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Ugh. I have a h e a d a c h e   D:
But have some NSFW cause I have nothing to do with my life rn T^T

   "STUPID. FUCK." Sijiu screamed in frustration and stomped her heel into the fleshy remnants of the Overlord. The Oni threw themselves at the meat before them, gorging themselves on the dark energy flowing out of it. "Gross." Sijiu turned to Hongxue who was pinching his nose. 
   "What." He spat. "This was your fault. If you could've just kept your hands to yourself then we wouldn't be in this mess." Hongxue scoffed. Sijiu rolled her eyes and kicked the blood off her boot. "That's going to be difficult to clean." Hongxue smirked. Sijiu glared at him. 
   "YOU-!!" Sijiu's face flushed with anger. "AGH!" She stomped and slammed her fist against the wall. She turned her head towards the cave opening and a vein in her temple pulsed. "I will get you next time, and without the damned help of these fuckers." She spat. 

   "So, what happened?" Cole asked, he licked the frosting off his fork and pushed it back into the cake. All the ninja were sat round a table, trying to gather their thoughts. Cole looked innocently around the table. "What?" He asked. 
   "Do... you have no recollection of what happened two days ago?" Lloyd asked. 
   Cole shrugged. "Nope, I can't even remember yesterday to be honest." He smiled awkwardly. Zane glanced at Master Wu. Kai' hands fidgeted under the table, his fingered were itching to wrap around Cole's and hold his hand tightly. "Well... I know there was something that had happened... a few days before..." He prodded lightly at his cake. He didn't feel like eating anymore. He glanced at the rest of the ninja, they all had empty spaces before them. He was the only one eating. Fuck. Cole put his fork down and stood up. "I'm going to go to the toilet, I'll be back." He smiled. The door clicked shut behind him and Kai stared after him anxiously. He glanced at the half eaten cake on the desk and he became even more anxious. 
   "Do you think Cole is alright?" Nya asked. "He seems really distant..." Jay put his arm around her shoulder. 
   "Don't worry, Cole is strong, he'll be fine." Jay said. 
   "Let Cole have a moment to himself, he'll come back when he's ready. Now it is important to figure out our next move." Master Wu said, placing down his tea. "Zane, please run through everything we know."
   "Yes sensei." 

   "Ugh..." Cole leant over the toilet bowl. His fingers were covered in spit and sick and the contents of his stomach were floating around the water. He glanced at the mirror. The last time I was in here, I got kidnapped, and now I'm throwing up, this must be one unlucky place for a toilet. He thought. He pushed himself up and flushed the before washing his hands. He couldn't help but looking up at his reflection. He sighed in relief when he was still normal him. I don't want to go back... Cole wiped his hands on his towel and unlocked the door. He flumped down onto his bed and closed his eyes. He scrunched his face up and Lilly slowly shimmered onto the bed. She rested Cole's head in her lap and stroked his hair. Cole smiled slightly and relaxed into the bed. "Do you think it was my fault?" Cole said quietly, he stared tiredly at the floor. Lilly sighed. 
   "Why would it ever be your fault? Who said that?" She asked. Cole didn't answer. "Cole..." She said gently. Cole bit his tongue and his eyes glistened. 
   "I'm always making problems... hic... it's always me... I can't even stand myself, I can't do anything right... hic..." He sniffled into his mother's dress. Lilly leant over his head and kissed it. 
   "That's ok, no one is perfect." She said gently. "It's ok." She said. Cole rubbed his eyes and stared at his mother's hand. He held it gently. 
   "I wish I was like you." He said blankly. "You don't feel pain... you don't have to care about when you're going to die..." He gulped and forced down the urge to cry. 
   "Don't say that... please don't say that..." Lilly said sadly. "I don't want you to be like me..." Cole's lip trembled and he sobbed into his mother's lap. Kai's hand slipped off of the door handle. He stared at the floor, listening to Cole's muffled sobs. Kai grit his teeth together and slammed open the door. Cole looked up, shocked. 
   "What are you saying...hic..." Kai glared at him with teary eyes. He closed the door behind him and dropped to his knees beside Cole's bed. "Why would you say that..." He hugged Cole tightly, trembling. Cole was speechless. Lilly put her hand on Kai's head and stroked his hair. Kai pressed his forehead against Cole's. 
   "Thank you..." Lilly said to Kai. He sniffled and looked at Lilly with watery eyes. She smiled at him. "I'll let you two have some time." She said kindly. Cole's head flumped onto the bed and he closed his eyes. 
   "Hug me." He said. Kai blinked then threw himself on top of Cole. 
   "I love you-hic... ngh... I-hic love you..." He sobbed. Cole hugged him back. 
   "Open your mouth..." Cole said. Kai did as he said and they kissed. Cole's hand clenched around Kai's hair and they both breathed heavily. "Haa..." Cole stared into Kai's eyes as they pulled apart. "Make me loose my mind, ok?" Cole whispered into Kai's ear. Kai felt himself burn and his face flushed red. 
   "You asked for this..." He said, smirking. Kai slid his hands into Cole's clothes and fondled his chest. 
   "Hngh..." Cole bit his finger. His face was red. Kai bulged somewhere. Cole knew it, he could feel it pressing against his crotch. "Ugh..." Cole flinched. Kai seemed to be in a daze. He breathed into Cole's neck and slid his hand down Cole's front. "W-wait! I- hnngh-!" Cole grabbed Kai's back and shivered. "Ah, ngh..." His hips twisted beneath Kai's and sweat dripped down his neck. 
   "Take your clothes off." Kai said, he undid his belt and his clothes fell loose around him. Cole blushed and awkwardly undressed himself. He'd never actually noticed how white Kai's skin was. The skin inside his legs was untanned unlike the rest of his body and Cole laughed a little. "What?" Kai said. 
   "Nothing, haha..." Cole smiled. He ran his hand along a scar on the right side of Kai's body. "You got this when you reached your true potential, didn't you? I remember helping you treat it..." Cole said. Kai flinched. 
   "Cole, if you don't stop, I might not be able to contain myself." He said. Cole laughed again. 
   "I'm sorry..." He wrapped his arms around Kai's neck. "Make me yours..." He whispered. 

   "Agh-! Angh-! No! No! I take it b-ack!?" Cole couldn't breathe. "Agh~!" He clenched his pillow as Kai kissed his back. "W-wait! I can't-!" He shuddered and his eyes rolled back as Kai stroked the inside of his legs. "Don't touch it gently-!" He said. Kai put his hand over Cole's mouth. 
   "Don't be so loud, it's day right now, everyone can hear you~" Kai whispered. Cole clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. Kai didn't stop moving. He sucked at the back of Cole's neck, leaving flowers everywhere. "You look so pretty..." Kai whispered. Cole breathed in sharply and trembled. Kai exhaled and pushed his hair back. "Haa... I'm sorry." He smiled cheekily and pressed his lips against Cole's shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked. Cole nodded, he looked ready to faint. Kai smiled. "That's good..." He looked at the mess he'd made of Cole's legs and laughed weakly. "I'll wash up, you can sleep if you want..." Kai said. Cole nodded. He stared blankly at Kai as he walked away. His face flushed. 
   "...Stupid..." He mumbled into his pillow, his ears red. 

Yum. Smut. Anyway, I am not doing a very good job in uploading these regularly am I 💀💀but anyway, part 12 is finished :D

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