzie's war room. Pearl didn't even know Lizzie had a war room.

"So... There's lava everywhere. How do we build more of the lily pads? There isn't room. And while we might have enough room for all the empires in Rivendell and the Ocean Empire combined, it won't be comfortable." Scott looked around the room.

"Well, the lava stops around where the conduit power stops. Maybe building those will push it back?" Lizzie suggested.

"Do you have enough conduits?" Joel asked.

"Oh, I've been building up nautilus shells and hearts of the sea since I decided to be the Ocean Queen." Lizzie smirked. "I have at least sixteen more."

"That's a solid amount." Jimmy nodded. "I can go back to my empire and get maybe two more."

"Let's do this. This isn't much of a setback." Pearl nodded, projecting more confidence than she felt. This was too easy. Just conduits wasn't going to be enough. She was sure of it.


Jimmy stood on the obsidian edge of the lava, making sure he had everything he needed and nothing he didn't. He was also going to get more supplies for building. Hours did burn through your resources quite quickly.

Jimmy pulled out a rocket and took off. He immediately whirled around and splashed back into the ocean, his elytra charred from the sheer heat above the lava. He was also pretty sure he had at least third-degree burns on his face.

He pulled himself back onto the obsidian ledge and tossed a rocket over the lava. It exploded very quickly.

He pulled out his communicator and sent a message asking the others who were in the Ocean Empire to come to where he was.

They all arrived around the same time, since no one was particularly far away.

"Jimmy? What's going on?" He didn't turn around, but he recognized his seabling's voice.

He tossed another rocket out over the lava, letting it explode. "I can't fly over that."

"Oh my. That's... a thing." Joel sounded surprised. "How are we gonna get out? Putting our things in an ender chest and dying?"

"Probably." Jimmy then decided to turn around.

"Oh, my God, Jimmy, what happened?" Scott sounded astounded. Was it really that bad? Probably, judging by the looks of horror on Pearl, Joel, and Lizzie's faces.

"I tried to fly over it without realising just how hot it is. Not fun. My face hurts." Jimmy tried to smile, but it hurt.

"I knew something was going to go wrong. I knew conduits were too easy a solution." Pearl sighed. "I feel like something's gonna go wrong with the die-to-get-home strategy. We also can't get back..."

"Oh, dear. We're stuck here. This is... Bad." Joel said.

"Um, another thing. Ever since I got the feeling that something else was going to go wrong, I've been experimenting. I sent a message to the entire server, asking for more building materials, and no one responded, even though the tab list says everyone is here. I also haven't seen any messages from anyone." Pearl informed them.

"Okay... I think someone needs to try the die-to-get-out thing, then message us once they're out, just so we know we can get out, since this is no longer a place where we can protect our people, which is a problem for later." Scott said.

"But how are we gonna pick who dies? I don't want to leave my empire yet." Lizzie asked.

"Battle to the death? That'd be fun." Pearl smiled, somewhat unnervingly, reminding Jimmy of Scarlet Pearl - Wait, what? Scarlet Pearl?

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