Not So Easy Now, Is It?

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Day 1

Waking up was harder than usual. Maybe it was the tears from last night acting as glue. Or perhaps that I slept well over my bedtime and I mean well over as in four in the morning. It's day one without dad and it is exactly how I expected it.

Lonely. I didn't realized how codependent I was to dad. He was my best friend as sad as it sounds he really was.

The people in the house avoided me like the plague. Sara was tense but because she was afraid to upset me further. Megan and Dylan didn't quite understand but kept their distance to seeing they would get no response from me. Yup, meaning I went back to my old quiet days where I would barely utter a word. The one person who hadn't experienced this phase was Dusty.

Where to begin with Dusty? Well, he was annoying as ever trying to get me to talk. From telling some of his wild stories to bribing me that honestly irritated me more than anything.

School had been my safe place. It was straightforward with no one asking how I was doing. Not even Abigail or Xavier tried to talk to me. They overall ignored my existence. I've never been happier to be ignored than at that moment.

"Hey, sweetie, how was testing?"

No response. It was easier this way. I still wanted to keep dad's advise about not lashing out so keeping quiet is the best way to do it. Without him, meditation had been thrown out the window, it's a lot harder to remember to do it.

Since I'll coming out early this week, that gives me even more time at home. Yay.

And let me just say, Dusty sucks at pick up. Yes, he dragged me out of the house to pick up the kids, even though I could simply stay home and relax. He also gave Doris a mild heart attack because he went out of the cones.

I miss dad already. He won't pick up his phone only sending short messages.

   "Can we meet at a middle ground here?"

Again no response. What could he expect from me? A girl who's never really be detached from her father suddenly looses him because of the biological that decided to drop in. Yeah, I will be chatting away.

   "Can you at least tell me who's the douche that keep looking at you?"

I followed Dusty's finger that pointed to Xavier. He was no one to me anymore. So, I said nothing. No need to explain that whole situation especially not to Dusty.

Dusty sighed rubbing his temple. He drove off in his new orange sports car that he traded for the motorcycle. I won't lie and say I didn't feel cool in it. I'm still upset but it is cool.


Day 2

You could say this was the calm before the storm. While the tension was there, it was lively again. Megan and Dylan would run around the house acting like nothing was wrong. Sara was keeping herself busy with work and Dusty would stop by the house with gifts. Gifts as in candy, games, or money. Usually all three.

"Em, I've got tickets to the movies if you want to come along." Dusty offered with a hopeful smile. I simply glanced up from my phone as walked past him.

His calloused hands met my upper arm whirling me around. "Stop with the silent treatment. Your dad did this to himself."

"Don't ever fucking touch me." I seethed taking back my arm.

"Oh, so she does speaks." He mockingly said, widening his eyes as his eyebrows shot up.

"Fuck off."


"You aren't my dad." I buried myself into my phone looking over the messages dad and I sent. They were short but gave me some comfort to say the least. He did feel bad for leaving but felt worse when thinking about Sara and the shame he brought on them.

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