Fake Christmas

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After year of begging, I finally have the chance to be a big sister. Last night, Dusty booked a follow up for the results of dad and Sara's appointment. And when they came back dad instantly tackled me in a hug. That was a huge indicator that he could have children if his own. We spent for about most of the afternoon calling pop-pop about it.

I ever forget that I was upset that day. Why was I upset? Well, Xavier and Abigail decided to give me the silent treatment rather than to talk to me to resolve the tense between us, yeah, real
mature of them.

Anyway, it appeared that I wasn't the only one upset that day. When Dusty came through the door he looked distraught. Who wouldn't be? You're ex-wife is about to have a baby with her new husband when you thought you could win her back. Must be devastating. I won't say he doesn't deserve it after being an mean to dad but I did feel bad.

So, when dad and I ended our call with pop-pop I went to the basement where I passed by a fuming dad. Odd. But I carried on to the basement. Clearly, I hadn't exactly thought about what I would say. I kinda just sat there looking at the floor while Dusty worked out. It was so weird and uncomfortable but it would be even more awkward if I left.

   "So, you gonna have a baby sister soon."

I glanced up from my shoe that had been making black streaks on the floor.

   "Or brother."

   "Or brother." Dusty repeated, lowering himself from the bar he used to do pull-ups on. He took his gloves off setting them aside on the table.

   "Look," I hesitated. I really don't know how to approach this or if I'm making the right choice by doing this. All I know is, with the possibility of having a sibling, dad and Dusty's fighting will not make a good environment for the unborn child. "You a really cool person, and although you've been nothing but a pain in the ass, could you just please stop the fighting? You trying to push dad away will negatively impact everyone, especially Dylan and Megan."


   "It took me a while but see what you are trying to do. Can't you be co-dad's or something?"

Dusty sighed, putting his shirt back on and crossing his arms. He leaned against the table in thought.

   "It's more complicated than that."

   "How?" I pushed myself of the steps I sat on. "Aren't you the one that left. You're lucky Sara even let you in the house. Don't screw this up because of your mistake." Dusty kept quiet. His cold eyes flickering over to me. Hurt and shock spread all across his face. Maybe that went a little too far.

"I'm sorry. I just—"

Dusty shook his head taking ahold of my forearm. "Don't be. You have ever reason to be upset. Brad has been acting a little immature, you can't blame the guy for it."

   "This is what I mean. You're at fault too." I said taking my arm back.

   "Go get some rest. It's almost your bedtime."

   "If dad's so immature then be the bigger person here. Stop this before you both end up sitting out on the curb."


I don't know why I confronted Dusty. It's not my place and certainly didn't have the power to make him, a grown man, do something because I'm whining about it.

I don't even know how I'll face him. God, I miss when I would just keep things to myself. I blame Sara for making me more talkative.

Who knows maybe du— Woah.

The entire living room had been decked out on Christmas decoration. Lights, wreaths, ribbons, all the good Christmasy things out decorating the living room. Megan and Dylan were on either side of me taking it all in in on this surprising morning. There was even a beautiful decorated tree with gifts under it. A whole bunch of them too.

"Christmas already? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Megan wondered full of excitement behind those big brown eyes.

"It's not. It's the middle of April."

Dylan and Megan raced to the presents taking some and shaking it.

"Daddy must've done it." Dylan exclaimed.

Lo and behold, the man, the myth, the legend, dad in a Santa Claus outfit. I don't know what happened between Dusty and dad last night, but it must've been big if dad broke out the Santa outfit.

   "No, he didn't." 'Santa' said crouching down to Dylan and Megan.

Soon after Sara came into the room just as confused. She called dad's name, but he stayed in character, correcting his wife that he was Santa Claus and not Brad.

Following behind Sara was Dusty that leaned against the doorframe to the living room.

Dad deepened his voice claiming he called Santa Claus since Dusty had missed out on a bunch of Christmases, birthdays, and every other family holiday. "...So he asked me to came here today so Dusty could experience one Christmas with his kids before he leaves again. Probably for a long, long time."

I won't lie, I did end up laughing a bit. It's messed up, yes, I know, but in reality, dad's not wrong. What he's doing is wrong but what he said, not so much. I took a seat on the couch moving over some of the tinsel.

"Can we open presents?" Megan asked turning back to see her parents.

   "You sure can, little girl?" Dad encouraged. "I think they're from Brad. In fact, all of them are from Brad."

I gazed upon Dusty who was eyeing the living room in shock.

   "Let's see if any of the presents from Dusty." Dad mockingly looked over the presents. "Nope. Not one present from Dusty. All from Brad."

"Hey, kids, let's not forget who got you a dog. Remember?" Dusty called to his kids that were deep in glee from the presents they received.

Meanwhile, tumor was having a happy Christmas, humping Mrs. Claus.

Sara walked up to dad and whispered, "Okay, I am officially worried about you."

"Same here." I muttered, petting tumor that had decided to stop humping Mrs. Claus and laid on my lap.

"Don't worry, Claus hasn't forgotten you." Dad reached for the small box onto of the pile of gifts, handing it to Sara. She hesitantly took it gasping at the gold ring.

"Oh, my God, honey, it's beautiful. I love it." Sara then as quick shut the box handing it back. "Wait, no! No! No, no. It's too much."

Once again, my sight landed on Dusty that scoffed. That's when tumor started barking. Dad claimed he was giving away Megan's gift. Next thing I knew, dad and Megan were both jumping up and down gleefully over the pony in the living room.

Dad's never gotten me a pony before. Much less something that expensive. Or even now. All the presents were for Sara, Megan, and Dylan. Don't get me wrong I don't need presents to know dad loves me. The thing that bothers me was he was resorting back to his old ways. Paying more attention to the little kids in order for them to like him.

On top of rubbing the great present on Dusty's face, he pulled out tickets to Dylan's favorite basketball team, the Lakers. The kids engulfed dad in a tight hug showing their appreciation. Megan even called dad, Brad and not Mr. Whitaker.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." Dusty muttered.

I waltz over to him ignoring dad wishing us a merry Christmas making sure to enunciate 'Whitaker family' in front of Dusty. Yeah, he says the Whitaker family and one member us missing from that hug. Me. Might sound childish but that shit stings.

"What did you tell him?" I whispered.

"The truth."

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