The Cute Guy

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The drive wasn't bad. I actually really like the quiet, calm drive where I could enjoy the view. My headphone plugged in as my mind drifted off. Mostly to that cute guy. Man, I have not felt this way since— well, since a couple years ago.

Yeah, I'm out of school and don't have a job yet. Scary but dad says it's completely normal and to take my time.

Anyway, that cute guy had plagued my mind ever since leaving the damn airport. Man, I feel like I'm in middle school all over again with this silly little school-girl crush.

Too bad I won't ever see him again.

"We're here, gang." Dusty announced getting out the car first.

The car ride was nice but it is so good to stretch out my legs. The kids followed gawking at the mountains of snow. There is nothing like snow to really make you feel that Christmas season.

As I watched the kids, I noticed one was missing.

   "Hey, Dylan where are you—"

Holy mother-nuts! It's him. I didn't even notice I'd been ogling him when he looked up from helping, who I assume is his sister make a snowman. He smiled before turning to his sister.

Breaking my gaze from him I took note that a snowball had been thrown this way. Piecing snow laid in front of us.

Adrianna mockingly laughed. "Dylan's got a girlfriend!"

   "No, I don't! Be quiet!"

   "Guys, come on, leave him alone!" I brushed some of the snow Adrianna had thrown on him, off his jacket.

I didn't even notice he was eyeing the little girl until know. This must be Dylan's first crush. The last girl wasn't even a crush, and she bullied him which didn't appeal to Dylan. They're friends but nothing more. He fears that she will start to bother him again if they start to 'date.'

"Why? So we don't talk about your boyfriend?" Adrianna dragged out rather loudly. I glanced up to see the cute guy laughing and sharing a look with his sister. I felt my body go warm with embarrassment.

Megan and Adrianna giggled mocking the both of us. Man, I missed when having a sister was all cute and innocent, Adrianna is a pain in the ass.

"Yeah, you love your boyfriend and girlfriend. You want to buy them flowers and kiss them on the lips." Megan added.

"Stop it! It's not funny!" Dylan soon ran away. Poor kid is probably humiliated to be caught making goggly-eyes at the neighbor.

"Megan. When the hell did you start teasing Dylan?"

"It's normal and totally cool." Megan sassed side-eyeing Adrianna. The girls walked side by side giggling amongst themselves.

"When did my life turn into a child mocking me over boys?" I muttered. I risked a glance back only to see the cute guy still looking this way. I shyly waved and revived one back. He motioned for his sister guiding her to their house. He stood outside simply watching with a soft smile.

"Megan! Did you tease your brother about girls again?"

"She's still doing it!"

"Well, I'm not her mother." Sara softly said glancing to Karen. "Now, go take your brother inside, please. Go on, sweetie."

Megan did as Sara said helping Griffy up the small steps to the house. I neared Sara as the men were taking out the luggage. And to no one's surprise, the men noticed Dylan's interest in the girl next door. Pop-pop was the first to say something causing Sara to mention 'the talk.'

I hate 'the talk.' When dad first taught me those things he pulled out these flash cards that made me wish I would've learned about it in school instead. The whole puberty thing was so gross.

Then he let the school teach me about the importance of safe sex and whatever.

This whole topic had gotten Dusty excited to educate his son on the 'nitty gritty' as he called it.

   "I've been looking forward to this for a long time." Dusty admitted with two heavy bags in hand. "I got a whole speech prepared, all right? It's all heartwarming stuff."

   "I'm sure you and Brad will do a bang-up job with that." Mr. Mayron mentioned. He stopped glancing at the pair of co-dads. "Unless this isn't a co-dadding moment."

Dad neglected the idea— totally being hurt about it, while Dusty countered his dad's statement. He claimed that it was a co-dadding moment that they would get the job done. And dad just had to mention those damn flash cards. I'm against it as much as Mr. Mayron was.

   "He's got flashcards to teach your son how to score." He scoffed.

   "No, of course, not. They cover human reproduction, puberty, and hygiene." Dad clarified. "Just ask Emilia how helpful they were."

I nodded my head but my eyes gave it all away. They were more traumatizing than informative.

   "Okay, great. You tea it up with the flashcards, and I'll knock it home with the heartwarming speech." Dusty announced readjusting his grip on the bag. "All right? We got this."

Dusty began walking with his dad on the side followed by the rest. This was the perfect moment to mention something I've been wanting to ask. I took a quick peek behind me to still see the cute guy.

   "Hey, uh, dad I'm just gonna go on a quick walk if you don't mind?"

   "Oh, yeah, sure, sweetie. Have fun and get back before dark." He said waddling with the bags in hand.

   "Thanks dad."

Dusty paused sharply turning. "Woah, Woah, Woah. No, no you will not go on a walk. You don't even know how to get back home, do you?"

I rolled my eyes whining a bit. "Dusty."

   "Oh, Dusty, let the girl have some fun." Pop-pop vouched. I knew I could count on him. He turned to me with a knowing smile. "Don't think I didn't notice you waving at the nice young boy over there?"

   "Boy? What boy?" Dusty quipped looking at the neighbors wildly. Ever since Xavier, he hasn't really trust any other boy with me. I appreciate it but it's been a few years. I've moved on and I really expect him to move on too.

   "Him? Yeah he looks very kind." Dad muttered agreeing with pop-pop.

   "I don't exactly have friends my age anymore. I thought it would be nice to make some."

Dad nodded. "Go ahead."

   "Fine." Dusty sighed. He raised his index finger at me raising both his brows. "But I'm going too."

   "Oh, should we all go?"

   "No, oh my, God. I just want to say hi. I'm not going to get with him." I complained looking back to make sure he wasn't listening in. Which he so was. He had this smirk on his face that shouted amusement.

   "Co-dad raised this well one, alright?" Mr. Mayron chuckled. "Would you let your little girl talk back to you like that?"

   "With all due respect, sir, this is more of a family matter." I cut in knowing he was trying to get under Dusty's skin.

   "He's right. You don't know him. We're all going or your not." Dusty sternly said.

   "I really miss the times you would stop acting like you were my dad."

I took another glance at the cute guy giving him a half smile. He nodded giving me a finger wave before closing himself inside the house. I did the same with a sigh making sure to shut the door knowing Dusty was behind me.

I'm grown already but to Dusty, and my dad, I'm still a child.

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