A Date?

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After Mr. Mayron was discharge and brought back home, apparently they made plans for an all-dad night out. Pretty cool to see all the dads have a bonding moment. Knowing dad came up with this, it wasn't anything that Dusty  or Mr. Mayron would find fun as dad put it.

Sucks to be them but right now it sucks to be me. While I have Sara and the kids and Karen, it is just not the same. So I mainly stayed in my room until I received a text from Tommy.

And, well, he asked me on a date. I haven't been on one of those in years. Literally. I avoided dating at all costs after Xavier. It's not that he's 'traumatized' me or anything. I honestly preferred my time alone without anyone. But I guess I could make that exception for him.

Besides, how can I say no to someone as sweet as Tommy?

   "Emilia, your boyfriend is here!" Adrianna shouted. I rolled my eyes getting my jacket on the way out of my room.

I smiled once reaching the door shoving Adrianna away by her head. She whined but immediately went to her phone.


   "Hi, Tommy."

Giggling came behind us. "Ooh, you two are so in love."

I glanced at Tommy that wore a shy smile. Adrianna just had to take every chance to tease me, doesn't she? Oh, goody, Megan's here too.

   "Yeah, you love each other and want to kiss with tongue."

   "Megan, what the fu—" My eyes widened hearing the child just say what she did. I turned to Adrianna that laughed. "What have you been teaching her?"

The girls looked at one another as they ran out the room giggling.

I stood there stunned and slightly embarrassed. Tommy cleared his throat catching my attention.

   "That was... something."

I nervously laughed. "You know how little sisters are."

He nodded understandingly. "Come on, we can kiss with tongue when we're there." He paused furrowing his brows giving me an apologetic look. "That— I didn't— it sounded a lot better in my head."

   "I bet." I turned back to the house and shouted, "Sara, I'm going out with Tommy!"

   "Have fun! Be back before dark!"

With that Tommy and I walked out the door to his car.


"So, where to?" I asked haven been on the passenger seat watching the scenery pass by.

"Be a little patient, will you?" He jokingly said. I might've asked this a couple of times within the same hour.

"We've been on the road for a while."

"We wouldn't have to be if you didn't force me to stop to look at deers."

I snickered slapping his arm. "Where I'm from we don't see deers."

"Neither do I."

It had just dawned on me that I've seen him at the airport. "Right. I totally forget you were at the—"

"Airport. Yeah." He shrugged pulling into a parking lot."Here we are."

I leaned forward to see in big bulky letter, a worn out sign.

"An ice skating rink?"

"Yeah. Thought it fits with it being all snowy."

"Yeah, yeah. It does. But there is a problem..." I said stepping out the car. "I don't know how to skate."

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