Touble In Paradise

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After the lessons were done, we, meaning the kids, were sent to get ready for bed. I was the first to be done and making my way down the stairs. Dylan and Megan had been using the downstairs bathroom to be able to play for a bit long once they were done.

"Do you still get picked on?" Dylan suddenly asked looking down at his hulk gloves.

"No. The whole being picked on thing doesn't last long. Don't worry, okay?"

Dylan nodded mutter a small, "Okay."

"Wait, guys, listen." Megan whispered. But with her missing teeth, that made a lisp, it was difficult to understand her whispering.

We quiet down listening in on the adults. They were speaking about fertility... doctor...?

We all sprung up running into the kitchen.

   "Mommy's going to have a baby?" Megan exclaimed.

   "Cool! Can we name it Griff?"

   "Oh, thanks, D-man." Griff smiled as he walked beside us.

   "You can have a baby?!" I asked directed to dad. For my whole life, I've always, always asked dad for a sibling. Now there's a chance I could get one, not including Megan and Dylan. They're cool and all, a bit bratty, but I mean a biological siblings. Well, not really biological but he won't be a step-siblings.

   "Look, you guys, I don't know if this is a good idea."

   "What, you don't want to name your baby after a black person? Is that it?"

   "No." Dad stressed out.

   "You probably want to name it something really white, like Connor or Gordon. Harland, or Scot with one t. Or Brad."

Dad made clear that he had no problem with the name but getting everyone's hopes up about the baby. Sara pleaded to dad about the whole baby thing practically bouncing on her feet about it. But it seemed the poor women wasn't getting anywhere.

   "Dad. If you have the chance to get her pregnant then take it. Like Sara said, it can't hurt to try." I said, getting a gleeful squeal from Sara. She looked up at dad with hope.

   "Okay, sure. But you can't get your hopes up."

Sara bounced even more going in to kiss dad promising she wasn't getting her hopes up. She picked up her phone sprinting out of the room. She was so going to call her mom about this.


The whole morning all that's been on my mind was the appointment Sara and dad had later today. They were going to the fertility doctor to find out if they can get pregnant. And we can thank Dusty for that. Apparently, he's friends with this amazing fertility doctor and got them the appointment.

Now, am I excited to get a sibling? Absolutely. But, I'm worried that dad will get results he doesn't want. Not only will he be hurt but him and being upset just don't mix.

So, it's a mixture of anxiousness and excitement that swirled in me.

Evidently, Abigail and Xavier knew about this. I told them and my excited wasn't exactly kept a secret.

"I don't know, babe, having a kid brother or sister sucks ass." Xavier complained against the idea I'm so excited about.

We were in our fifth period, the teacher was absent leaving the class in the hands of a substitute. The class erupted into chatter the second they saw someone else besides the teacher. My small friend group and I being one of them.

"I have Dylan and Megan as step-siblings, trust me, I know."

"Then why do you want a baby around?" He queried.

"Hey, numb-nuts, did it ever occur to you that maybe she wants a real family?" Abigail threw her pencil at him nailing him beside the head. "Think about it. The baby would make you feel like that wouldn't it? Since it's from Brad or whatever."

That's... messed up. I'm well aware they, even dad, aren't related to me by blood. Every day is a constant reminder and maybe Abigail is right. Maybe my mind subconsciously thought if Sara had a baby I would have someone this is somehow related to me. Thinking clearly about it, it made no sense, making me feel like I'm back at square one. Back to the same place I only ever thought about when I was younger. I didn't care at one point until Abigail brought those memories back.

"I... I didn't think about it that way."

Xavier slouched further into his seat throwing his hands up dramatically. He moved his seat closer to me making an awful scrapping noise from the metal chair.

"See. Now you made her sad."

Both hand reached up to my hair where I raked back the loose strands. "I'm not upset."

"You know what we should do," Xavier said with a sly smile. "Skip for the day."

I furrowed my brows looking at Abigail who looked as excited as Xavier. "But we have a sub. Why would we skip?"

"Not class, babe. School."

"Oh, come on, Emilia would never. She's too good for that." Abigail commented.

"Em, baby, you'll do it, right? We can have some fun."

I rubbed my elbow not sure if it was a good idea. If dad found out he would be livid. Then again he doesn't have to know. Nor will he. I took a glance at Xavier and Abigail.

"I guess."

"Atta girl."


"Where to, sugar cube?" Xavier playfully shoved me as he held me tight by the hand. He was always playful with anything he does. Never took anything seriously.

"Please. No pet names, no touchy-touchy, or anything coupley." Abigail whined pushing herself between us. She linked our arms together so we took up all of the sidewalk.

"Sorry Ab—"

"We aren't even an official couple. It's fine." Xavier cut in.

"I don't want to be a third wheel."

"Don't worry you won't." Xavier winked making Abigail giggle playfully punching his shoulder. Doing so, Abigail had let me go and the pair began to playfully bicker.

This was a usual occurrence. It does bother me, but who was I to complain? We are a trio and it would be unfair for Abigail, wouldn't it?

After a few banters on where to go, we finally settled at a small coffee shop a few blocks down school. It was pretty popular amongst the younger audience. Since school's still in only a couple of seats were taken. Not ours, thankfully. We had an undesignated area we always sat in. It was near the back of the coffee shop where we had a clear access to the exit and the counter to order.

   "What can I get started for you today?" The nice barista asked glancing between the screen and us. Yeah, us, Abigail nor did Xavier want to wait at the booth we usually sit. They had to come with me to order.

I said my order then Xavier followed by Abigail.

"Alright. That's be twenty-seven dollars and thirty cents." The barista smiled taking the money from Xavier. "By the way, I think you two are adorable. The whole matching outfit is so cute."

Xavier chuckled looping his arm around Abigail's arm. Looking at them I just realized they were indeed matching. The thing that bothered me the most was not one of them decided to correct the barista. Instead Xavier dragged us back to the booth where they continued to speak amongst them two.

So much for Abigail being a third wheel.

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