A Perfect Day Ruined

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Following the events the snowboarding event, Tommy got to meet the family. Don't know how to feel about it but it happened. We decided to go into town given that Santa would be there. Tommy confirmed that his parents were with Casey somewhere shopping giving him time to spend with us.

I am absolutely more than happy to have him around. So we went from store to store talking the entire way. It was mostly Christmas shopping that we did but it was just a nice way to get to know each other.

We also came across a monument people can participate and act out as the 'baby Jesus' monument. From there we headed back home with our Christmas supplies for the house. Tommy gave me a lift in his car— after a lot of convincing from Dusty, and we got to decorating. His family had already gotten back home, resulting in Dylan gawking and teased over his small crush on Casey.

And it wouldn't be a Whitaker/Mayron Christmas without someone getting hurt or embarrassed. And this year was like every other year. Dad had gotten hit in the head by a Santa Claus decoration that fell from the roof.

Tommy and I got a good laugh out of it. But it was finally night and the decor looked so pretty. Dad was clearing the snow with the snowblower as the rest chilled outside.

"I truly did have such a great time with you." Tommy compliment with a warm smile. "And your family." He added.

I smiled nodding my head looking out to the house. "I had fun too. Maybe, if you're down for it, we can do it again?"

I glanced at Tommy that had kept quiet. He was looking down at the snow covered ground with a timid smile.

"I would like that."

With that, we began to walk near the cars. Tommy had to leave soon and we wanted to make the most of it.

"And then that's when my mom caught me red handed." Tommy shook his head at the recollection of the night he told me about. The topic of being embarrassed by our parents came up since Tommy so happened to see my dad's underwear today. To make me feel better he thought sharing his own embarrassing stories might help, which they did.

Our lovely time was however cut short as the snowblower dad was using got out of control. It started eating up the lights throwing shards of glass. Dad ran, trying to turn off the snowblower, but was no use.

   "The light strands are connected! Terrible idea!" He groaned having no control over the snowblower. He was able to turn only resulting in glass being thrown our way.

Tommy was quick to reacted and used himself as a shield and guided us away from the hazardous spot.

   "You okay?" He asked shaking off the glass from his long jacket. I nodded keeping my gaze on dad that yelled and had yet to let go of the rouge machine.

   "Dad! Let go!"

I pushed past Tommy screaming out for him. He claimed he didn't want to hit Dusty's car. That's when the snowblower began to lift dragging dad with it.

   "Tell him to let it go." Dusty told us, us being Sara and I.

   "Let it go!" Sara finally spoke  to which dad finally listened.

With a hard smack to the face, dad let go tumbling down to the ground. The snowblower continued up to the roof gathering the Christmas lights we spent all afternoon putting up. We ran to help dad to his feet.

   "Are you all right?" Dusty asked before noticing his car that'd been all scratched. "Look what you did to the side of my car, man."

Dusty's alarm began blaring ad the snowblower had come crashing down, right on cue.

Dad sighed. "Dusty, I'm so sorry."

Dad wasn't able to say anything else as the Santa Claus decor hit dad beside the head again. Tommy had pulled me back instinctively with wide eyes. He was the first to go over to help dad to his feet again asking if he needed a doctor.

What a kind gentlemen he is.


It was already night, we all were in our beds tucked away into sleep. Here's the thing, I couldn't sleep. With each, maybe half-hour, I kept on turning and flipping my pillow. Sleeping in warmth when winter is the best thing about the winter time. But this, this was uncomfortably hot to the point I'd rather be sleeping outside in the snow than being in here.

Today's plans had already gone out the window with the scenes dad made. I don't need my sleep ruined too. So, I remained in my room convincing myself it was a nice, comfortable temperature. It shouldn't be hard when I moved my things to sleep on the floor. A little hard, but overall better than having to sleep in my own sweat.

I was just about to drift off when quiet talk was outside my door. Man, I regret not packing my white-noise machine.

   "This is madness!"

I jolted up from the loud talk. My hands flew to my face rubbing my eyes. With a groan I sat up and peeked my head out the door. Pop-pop, dad, Mr. Mayron, and Dusty spoke outside in the hallway. About what? Not sure. My guess the thermostat. One thing I was taught at a young age is to never and I mean never touch the thermostat.

I briskly walk out my room to see the temperature at... °85! This must be Adrianna's doing. This is the work of a self-entitled little brat. I scoffed turning down to the rightful number, °67. While the men bickered about this. Apparently, Adrianna had really down a number on Dusty's thermostat. He won't even speak to Adrianna about the damn device. I waved at the guys who had just noticed me. Before I was able to walk back to my room I heard Mr. Mayron say something about dad keeping things in order.

I sighed going back to my room hopefully to get some sleep.

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