Dad In The Wall

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To say I was going to be late to school was such an understatement. You see, I could tell dad was beginning to feel bothered by Dusty. More specifically when he gave him no other option but to accept Tumor.

So, now here we were on the floor with Dusty over his ex-wife, kids, and me. Sara had asked Dusty to move his bike but since dad lied about being experienced on them, Dusty asked dad move it. And it did not go according to plan. Because the next thing I knew I was standing in the same room where dad was stuck inside a wall.

"I think my arm is stuck in the wall." Dad whined trying to wiggle his arm. Sara and I were looking at the wall coming up with ways to safely get him out. But to no avail did it seem there was a good way.

"Brad, just stay still. I'll get you out." Dusty moved to the wall feeling for something in the wall.

Sara and I had moved away pulling the kids to the farthest side of the room.
A chorus of no's came from dad and then pleading for Dusty to put on a shirt again. If it weren't for the circumstances this would definitely be entertaining.

With one fluid motions, a bigger hole was made in the wall, but at least dad was free now. Sure, he plummeted down onto the hard floor mixed with debris and huge chucks of dry wall but he was out, and his arm wasn't stuck anymore.

Dad is clearly in no condition to drive. Guess it's time to put my driving skills to the test.


My skills were not put to the test.

Dusty offered to drive as dad invited him to come to work with him. It was upsetting but I let Dusty drive us to school. The high school was closer than the elementary school so I was always drop and picked up first.

I'd peeked through the window waving at dad who just couldn't accept the simple act. He went in for a hug telling me, "Have a good day, sweetie. I love you."

"Love you. Bye, dad. Bye, guys." I waved at the rest of the people in the car that were now considered my family. Dylan and Megan returned the gesture going back to their game that was going on between them.

"Bye, have a good day—"

Dusty wasn't able to finish his sentence as I accidentally began walking away. I know, accidentally? How do you accidentally walk away? Well, I thought he was going to stop speaking at bye. I began to walk and it would've been awkward if I stopped and went back. The only logical thing I could've done in my eyes was to leave and pretend I didn't hear him.

"So..." Abigail dragged on teasing her hair. A habit she's had when feeling uncomfortable. "Is that the dead-beat dad?"

I looked over my shoulder to see the banged up ford flex leave the school.

"Yep, Dusty Mayron."

Xavier quickly joined us tossing aside some wrapper. "He looks like a douchebag."

"He's been nothing but nice." I said, going over and tossing the wrapper into the garbage bin. Xavier pulled me back to his side and rest his chin into the crook of my neck. His warm breath tickling my neck sending shivers all throughout my body.

I did not like it.

I know many would fawn over this but it just wasn't for me.

"Babes, the only reason he's nice is 'cause he's trying to get back with your step-mom." Said Xavier in a matter of fact tone.

Sorry that I'm apparently so oblivious. It's not like I had to adjust to a whole new man in the house slyly completing with my dad. It took a while but I see what he is doing now. It's a shame Dusty's still a good person.

"Or jealous of seeing how you are with your dad. I know I was." Abigail added.

"Abs, you're daddy issues are showing." Xavier teased, playing with a single locks of curls.

"Fuck off, Valdez."

Morning bled into first period that then ooze right into the final remaining periods. The only classes I share with my friends are just a couple. First, third, lunch, and our final period. I got lucky but at times I wish I didn't have them in the same classroom. I've noticed a drop in my grades in those classes I share with them. If dad were to find out he would have an aneurysm.

Anyway, I do adore my friends but having one friend keep telling you about boy problems and the other about dates, no one would be able to keep up with schoolwork.


Though my dad does participate on helping out in the community, I do not. Nor do I do any sort of events outside of school. Everyday for the past school years I've come straight home from school.

Today was no different. Megan, Dylan, Sara, and I were outside waiting for dad and Dusty to arrive. While we waited the kids and I got the chance to play with Tumor. He wasn't so bad now that he was completely showered.

Soon after, the familiar olive green ford flex pulled into the driveway. Megan and Dylan ran to the car greeting them. Sara and I followed behind in a more leisurely way than theirs.

   "Oh, perfect timing. Listen to this." Dusty said, turning up the radio only for us to hear a deep, angelic voice.

   "Is that you?" Dylan asked. Dusty with the same excitement confirmed Dylan's question.

Dad and Dusty climbed out the car as Sara asked the same question I was thinking.

   "Why is that him?"

   "I took him to work, and fifteen minutes later, he's the new voice of The Panda." Dad defeatedly said wrapping an arm around his wife.

"Hey, you believe that? I record one take 9:30 this morning, it's already run 11 times." Dusty exclaimed excitingly. "Do I really get 182 bucks every time they play that?"

Dad endorsed that he will indeed get 182 bucks every time it runs. My jaw slacked. At that rate he'll make more than what dad makes. Dad's not cheap by any means but he does like to save every penny that he can. Maybe Dusty could help around here since he is willing to finally be a dad to these kids.

As we walked back to the house Dusty slowed down eyeing the white van parked in front of the house. While they were out, Sara hired someone to fix the huge hole dad made. He was a nice guy named Griff. He's super chill and not a bad person to speak with. Yeah, I got in a few words with him as he entered the house. My room was just passed the unfortunate room that dad crashed in and we made casual conversation.

That being said I decided to ignore the upcoming pissing contest between dad and Dusty. After the last few ones it became more irritable than ever.

   "Hey, Griff."

   "How's it going, kid?" Griff smiled as he took some more appliances before disappearing into the room.

"All good for the time being."

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