Other Daddy

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Just as I said; slowly but surely we were becoming a family. Megan and Dylan started paying attention to me, and not in a babysitter type of way but as a sister. My relationship with Sara has also improved. I talk more with her even if it is just a sentence response.

Well, besides my family life improving so did my school and friend life. Classes were a lot easier as the year progressed. Things with my friends have been great of course but the thing that has me excited is Xavier asked me out.

Honestly, I don't see how thing could go wrong from here.

Another night, another movie. Dad had started this little tradition to have movie nights. So, here we were sitting on the couch laughing together. Dad and Sara sat on the ends with Megan, Dylan, and I in the middle. What had both parents excited was Megan was on dad's side with Dylan in the middle and I was on Sara's side.

I don't ever remember having a movie night, not since the orphanage. Dad has always been busy with work and would leave me to be watched by the neighbors. Yup, I could get used to this.

The movie was almost at its halfway point when the house phone rang.

"I'll get it." Dylan got off the couch and rushed to the ringing phone. Sara caressed the boy's head as he left the couch and scooted closer, making me also move.

We continued watching the movie when dad and I heard something... unexpected.


He stiffened looking to his step-son with an uncomfortable gaze. Megan leaped out of the couch leaving dad, Sara, and I sharing glances.

   "Hi! Where are you? Where's Cameroon? Is that gunfire? Cool!" He beamed. Next to him was Megan jumping in place, clearly excited to talk to her father.

   "So your ex is calling you, huh?" Dad asked. I puffed my cheeks feeling incredibly uncomfortable between them. I got up and moved to the end of the couch sitting on the arm rest.

I tried to tune out dad and Sara's conversation not wanting to hear any of the drama. I've had enough of that and don't exactly need any more of it. But from what I can hear dad is toren up about their dad calling Megan and Dylan. Sara appears to feel the same.

   "We're watching a really funny movie with Mommy, Emilia, and Brad."

My eyes widened at the sound of my name.

   "Oh, Brad is mommy's new husband and Emilia is his daughter."

   "He didn't know about us?" I asked completely bewildered. Not going to lie it hurt a bit that she kept us in hiding. Wouldn't it be better if the ex knows about the new husband? It was sure to show that she's moved on and make the guy regret and perhaps rethink life, wouldn't it?

   "Well, I haven't talk to him in six months."

   "We've been married eight months."

   "Brad, daddy wants to talk to you." Megan said.

Sara immediately jumped up declining the idea. Dad waved her off saying he was just going to say hi. And so he did.

   "Hello, dusty? Super to make your acquaintance. In fact, I just wish I could shake your hand and offer to buy you a cold one."

I anxiously watched dad pace as he spoke with Sara's ex, Dusty. Even his name sounds douchey. Maybe I'm being too harsh. You know what, I'm not going to think like this. He made mistakes and maybe he is willing to change now.


   "What?" Sara straightened up with the same worried glance from before. Her children cheered unexpectedly coming over to me for a hug. Why did they hug me? I don't know but I won't deny it.

   "You're going to love daddy. He's super cool."

   "Yeah. He also likes loud music you like that Brad doesn't let you listen too."

   "Oh, yeah, he sound super cool." I said trying to make their enthusiasm. The kids giggled hopping onto the couch. Sara forced a smile trying to seem happy for her kids. But one look into those dark brown eyes lead me to her nervousness about the whole exchange.

As the kids told me all these cool stories about their father. I was able to catch bits of dad's conversation. From what I could tell dusty is coming over tomorrow and asked dad to pick him up. And then asked a bunch of other unnecessary questions like his credit score and what type of fighting he does. Though this was a serious matter that question did make me chuckle a bit.

Dad was anything but the fighting type. Speaking of fighting, I wonder why he asked that.

Once the phone had been back in its place Sara rushed off the couch. I went back to my place besides Dylan and we continued watching the movie.


Today is the day dad is going to pick up Dusty. The whole day that has been on my mind. It was slow but I finally connected that Dusty may possibly want to challenge dad. It made sense when getting to sleep on it, no man would ask their ex-wife's new husband about fighting styles other than that.

"So, let me get this straight," Abigail bit into her muffin. "Your dad is going to pick up your step-mom's ex."

"Yeah, that sums it up."

"Babe, Imma keep it real with you. This about to turn into a shit-show."

I sighed resting my head onto my palm. Throughout the classes we shared until lunch they kept on and on about this. Yeah, it doesn't seem like the ideal situation but it can't be that bad.

   "By the way, are you two a thing now or...?" Abigail set aside her strawberries resting against the table with her arms crossed in front of her.

I back down at the scrap paper I had stolen from my previous class that now took form in a paper swan. From beside me Xavier chuckled putting his weight on me as he wrapped his arm around me.

   "Something like that. Nothing official yet." Xavier explained.

Hearing how he word it did upset me. I mean whoever been on a few dates throughout our time together. I thought we might've been more. I guess that's on me for thinking ahead and not asking.

   "Whatever. You best hope that asshat doesn't ruin anything."

   "Yeah." Xavier quipped in. "What if he makes brad uptight and doesn't let you stay over?" His gaze directed at me as he mockingly pouted. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help to smirk at his behavior.

   "Or what if it ruins her relationship with her step-mom and siblings?"

Abigail made a point, they both did. I guess I'll have to see when I get home.

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