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   Don't mind the way the writing changed... XP 

   "Haa... ha..." Cole shuffled uncomfortably in his sleep. He was still fully dressed and dangling half off the bed. "I'm not..." He suddenly jolted awake and panted, staring at the ceiling. What was that... why... oh yeah... Cole's face immediately became glum upon remembering what his Master had said. Doesn't that mean my mother... if only I could ask her... Cole sat up and looked at the time. It was one hour until sunrise. Hmm... the ice rink isn't open at this time... and I haven't been able to go recently because we've been so busy... Cole sat up. There was a spot he could go. They were in the damn mountains after all. He quietly got up and crept outside. The air was chilly and he shivered. "Damn... I didn't know autumn could be this cold..." He hissed under his breath. He stood for a second to get used to the cold before jumping onto the monastery wall. "Damn..." He said again, holding in a sneeze. He jumped off the monastery wall and down the mountain. It was silent for a few seconds then there was a large gust of wind. Cole whoa!-ed as his dragon soared into the air. He laughed as they steadied out and patted the side of his dragon's neck. The wind stung at Cole's eyes and face. He squinted and his eyes watered. Cole pulled on his dragon's reigns slightly and they slowed. The dragon flew up a bit and they dived backwards. Cole cheered as they sped towards the ground. He opened his eyes and the colour drained from his face. His dragon dissipated and he free fell towards a back swarming cloud. He closed his eyes and felt the scaly back of his dragon beneath him. Cole didn't open his eyes again until they touched down on solid ground. He didn't want to leave the back of his dragon. He opened one eye and sighed shakily after seeing no fog. He slid off his dragon and breathed shallowly. It was chilly and the cold seemed to wrap it's self around his throat. He went to lean on his dragon but it crumbled into elemental dust and he fell to the floor. Damn... what's wrong with me... I come here all the time... what's different now? He curled up, shivering. "Damnit..." Cole could barely feel his body anymore, what was even worse was that now the black fog was creeping over the edge of the cliff, snaking towards him. "... Fuck..." Cole felt his eyes close and then he felt nothing.
   The sun was high above him before the warmth finally woke him. Cole was still curled up and his limbs were stiff. Birds twittered around him but immediately took off when he turned to look at the sky. He was covered in a thin layer of snow and his bare arms were greyish. He looked like a dead person. He sat up, he felt unnaturally hot and loosed his belt. His shirt hung loosely and he lied on the ground. He tried summoning his elemental dragon and it shimmered into existence beside him. It nudged him gently and sniffed his ear. Cole laughed and gently pushed on his dragon's nose. 
   "I can always rely on you... can't I?" Cole said. His dragon snorted in approval. It lied down for Cole to clamber onto it's back. Cole pulled himself up and stood on numb legs. He tried and failed to clamber on it's back many times and his dragon just carried him gently in his mouth. Cole tried to keep his eyes open on the way back and succeeded about half way. He was jerked awake when he began to free fall but he quickly regained himself and landed on the back of his dragon. He clung on tightly to it's back and tried even harder to stay awake. They soared over the monastery and Cole couldn't hang on anymore. He slipped sideways and slammed into the floor, skidding slightly, grazing his arms. Jay was walking outside when Cole fell and he screamed as he watched a body crash into the floor. The other ninja and Master Wu rushed out and were shocked to see Cole lying unconscious on the floor. Master Wu immediately rushed to Cole's side, checking him over. 
   "Oh my..." He said, feeling Cole's arm. "Go prepare the warmest room in the monastery! Now! Make it as warm as possible, quickly!" He said. Kai stared in disbelief as Zane crouched beside Master Wu and scanned Cole's body. 
   "Cole's body temperature is thirty-five degrees Celsius, two degrees below average. He needs to be warmed immediately. His arms have sustained injuries and so has the left side of his face. He has no broken bones fortunately." Zane said. Master Wu looked grave but Kai couldn't hear what he said next because his sister dragged him inside. 
   "Kai, you're the master of fire. You have to help." Nya said. Kai blinked and oh!-ed before holding out a ball of fire. Nya pointed towards a fire pit and Kai lit it into a blaze. Jay appeared with a pile of blankets and Pixal came in carrying a tray of tea. They set the blankets down into a big pile near the fire and finished up just as Zane came in carrying Cole. Kai felt a sudden rush of anger as he stared at Zane's hand on Cole's arm. The fire in the fire place flared slightly and Nya raised her eyebrow at her brother. Zane gently placed Cole in the massive pile of blankets and Master Wu tipped the tea down Cole's throat. Cole coughed slightly and opened his eyes blearily. 
   "What... it's too hot..." He tried to push the blankets away but Master Wu stopped him. He signalled for the others to leave and the door closed. 
   "Cole, what were you possibly doing this early to make you like this?" Master Wu asked. Cole stared at him. 
   "Um..." Cole looked at his hands and fiddled with his fingers a bit. "Um... I just went out... for a bit..." He mumbled. To be honest, Cole thought his secret hobby was childish. He didn't want anyone to know. "I'm ok now though! So I don't see why that would matter!" Cole smiled. Master Wu cocked his eyebrow and looked unconvinced. Thankfully he didn't press the matter. 
   "Ok, rest here. You may feel too hot but do not try to cool down. Thanks to your recklessness, you have a very high chance of having hyperthermia. I'll get Zane to do a check up on you later." Master Wu said. He closed the door behind him and Cole was left alone. He slumped into the blankets angrily. 
   "Recklessness my ass..." He mumbled. "Stupid..." Cole bit his lip. He felt like he was sweating. He pushed the blanket off of him and lied on the floor. The fire crackled quietly and he watched it. It seemed more magical than normal fire. "Kai..." Cole closed his eyes and dropped off to sleep. 

   He was woken by someone pulling a blanket over him. Cole opened one eye and saw a metallic face staring down at him. 
   "Hello Zane..." Cole mumbled. Zane didn't say anything, he handed Cole a cup of tea instead. Cole drank it carefully. 
   "Cole, what were you doing this morning?" Zane asked. Cole didn't know what to say. 
   "Um... I was going somewhere... I wasn't leaving!" He added hastily. Zane nodded. 
   "Where were you going?"
   "Somewhere... you can't tell anyone else, ok?" Cole said. Zane put his hand on his chest. Cole sighed shakily. "I was going to a frozen lake in the mountains... I always go there so I thought it'd be fine..." He trailed off. 
   "What were you doing there?" Zane asked. Cole bit his lip.
   "It's a bit embarrassing really." He laughed. Zane stared at him seriously and he looked away awkwardly. "I go there to ice skate sometimes... my mother used to be a figure skater before... before..." Cole curled up and trembled. Zane patted his back comfortingly. Kai stood outside the door quietly. His heart ached as he heard Cole's muffled sobbing. The fire in the room seemed to fizzle out a bit and Zane stared at it suspiciously. "I'm being dramatic... I'm sorry..." Cole rubbed his eyes and sighed. "I'm ok. You can go if you want..." He said. Zane stood up and made his way to the door. 
   "Cole, if there is anything you need just say it, ok?" Zane said. Cole nodded and smiled. 
   "Of course." 
   The door snapped shut. Cole shivered. He curled up under his blankets more. It seemed that Master Wu's tea was ridiculously effective. He stared at the fire in a daze. 
   "Kai... he definitely did this didn't he..." Cole mumbled. Kai was still outside the door and he felt a little bit of joy when Cole said his name. The fire inside sparked and Cole was a little taken back. "Haha... it's like he can hear me... I doubt he can..." Cole said sadly. "I really like you Kai... I really do..." He whispered. Cole seemed to realise what he'd said and laughed at himself. "Fuck... what's wrong with me..." His voice was shaky and he felt like he was going to cry again. Kai didn't know what happened but he was suddenly standing in the doorway. The colour drained from Cole's face when he saw him. He definitely heard me... he definitely did... Cole felt sick. "H-hello Kai..." He said, smiling awkwardly. 
   "O-oh... um... I was just coming to see if you were warm enough..." Kai lied. Cole mistook his tone as disgust and he felt empty. The fire danced wildly before being extinguished by a sudden gust of wind from the open door. Kai flinched and hastily closed the door. The two stared at each other in semidarkness. "I'll light it again!" Kai rushed over to the fire embers and lit up his hand, behind him Cole was breathing shallowly. 
   "Kai..." He grabbed Kai's arm trembling. Kai turned in surprise but it quickly turned to concern as he glanced at the terrified look on Cole's face. "It... it's..." Kai quickly threw the fire onto the wood and hugged Cole. 
   "Are you ok?" He asked. Cole's expression softened and he leant into Kai. "Do you want to talk about it?" Cole nodded slightly. "Ok." Kai flopped onto the blankets, still embracing Cole. "Are you comfy?" Kai asked. "E-eh? Your face is kinda red-!" Kai flushed himself. Cole's head was right against his neck and his waist was pressing- KAI. STOP. DON'T THINK ABOUT THAT. Kai screamed internally. "Um..." 
   "I'm scared." Cole said suddenly, he wrapped his arms around Kai and pushed his face into Kai's neck. "I'm scared of the dark... it's stupid..." He mumbled. Kai felt sadness rising in him as Cole spoke. 
   "It's not stupid. Who said that?" Kai asked angrily. Cole didn't answer. 
   "I'm cold..." He mumbled.
   "That means you're getting better." Kai said. "Huh? C-Cole?" He froze as he heard heavy breathing. Cole's breath on his neck sent shivers down his spine. Kai's face burned red and he turned his head away. "Shit..." 

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