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Zane's a really good cook. 
Slight NSFW warning...

   "Haa... ngh..." Cole's face was drawn in pain and his breathing heavy. "Ha-!" Cole bolted upright. He stared in front of him and sweat dripped down his forehead. It was still dark outside and moonlight was spilling into his room. "Ugh... I feel sick..." He mumbled to himself. He stood up but almost immediately fell over. Cole grabbed onto the wall and pulled himself up. "The hell..?" He cursed as the right side of his face throbbed and burned. He quietly clicked open the bathroom door and stumbled inside. He glanced at the mirror and froze. The colour drained from his face. The right side of his face... an Oni face stared back at him with a sickening grin. "Hu... huk... HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Cole screamed and stumbled backwards. His foot caught on something and he fell backwards-!
Cole sat up suddenly. Sweat rolled down his cheek. Moonlight was shimmering in from the window and lit up the dark sky. There was a acidic tasted in the back of his throat and Cole gagged. He got up, using his bed post to support him and stumbled to the bathroom. He unconsciously glanced at the mirror and his eyes widened. An Oni-
   "AH-?!" Cole sat up. Sweat dripped down his chin. He stared at the moonlight pooling on the floor from the moon in the dark outside and looked towards the bathroom. He stood up and stumbled as quickly at he could, slamming the door open. An Oni. 
   Cole didn't even even notice the pain in his legs. He flung open the bathroom door and an Oni...
    Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN. AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!! AGAIN!!! AGAIN!!!! AGAIN!!!!! JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY-!
   "Cole!" Cole jerked awake. He stared at the ceiling. It was dark and moonlight was shining through the window. Kai stared at him concerened. He was crouched next to Cole's bed and was holding his hand. "Cole! Are you ok?!" He asked frantically. Cole breathed heavily. 
   "Yeah... I am..." He said. Kai sighed in relief. 
   "That's good... that's really good..." His voice trembled and he smiled at Cole. "You were almost shouting... I'm so glad you're ok..." He whispered. Cole nodded. He didn't feel like telling anyone about the dream he just had. 
   "Did... did I wake everyone up?" Cole asked awkwardly. Kai shook his head.
   "Only Nya and me but that's because Nya's a light sleeper and my room is next to yours." He said. 
   "That's alright then..." Cole turned his head away from Kai and stared at the wall. "Kai... are you ever afraid of yourself?" He mumbled. Kai hmm?-ed.
   "What do you mean?" He asked. Cole shook his head. 
   "Nah... it's fine. I just had a bad dream... you can go back if you want." He said smiling. Kai frowned and then smiled mischievously. "U-um... Kai?" Cole said nervously. 
   "Scoot over." Kai just smiled. 

   Cole's face was burning. Kai hugged him from behind and his hands were placed dangerously. Cole's breathing was fast and he desperately hoped Kai couldn't feel his... 
   "Kai... what are you doing?" Cole asked weakly. Kai slid his hand over Cole's chest and squeezed it. 
   "Hngh?!" Cole clasped his hand over his mouth, hoping beyond hope that Kai didn't hear him. Obviously he wasn't hoping enough because Kai laughed. 
   "Hey... what was that?" He whispered. Cole flinched and curled up slightly. "Cole~" Kai slid his hand down Cole's abs gently. 
   "Mhm..." Cole clenched his hand over his mouth harder and bit his lip. Kai laughed again. 
   "Ok, ok. I'm sorry!" He whispered. Cole didn't reply but he silently forgave Kai. "Thanks..." Kai said. 
   "For what?" Cole turned to face Kai. Kai smiled. 
   "Secret." He winked. 

   "JAY. STOP." Someone hissed. 
   "NO! KAI IS RIUNING MY BEST FRIEND. LET ME GO NYA!" Jay's voice was obnoxiously loud and seemed like thunder in Cole's head. He opened his eyes sleepily and squinted at the figures in the doorway. He sat up and blinked. Something heavy dropped from his side to his leg. Cole looked down. 
   "AGHHHHHHHHH?!" He screamed. Kai blinked tiredly. 
   "What..?" He mumbled, his arms wrapping around Cole's waist. Cole was frozen in shock. 
   "KAIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!" Jay screamed. Cole shook his head.
   "Wait-! This is a misunderstanding-!" He said frantically. Jay stared at him suspiciously. 
   "Hmmmm..." He raised his eyebrow. "Cole how could you." He sighed. Panic rose up inside Cole. 
   "I'm sorry..." He said, his voice trembling. "I'm sorry-!"
   "What for?" Nya asked suddenly. Cole looked at her. She smiled gently at him. "Don't worry. Kai's a good guy, ok? Just make sure you're good to him alright?" She added menacingly. Cole was dazed. 
   "You don't care?" He asked blankly. Nya stared at him questioningly. "You don't care that I'm... you know..." Nya tried to stifle her laugher but failed. 
   "Cole! Why would we? You're still the same person we know! It doesn't matter if you like boys, ok?" She smiled. "You're our friend, we don't care." She said. Cole sighed in relief. 
   "Thank god..." He smiled. Kai suddenly sat up. He glanced at Cole's unkept hair and his slightly loose shirt. 
   "Woah. Good morning." Kai said. Jay's expression was dark. 
   "Kai..." He said threateningly. Kai rolled his eyes and winked at Cole. Cole's face flushed red and Jay was almost brought to tears. "NYA. GET YOUR BROTHER UNDER CONTROL!!" He cried. Nya rolled her eyes. 
   "Anyway, Zane's made breakfast so come through when you're ready." She said pulling Jay away. Cole felt dazed. Kai looked at him questioningly and shrugged before yawning. 
   "Shall we?" Kai asked smiling. Cole blushed and then smiled gently. 
   "Ok." He said. 

UGH. I hate this chapter tbh. I had no idea what to write................ but I made it ig. The only interesting part is probably the start also the characters are going off script and very OOC... sorry T^T 
I hope you enjoyed it anyway ToT

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