Chapter Sixteen: Was it Worth it?

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Jimmy and the others were standing in Joey's grand portal entrance. It was huge.

"Split into pairs. Look for anything suspicious - a trapdoor where it shouldn't be, paintings, Shubble's things, anything. Joel, you're with me. We'll go to the Water Temple.'' Lizzie hopped into the water and started heading out.

Everyone else broke up into pairs, heading to certain areas.. Katherine and fWhip to the Air Temple, Pearl and Rarran to the Air Temple, and Scott and Jimmy to the Fire temple.

"Let's go." Scott hopped onto the water, freezing it over so he didn't have to swim.

"If Joey sees that he's gonna know we're here, and it's only one block of water. Not even I could die in that." Jimmy said.

Scott paused, then sighed and unfroze the water. "Good point."

Jimmy smirked.


Jimmy and Scott were in the Fire Temple, having already searched the surrounding area with no luck.

"I don't see anything hidden behind these chests... Let's go check the area around the doors." Scott got up from where he had been kneeling.

Jimmy nodded and followed him to the area beside the doors. There was a raptor there. There was also a one-block indent into the wall. Scott was about to search it when the door creaked and they heard a voice.

"I'm sure they will give you the information you're asking for soon, Xornoth." Joey said, then they heard the doors creaking shut. "They'd better."

Scott grabbed Jimmy's arm and pulled him into the little space, clamping a hand over his mouth. It was completely unnecessary, Jimmy wasn't dumb enough to make any noise, as he was terrified.

Jimmy stood there, held by Scott, trying to not even breathe, lest it alert Joey of their presence and ruin the entire mission. Joey wasn't being quiet, though. Jimmy could hear him rifling through his chests and muttering about steak.

There was a tense minute passed, then Jimmy heard Joey approach. Jimmy found himself taking quick, short breaths, and he was certain Scott would be able to feel his heart pattering. Then the doors creaked open and slammed shut.

Jimmy let out a relieved exhale at the same time as Scott. Then he realised just how close to Scott he was standing. And he became certain he did not feel the same way to Scott as his other friends. There was something more there. He pulled himself out of the little indent in the wall, flushing.

"Um. That was..." Scott started laughing somewhat hysterically. "I hated that! So much..."

Jimmy laughed, also slightly hysterically. "Yeah, me too."

He glanced over his shoulder and could have sworn Scott was blushing too.


"Do you really think this will work?" Shubble said, hopeful.

Gem grinned confidently. "We've got nothing to lose, and that's when people get most dangerous."

A creaking sound came from above them.

"Shubble! Now!" Gem hissed, beckoning Shubble over.

Shubble scrambled up onto her shoulders as the trapdoor opened directly above her. She jumped up, wedging herself into the little space in the ceiling from the trapdoor. Sausage cried out, dropping the steaks he had brought, presumably for them to eat. Shubble pulled herself out, then punched Sausage with all the strength she could muster. She had been doing a lot of push-ups and any other exercises she could, because what else was she supposed to do trapped in that cell? Sausage was out with two punches.

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