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Ahhh... I feel like I'm going insane right now, you know when you realise that you'll never be able to do something for the first time again or you realise that things have changed and won't go back to how they were before :[ Idk, I'm sad ;-;

   Cole blinked. His back ached and his lower half throbbed. He screamed mentally as he remembered everything that had happened that night. After he'd finished the afternoon training, Kai had practically bedridden him. COLE. YOU FOOL. He glowed red with embarrassment, jumping as he saw Kai. KAI!?!?!? THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU GOOD LOOKING!! GOOD LOOKING- UM- AUGH!!! He thought. 
   "You're like a cat..." Kai mumbled sleepily. Cole blushed as Kai smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Ah... how's your back." Kai whispered in his ear. Cole nearly punched him. 
   "AH!? OH! Um, good!?" He said frantically, turning away from Kai. Kai laughed. 
   "Good. Oh," He said glancing at the clock. "Shall we go get breakfast?" Kai asked. Cole rubbed his eyes. 
   "I'm not really hungry, plus, I've got training soon, I'll eat after." Cole said. Kai raised his eyebrow but didn't press. 
   "Ok, I'll save some for you." Kai said, kissing his nose. Cole smiled. 
   "Thanks. I should probably go get ready for training." He said. Kai nodded. His smiled faded as Cole left the room. 
   "Not hungry my ass..." Kai mumbled. 
   Master Wu smiled at Cole as he approached him. "Good morning Cole." He said. 
   "Good morning, Sensei." Cole cupped his hands politely. Xue Xue wasn't there yet. 
   "Have you eaten yet?" Master Wu asked. Cole nodded. 
   "Yes," Just then, Xue Xue showed up. Lili was holding his hand, obviously dragging him here against his will. 
   "Come on~ it'll be fun!" She said cheerfully. Master Wu smiled. 
   "Good morning you two," He said. Lili grinned back. "Have you both eaten?" Lili nodded and Xue Xue inclined his head slightly. "Good." 
   "Have fun." Lili whispered to Xue Xue as she left. Silence descended yet again on the three. It was just as bad as the first time. 
   "Well..." Master Wu cleared his throat. "Shall we get to it?" 

   "Again!" Master Wu shouted. Xue Xue staggered to his feet. He spat blood from his mouth, his eyes were watering but they were hardened with determination. You really have a bad pain tolerance... Cole thought. The hits the training dummy were landing weren't that strong but Xue Xue was crying from it. How on earth did this guy even manage to become a skater with this tolerance? Cole thought in disbelief. Then again, he does have strong will... He observed. All the ninja were sat on the raised wooden platform around the courtyard, watching Xue Xue's training session. Lili was sat anxiously, watching as Xue Xue was beaten to the floor over and over again. 
   "Hey..." Cole said quietly. Lili glanced at him. "Are you ok?" He asked. Kai put his head on Cole's shoulder, watching Lili. Lili nodded, not taking her eyes away from Xue Xue. 
   "You're worried about him?" Kai said, slightly bitterly. Lili nodded. Cole watched Xue Xue with her. "He'll be ok." Kai said suddenly. "Honestly, the will power that he has is impressive." He mumbled. Cole laughed. 
   "Who knew you could be comforting?" Cole joked. Kai smiled at him. Lili laughed. 
   "You two are really cute together." She smiled. Cole blushed and Kai smirked. 
   "I know, eh?" He laughed. Cole smiled. That smiled quickly faded as Master Wu called him. 
   "Cole, your turn." He said. Cole sighed at he got up. He smiled at Xue Xue as he passed him. Xue Xue completely ignored him, Cole thought it was probably because he was honestly too tired to care. He glanced behind him and sure enough, Xue Xue was hugging Lili like a child. Cole smiled to himself. I'm so glad they're both ok... He thought. He stood before the training dummy and focused on it. He could be relieved later, right now, he needed to focus on his training. It was hours before Master Wu finally dismissed them. Night had fallen by that time. Cole groaned and leant against the Monastery wall, exhausted. Xue Xue slumped to the floor next to him, he was shaking and even thought Cole couldn't see his face he knew he was crying. 
   "Are you ok?" Cole asked. Xue Xue nodded slightly. Cole bit his lip. "Hey... um... I'm really sorry..." He said. "I really didn't mean to hurt either of you... and I know it was my fault that Lili had to go through that... about what I said about you... I know you heard, Lloyd told me, and, I really am sorry." Cole said quietly. Xue Xue looked up at him. 
   "I know you are." He said, as he stood up. "Thank you..." He mumbled quietly, his ears reddening in embarrassment. "T-this doesn't mean I forgive you thought!" He added quickly. "But... I'm sorry for, being you know... horrible to you." He mumbled. Cole smiled. 
   "Peace?" Cole held out his hand and Xue Xue looked at it before hesitantly grabbing it. 

   "KAI!" Cole slammed open Kai's door quietly, whisper-screaming his name. Kai bolted upright. 
   "What!? What happened!?" He whisper-screamed back. Cole hugged him tightly. 
   "I apologised... and, ah... I don't know, I'm so happy all of a sudden." He lied on top of Kai, still hugging him. Kai laughed. 
   "I have no idea what you are talking about but, as long as you're happy." Kai said. Cole felt elated. "Are you staying here tonight?" Kai asked. Cole nodded. 
   "If I can." He said. 
   "Of course." 

   Over then next few weeks, Xue Xue began to become more relaxed and talkative. He was still uneasy around Cole, but that was probably from embarrassment. Cole didn't mind though, he enjoyed skating with Xue Xue and they would help each other out when skating. Sometimes thought, Xue Xue would snap at people but that was just his personality. Lili however was like a beam of sunshine. Whenever she walked into a room it felt like everyone's problems were swept away. She was especially good terms with Nya and Pixal. Pixal would teach her medicine and first aid, and Lili would help Nya out with housework and learn self defence from them. They did however share the same act of constantly fussing over their partners. It was slightly comical. As the weeks went on, it seemed like everything was going perfectly, until, until it was time for Xue Xue to learn how to use his elemental powers and for Cole to relearn.

Um. I have no idea what kind of mission to make them go on.(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻╰(*°▽°*)╯  

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