Good Night

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Instead of birds, crickets chirped. Soft winds howling beside my curtain-covered window. The sky had turned sheer black illuminated by the millions of starts twinkling besides the moon.


Way past my bed time. Dad originally had sent us up around ten o'clock. Thirteen minutes have past and I couldn't go to sleep. Why? Well, because our house has really thin walls. You would think with the money being brought in by Sara and dad we would get a house with thicker walls. We did not.

And I could hear everything Dusty and his kids said on the other side of the wall. They'd begged for a story that I was forced to listen to. Not that I didn't mind, his stories might help put me to sleep.

My lights were off already. My white-noise machine playing the calming sounds of the waves crashing. The only source of light was my glow in the dark collector's toy set. And from my phone. While I do have a bedtime, ever since Xavier and I have gotten more serious, late night texting was a thing. Speaking of Xavier, another message came in.

Skimming over it, Xavier had asked about going on a date. Sounds fun.

"The king messed up. He messed up bad. He thought he could just ride off to slay dragons, and his queen will always be waiting for him."

I lowered my phone mid-text. This story sounds quite familiar.

   "And then one day the king received word that his domain was being ruled over by some curly-headed step kind with good credit?" He told that got an 'oh, no' from Dylan. "And not only that but he came with a step princess that doesn't know any better because of the step kings choice of ruling."

I sat up from my bed giving Xavier a quick reply. I tiptoed to turn off my white-noise machine and pressing my ear against the door to be able to hear better.

   "Well, the king rode hard up on his lands, and when he arrived, he did graze fondly upon the queen remembering their good times together," Just as he was telling his story I was able to catch faint steps on the stairs. Small creaks that grew louder. I hopped right into bed again as Dusty continued with his story, "for he had known her in her prime when she was down to do anything, and I do mean anything."

The footsteps stopped right at Megan's and Dylan's door. Just seconds later the sound of their door opening was heard.

   "Sounds like your dad's spinning quite a yarn. Mind if I listen in?" Dad asked.

If he did, dad would've caused a scene. Dad was never good with conflict given as to why everything had to be rainbows and cupcakes— as pop-pop puts it— around him.


My head swiftly turned to my phone that'd been in my pocket. The name, 'Xavi,' along with his picture popped up. A picture that had been taken by Abigail when we went on that field trip last year. Dad chaperoned giving facts about the museum we visited. I would say that was the most adorable way Xavier and dad met but, well, Xavier made fun of dad the entire time.

In that same second, as my phone rang, I hung up. Not intentionally but I don't do phone calls. I've accidentally hung up on dad at time because he calls in public. Given that it is night and I'm supposed to be asleep by now, my thumb automatically moved to the red button on the screen. Sending a quick sorry message to Xavier I set my phone down just in time to see the door open.

Even if I was focused on my phone it did not distract me enough to tune out the various good nights said to the kids. Meaning I was able to hear dad say he had to say good night to me too.

"Shouldn't you be asleep? And why is your phone out?" Dad asked, turning on the light. My hand shot up to my eyes that were squinted trying to adjust to the light.

"I couldn't sleep. Decided to text Xavier." I explained and right on cue the phone dings. Followed by another.

"Who's Xavier?" Dusty asked. He entered the room first with his hands across his broad chest.

"Oh, just a friend of hers. He's a great kid."

Dusty narrowed his eyes as the phone dinged again. Luckily, dad has dropped the subject seeming calm to know it was Xavier. Boy, do I hope dad still likes him when he finds out Xavier is not this perfect, innocent boy he thinks.

"Try to get some sleep. Good night." Dad came over to my bed where I stood for a hug. He almost always gives me good night hugs. I muttered a, 'night,' as dad went to exit my room.

"Woah, Woah, hold up." Dusty turned from looking at my digital clock that had a bunch of figurines. "It's only ten."

"Yeah, I know, way past her bedtime."

"You give your teenage daughter a bedtime?" Dusty stared at dad in utter bewilderment. He hadn't been the first to react this way. Even Sara was shocked.

"It is good for you to have an eight-hours sleep."

Dusty ignored dad and turned to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he looked intensely in my eyes. "Sweetie, how does sleeping at midnight sound?"

I glanced at dad who shook his head about to go on another lecture. "Um..."

"She's fine sleeping at 9:30. Well, now ten." Dad said, giving me a final hug as he finally stepped out my room.

"Good night, Emms." Dusty said.

"Good night, Mr. Mayron."

"Emilia, we talked about this, it's Dusty." Dusty corrected before slowly shutting the door. "Now good night. Enjoy your eight hours of sleep." He mocked with a slightly scoff that I'm sure dad didn't hear.

I relaxed back into my bed after they left.


If Xavier doesn't stop then I'm probably not gonna get a good night's rest anyway.

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