Daddy Goes Bye-Bye

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As soon as we got home, a screaming match occurred. Dusty had taken Dylan, Megan, and I to our room telling a story to try and tune out the screaming. Most of the screaming coming from Sara rather than dad. God, hearing her voice gave painful flashbacks to the orphanage.

Having enough of the stories I walked out the room muttering a good night to the kids. Dusty did the same following behind me. I rushed down the stairs trying to avoid the man that was quick on my trail.

Stepping into the kitchen, a heavy, thick tension surrounded the room. Sara was fuming next to dad who looked like a kicked-puppy.

I moved past Sara to dad.

   "Guess that's why you don't drink often, huh?" I joked. Dad's frowning face did not move a muscle. His tired eyes traveled to mine telling me everything I need to know. Sara kicked him out. Dad was leaving and was okay with it. I mean, sure he embarrassed us all, but this— this is a sleep-on-the-couch type of things not leaving the damn house.

For the part ten minutes, I was glued to dad's side, up until he was at the door with his belongings. Dusty and Sara watched from the side having no remorse.

   "Dad, come on. Say something to her. Or— or at least wait so I can pack too." I rushed out keeping the hold on his sleeve tight.

   "Honey, it's best that you stay here."

   "No. I want to go with you. No matter how much I get along with them, I'm not really apart of their family. Dad, please." I begged not letting my grip budge from dad's attempt to free himself. This would be the first time since he got me that he was leaving me for who knows how long. He can't leave now, I mean, who will I tell about Xavier or— or my days at school when it get tough. Who will know how to comfort me when I need to be comforted?

   "You're better off here."

My hands fell to my side. My shoulder slump and any anxiousness faded from the exterior. On the inside, I felt so...overwhelmed. From not knowing what to do, to wanting to do everything. If this is logically for someone to react or if I'm overreacting? If dad will ever come back or this is it between Sara and dad? With Dusty around you never know if he will swoop in and steal back his family leaving me entirely alone.

In a hushed tone I said, "That's what my parents said before dropping me off the orphanage."

I shook my head biting down on my tongue. Tears threaten to break free from my eyelids.

"Honey." Dad sighed, hanging his head. He hesitantly walked to the door and dragged his feet to his banged up car. Sara, the kids, and Dusty were behind me watching him make his departure. Having placed the last of his bags in the car, he drove off.

   "Hey, kids, why don't you go inside and put on your pajamas?" Sara wiped the stray tears urging her kids. The kids listened to their mother making their way inside the house.

   "Emilia, honey, go on inside." Sara said.

I ignored her not being able to look away from where dad drove off to. The faint steps of her heels clattered against the pavement then it stopped. In a hushed tone Dusty advised her to let me be for the meantime. For once I appreciate what he did. He was still a huge piece of shit but at least he knew how to read the room.

   "What are you doing?"

I slightly looked over my shoulder to see Dusty caressing Sara's arms.

   "I'm comforting you." Dusty explained. I was able to hear Sara scoff. "Sara, look... Sorry, too soon. I know. But I want you to know that I'm here for you and the kids."

   "Oh, really? You want to be a real parent now? Is that what this is?"

   "Absolutely. I'm here now."

   "Dusty, I'm working crazy hours this week." Sara sighed. I can hear the doubt behind those words. She knew Dusty won't hold, even I knew that. "With Brad gone, the kids are gonna have to be dropped off, picked up, taken to swimming lessons."

I had turned around at this point taking in Sara's distressed state. If only she hadn't kicked out a certain someone that was capable of doing all that.

   "Dylan has a play date with Eli on Tuesday, Emilia has finals just around the corner meaning she come out early, and Megan has a dentist appointment on Friday." She listed. To my surprise, Dusty seemed to be eager to show he can handle it. Dad struggles with this but uses meditation to cope, Dusty does not look like the meditating type.

   "Sara, I know in the past I've been unreliable, but this is the new me. All right? This is the new Dusty."

I snickered concealing it with a sniffle as Dusty glanced my way. I'd neared the house a bit more still wanting to listen in. Why? Well, why not? What's Sara gonna do? Kick me out too. Look, I get why Sara did what she did. It's just— it sucks.

   "Well, you can't take them to school on a motorcycle. You need a car." Sara complained to which Dusty shrugged it off not caring if he had to sell his bike. Sara nodded both impressive and not completely believing him.

Sara made her way inside with Dusty behind her. I wanted to wait for them to enter before I did but Dusty didn't even make it to the door.

   "Hey! You're not staying here!" Sara exclaimed.

Ooh, that's what I needed to hear. If dad can't stay neither can he.

   "Are you sure you don't need company right now? I mean, you're going through a tough transition."

   "Be here at 6:30 tomorrow morning." She firmly said. That was my cue to go in. I breezed past them, ignoring the good night sent my way. I just wanted to go to my bed and never wake up.

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