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I have no idea what my dad is watching but there was this massive scream so 💀💀

   Xue Xue had his eyes closed and was slowly skating round the rink. A gentle beautiful melody played quietly and Lili pressed her finger to her lips. Cole nodded and they silently watched. Xue Xue stopped in the centre and his hands raised above his head. There was a sudden beat and he threw his arms down. The music was gentle but fast and he spun round. Xue Xue's hair flew out behind him and he skated backwards. He looked like he was in a trance. Cole glanced at his eyes and flinched. Xue Xue's eyes were dull, and dead looking, no. In fact, his entire face looked like a dead person's. 
   "Um... is he ok?" Cole whispered. 
   "Yes, he always looks like that when he skates. He really does enjoy it but..." Lili trailed off. The sound of Xue Xue's skates halting to a stop. The music stopped and Lili clapped enthusiastically. "Woo! That was so cool!" She cheered. Cole couldn't help himself from smiling. Xue Xue smiled and rubbed his ear. "Are your ears cold? Let me rub them for you." Lili held out her hands and Xue Xue rested his head in her hands. Xue Xue stared at Cole interested. 
   "It's your turn." He said. Cole jumped. 
   "Ah... ok..." He said. Cole stepped onto the ice and into the centre. He pressed play and beautiful music began to play. Cole held his hands in front of him and sighed. He suddenly spun. Ice kicked up and he jumped into the air. As he landed, his leg kicked behind him and he smiled. Xue Xue beamed and so did Lili. Cole hopped across the ice and turned to skate backwards and the colour drained from his face. 
   "Hello." A familiar voice whispered in his ear. Lili shouted and he heard the sound of Xue Xue's skates on the ice. Hongxue. His hands found their way to Cole's neck and squeezed tightly against it. Cole coughed and his head spun. 
   "Get off!" 
An ice skate smacked Hongxue squarely on the forehead. Cole broke free and hooked his knee round Hongxue's leg and slammed him into the ice. Blood splattered from the back of Hongxue's head and he grimaced. Cole turned and saw Xue Xue's arm stretched out. More Oni had appeared on the ice and around the rink. Lili had two skates on her hands, ready to beat anyone and anything to death. 
   "Xue Xue-!" Cole reached out his hand. 
   "Who's this?" Sijiu's voice rang through the cold. Xue Xue turned to look but was thrown against the side of the rink. Sijiu stared at him. "You threw the shoe at Omega?" She giggled. Lili glared. 
   "HEY! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" She shouted. Cole pressed the com on his ear. 
   "Zane?! Anyone! The Oni are back!" He said. He didn't even wait for a reply before his arms glowed gold and rocks speared in a shelter around Xue Xue. Sijiu stepped back in shock and scoffed. She threw a paper bomb at him and it burst into a poisonous mist. Cole felt sick. His grip slackened and he slumped over. Sijiu blinked then burst out into laughter. 
   "HAHAHAHAH!! Is that all the ninja can take?! Any average person should be able to hold out for two minutes at least! And that was about fifteen seconds!" She cackled. Hongxue sat up and rubbed his head. Lili screamed in fear and frustration as an Oni grabbed her round the waist and lifted her into the air. 
   "Get off me!" She punched at the arms holding her. The Oni punched her stomach and Lili slumped forwards. From behind the rock wall dome, Xue Xue's voice was muffled but frantic. Sijiu nodded her head and Hongxue slung Cole over his shoulder and the Oni all disappeared in unison. It was about three minutes later and Xue Xue had given up with trying to push through the wall. His shoulder was bleeding and sore. The heard the sound of people bursting through the door and he began to shout again. 
   "Hey! Where is Cole? And the other two?" Jay's voice said quietly through the wall. 
   "No! No! I'm in here!" Xue Xue kicked his feet against the wall and shouted. There was a hard slam against the rock. 
   "Hello?" Zane said, his voice was clear through the rock and Xue Xue laugh-sighed. 
   "Help me! Please!" He begged. 
   "Please move away from the wall." Zane said. Xue Xue shuffled backwards and winced, his foot stung and throbbed. A small stream of water began to seep through the rock and it froze. The rock cracked open and Xue Xue breathed cold air. He never realised how stuffy it was in the dome. Xue Xue pushed himself out of the crack. He breathed in sharply as his shoulder gave way and he fell to his knees. "Are you ok?" Zane helped him up and Xue Xue balanced on one foot. Xue Xue nodded and then began to cry as the pain set in. His foot flopped helplessly beside him and his shoulder gushed. "Here..." Zane picked him up and carried him out of the rink. "Let's get him on the Bounty, I'll give him aid there." Zane said. They jumped onto the ship and Nya ran to get it flying. Xue Xue groaned in pain every time Zane took a step. 
   "Ah-! Stop! Stop it! It hurts!" His nails scraped on Zane's body, one of them snapped as a result. 
   "Yes, I'm sorry." Zane said. They finally reached the infirmary and Xue Xue was given the relief of the medical bed. "How are you now?" Zane asked. Xue Xue shook his head. "This might hurt." Zane said as he reached to take off Xue Xue's shoe. 
   "Aghhh-!" Xue Xue cried and grabbed onto the bed sides. "What the fuck-!" He breathed heavily. "Ugh..." His arms shook and he fell unconscious back onto the bed. 
   "Well, that makes things easier I guess." Kai said. He sat Xue Xue up and looked at the blood on his back. "At least his head is ok, but he's hurt his shoulder badly." He said. Zane inhaled sharply as he looked at Xue Xue's foot. 
   "How on earth did he even manage to do that?" Jay said in disbelief. Zane looked at the skate's blades. 
   "My guess is that he tried to use his skates to either break out of Cole's rock dome or make himself heard. His foot was probably broken after only a few kicks but I believe the adrenaline must've kicked in so he didn't notice." Zane said. There was silence for a few seconds when Nya's voice sounded over the coms.
   "I've got a location on Cole's tracker!" She said. Kai was the first up. Zane volunteered to say with Xue Xue and listen over the coms. 
   "Where?" Kai demanded. Nya pointed at the pulsing red dot. 
   "The other side of the island." She said. 

I was gonna carry on but I have no idea what to write, also, hopefully I'll be updating the chapters every 1-2 days cause the half term is finally here :D

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