Epilogue: Happy Endings

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Six months. Six months of explaining their situation, repairing their empires, preparing, and planning, and the day was finally here. Scott couldn't stop smiling.

"So," Lizzie was smiling, and had been for hours. "Scott, do you take this man, Jimmy Solidarity, as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Scott responded, surprised at how calm he sounded, with all the excitement inside.

Lizzie smiled even wider. "And Jimmy, do you take this man, Scott Major, as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Jimmy, too, was smiling.

"Then, with the power vested in me by my fellow emperors, I pronounce you married! You may kiss." Lizzie stepped back.

As Scott kissed Jimmy, his husband, his flower, he couldn't help but think that maybe happy endings do exist.

A Path to a Different Happy Ending (Flower Husbands Empires Fic)Where stories live. Discover now