New/Old Daddy

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By now dad was at the airport waiting on Dusty. While Dylan, Megan, and I were in the living room watching a movie. Sara was in the kitchen making herself busy by bring in some snacks. Everyone besides the two younger kids were nervous about Dusty coming to our home.

I glanced at my phone reading the time. This was worrisome. Dad had been gone for two hour and not even a text from him. I got up to speak with Sara about this— I know there not much she can do but it would be nice to have some reassurance.

As I reached the kitchen counter, I took a seat fiddling with the strings of my sweater. Sara stopped cleaning pursing her lips into a smile. Neither of us sad anything. The silence was enough to speak what we thought.

"Should I be nervous?" I inquired. Sara's smiled melted into a warm and comforting one. She held her hand out to overlap mine.

"You have nothing to be afraid of. Dusty may be a lousy dad but he is a good person." She said.

Right on cue, the doorbell rang. Dylan sprung out his seat and rushed to the door exclaiming, 'I got it!'

We all neared the door expecting dad and Dusty to walk in. Instead it was— Holy mother-nuts, he's gorgeous! And incredibly intimidating.

"Long time no see, Dusty." Sara managed crossing her arms in front of her.

"Sara. Looking good as ever." Dusty complemented going in for a hug that turned out to be an awkward one.

And lastly, he spotted me. With a curious glint in his eyes he stretched out his hand.

"I'm guessing you're Emilia." He smiled pulling me from the handshake to a hug. I lightly patted his back before breaking the hug.

   "Where's my dad?" I asked occasionally looking over his shoulder. He dragging me to the stand beside his kids.

   "I don't know. I thought he was going to pick me up." Dusty shrugged. "Enough about Brad, how about some stories for my two little miracles?!"   

Megan and Dylan cheered. Dusty took them to the living room where the movie still played. He offered me to join in which I kindly declined. Instead I neared Sara who also seemed suspicious about the whole thing.

   "That's not like dad. His last text says he arrived at the airport." I said to Sara as Dusty took a seat on the coffee table speaking with his kids. They looked so happy with the same person that abandoned them. And yet with the one that has been here the whole time they give a rough time.

Sara sighed rubbing my shoulder in a way to comfort me. Together we went to the outskirts of the living room hearing in to his stories. Some of them sounding more concerning than others. Our main attention was diverted to our phones where we texted and called dad. And not a single answer from the dozens of messages.

This is not how I imaged to met Dusty Mayron.


I looked up from my phone knitting my brows together at the name. Dusty motions for me to come over which I did with much hesitation.

   "Megan was just telling me all about you and Brad. He's really uptight with you."

   "Megan!" Sara scolded. That was probably not the best way to introduce dad. Dusty probably think he treats Megan and Dylan the same way. Which he doesn't. He's way more laid back.

When he first got me, all his information came from textbooks and pamphlets, and some help from pop-pop and la-la.

My hand reached up to my hair. Not sure how to approach this one. Like I said, dad wasn't like a cool dad but he was... fun. Yeah, I have a curfew and bedtime and a strict no sugary/candy food but most parents are like that.

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