Another Happy Ending

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   "So, you and that Asian kid?" Dusty asked placing his hands into his pockets. I let out a breathy laugh crossing my arms.

"His name is Tommy." I corrected getting a lighthearted scoff from the man standing beside me. We'd been standing in the airport dropping of pop-pop and El Padre. Yeah, I also started calling him that.

"Right. If he hurts you—"

"Dad—" I stopped relaxing what I'd said. "I'm sorry. Dusty— uh, Mr. Mayron, sir. Never mind."

   "Sweetheart, come here." Dusty brought me under his arm, in a side-hug. "You can call me dad. It's a huge honor to have you call me dad."

We walked to where Sara and my granddads stood. We all said our byes and even Adrianna felt upset having pop-pop leave.

"I better go before they get here. I don't want to make anything awkward." Pop-pop going in to hug me then dad. He said bye to dad kissing him like usual.

I stepped back going over to El Padre giving him a quick hug. While our time was short, I got to know the man more and found he's a pretty fun guy.

"Hey, well you have a good flight." Dusty said. And to everyone's surprise, El Padre pulled Dusty in for a kiss. When they separated Dusty was shocked and El Padre was left is disbelief that he did that. Talk about rekindling your father and son relationship. That sure as hell is one way to do it.

"Yeah, let's not get that going." Dusty mentioned to which his dad agreed. They rambled on until they finally said their final goodbyes.

And that's how I ended up getting two new grandpas. One that I started to care for— El Padre, and one that I still don't care for— my grandma's new husband.

Sure, my grandma's— she been demoted to grandma rather than la-la, new husband was a legend but he is no pop-pop. Besides the new addition to the family, Tommy and I are going strong making sure to take thing slow.

We go on weekly dates and I actually took a job where he works at, Yeun's bakery. He even lets me design some of the cakes. He's such a great guy that I definitely see myself being with.

I can definitely say things has turned for the better since Dusty arrived. The house was livelier with all these parental influences and Tommy coming over at times.

I've definitely got lucky when dad adopted me all those years ago.

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