What It Means To Be A Dad

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So there we were, just out of school and hoping to relax... that wasn't the case. Dusty had shouted for us and naturally we went to where his voice was coming from. Megan and Dylan came from the dinning area while I was walking down the stairs.

   "Guys, what would we call Brad if he treats someone differently just because of the color of his skin color?" Dusty said mainly directing it to his kids.

I scrunched my brows before his words actually settled in. "You're gonna fire Griff?"

Dad sighed dropping his hands to the side defeatedly.

The Mayron kids gasped. "Brad's being racism?"

   "Racist, honey. Brad is a racist." Dad reached to his wife's back. "No, I mean... but not intentionally."

   "Is Brad a klan person?"

   "Oh, my— No. Dad's not a racist." I defended, then turning to Dusty. "And you, stop putting words in people's mouth."

   "Honey, remember, deep breaths and happy thoughts." Dad's hand firmly pressed his hand on my shoulder backing me away from Sara's ex-husband.

Next thing I knew I was doing my breathing technique while dad was firing Griff due to peer pressure. I see where I get that from now.

It was a whole mess, dad was walking behind Griff trying to explain his reasoning of firing him, Griff believed it had to do with racism, ironically enough. Dusty was beside probably enjoying this a little too much.

   "Well, what do you want from me Brad?" Dusty asked. The two planned to fix the house together but that plan quickly was thrown out the window when Dusty saw dad's tools. It consists of a tampon— yeah a tampon, some batteries, and a hammer. "To buy all the gear we need would cost more than just hiring someone off of Angie's List.

Dad was left outside holding his little blue box of tools— which the only tool that was in it was a hammer. I still stood at the door waiting on dad but it appeared the whole house was slowly turning against him, even Tumor that growled at him.

Just when we were making progress... it's all going downhill from here with Dusty around.


   "And the King, he thought the step king seemed okay at first, a little soft, maybe, but, heck, the queen needed a meal ticket." Dusty's arrogant voice lapped it's way to my room. I sighed turning to the side burying my head between my pillow and mattress. "But the more the king learned about him, the more he doubted his ability to lead. So the king decided there was only one way to..."

And there goes dad interrupted the story again. Only this time he stayed due to Dylan summarizing Dusty's 'fairytale' story.

Groaning, I sat up and took my phone along with my headphones. As the days went by, the more I was beginning to grow tired at their behavior, dad being a doormat and Dusty a condescending asshole.

My fingers moving expertly across my screen sending a quick text to the only person I know that would be up at this time. Well, anyone would be up by 9:30. What I mean to say is; this person is the only one that would actually respond.

   'Hey, babes.' He replied within that same minute. That's definitely something I like about him. He never leaves me on seen. 'Couldn't sleep I take it?'

An involuntary smile spread across my face. 'Yeah. They're at it again.'

I swear him and Abigail know more about my household than dad. As I've said, dad could be a bit slow sometimes. Abigail and Xavier have been great help with it all.

   'Let's not mope around. You look prettier with a smile, alright? Besides, this week is our date.'

   'Yeah you're right. Can't wait.'

   'Neither can I.' I could just imagine his stupid smirk as he typed that. He's always been a flirt. I do sometimes wonder how he was able to stick with one girl and how lucky am I to be that girl. 'Imma hit the hay. Good night, babe.'

   'Good night.'

That's weird. He never sleeps at any time before twelve. Maybe he was extra tired today. Or being nice and saying good night. Yeah, that's it.


The week came by quick. It was a pretty busy schedule with having a majority the days filled with activities from me and the kids. I came first with my date and volleyball game. And when I say my volleyball game, I mean being a supportive friend and watching Abigail. Dad usually tags along bringing snacks for the team.

Monday passed like a blur that rolled into Tuesday. The day of my date.

One of my very first ones since middle school.

Sara and I spent all afternoon picking out outfits (she was super excited about that.) Dad was making my favorite meal, and Dusty was with kids at home.

My dates with Xavier consisted of late night movies or some nightly event. He had work right after school with Abigail. I appreciate that he still takes the time to go on these dates. He truly is an amazing guy.

And just like always, the date went great. We spoke about everything and anything. It was easy to talk to him even if he checks his phone quite a lot. He made up for that by making the night fun full of laughs. Overall, it was the best distresser I had in a while that I just had to tell dad about. At first it was awkward to talk to him about these things. Then it got easier the more I spent time with Xavier.

Tuesday then bled into Wednesday. Abigail's big game. I believe she told me something about moving into the finals if they win this one. She was a great player with a great team that I know were going to win.

And just like I predicted they did.

Dad and I cheered the most while the rest of the family— and Dusty, clapped. The excitement on Abigail's face was truly one of a kind. Not to mention how happy Xavier was. He ran up to her, picked her up, and twirled her around with the rest of the teammates cheering around them.

The week carried on making its way to the half point, Thursday.

Since I don't exactly do any extracurricular, dad sometimes brings me along with him when helping out with the kids. Today was Dylan's field trip at the aquarium. I do love animals, I really do, but I can't do marine animals. That day I stuck around Dusty in the back of the group watching dad spill facts about these sea creatures.

The next day I was pretty excited about, Megan's nature girl club thingy. Not sure what it was exactly but dad's signed me up to something similar when I was younger. This gave me the opportunity to show off the skills I barely use nowadays.

Finally the weekend had come around. Saturday being Dylan's basketball game where dad was their couch, and Sunday where he helped out at the church. With the passing days, Dusty appeared to be more agitated with each activity. Nothing was more satisfying than that.

He learned this whole week of observing dad, what it really meant to be one.

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