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NSFW warning............ like... a BIG NSFW WARNING...

   "COLE. HELP." Kai's legs slid uncontrollably beneath him and he stared longingly at the wall. Cole skated around him and gently grabbed his hand. He pulled Kai further to the centre of the rink and they gently glided. Kai stumbled slightly and grabbed Cole's shoulder as his legs slid out behind him. Cole laughed and pulled him up. "This isn't funny..." Kai said, almost pouting. Cole apologised. 
   "Here, hold on tightly to my hands." He began to skate backwards and drag Kai along the ice. Kai squeezed Cole's hands tightly and shut his eyes. Cole began to skate faster and Kai could feel the cold air rush past his ears. He opened one eye slightly and was entranced. Cole looked so calm and focused, his hair waving around his face and his eyes sparkling. Cole glanced at Kai and smiled. They spun round and round and Kai gradually began to get more and more used to the ice. He smiled happily as he managed to skate on his own. 
   "Haha! I'm a natural!" Kai said proudly. Cole laughed and hugged him. 
   "You really are." He said. Kai squeezed Cole's face and they burst out into laughter. 
   "We should probably get back..." Kai said glancing at the clock. Cole nodded. Kai handed his skates back to the staff and they froze. A crowd of people were pressing against the locked glass doors of the ice rink. "Um... is there another way out?" Kai said awkwardly. One of the staff nodded and they walked out of the back exit. "Thanks." Kai said. Cole thanked her too and Kai's dragon shimmered into reality beside them. Kai reached out his hand for Cole and pulled him onto his dragon too. The ice rink staff stared after them blankly and then clasped her hand over her mouth as she watched their silhouette shrinking in the sky. 
   "Um, Kai..." Cole's face was slightly tinted red as he looked at Kai. "You're still... you know..." He glanced down and blushed. Kai coughed and put his face on Cole's shoulder. 
   "What? You wanna do it?" Kai whispered. Cole flinched and seemed to shrivel up.
   "N-no... well..." He trailed off and put his face in his hands. Kai laughed and swerved his dragon off course. "What are you doing?" Cole said. Kai just winked and kissed the back of Cole's neck. "Eep-!" Cole flinched. They landed on the snow softly and Kai immediately pushed Cole to the floor. He pressed his lips against his and warmed up his body, melting the snow away. Cole's eyebrows were knitted and he squirmed underneath Kai. "Haa-! Hngh-!" He gasped as Kai let him go. 
   "You still don't want to do it?" Kai said smirking. Cole blushed. Saliva dripped down his lip and he clasped his arms around Kai's neck. "Hmm, that's good..." Kai said, his hand slithering into Cole's shirt. 
   "Hmm... angh..." Cole bit his tongue as Kai sucked at his chest and neck. "S-stop... please touch me..." He whispered. He immediately regretted those words. "Haa! Agh! Wait- hngh!" Cole's back arched as Kai fondled between his legs. "Angh! Ngh!" Cole pressed his hips into Kai's crotch, he felt unbearably hot. "Please... hic..." Cole mumbled, his eyes were teary and his face red. 
   "Please what?" Kai whispered. He clenched his hand slightly and Cole's nails dug into his back.
   "K-ai! Agh! Please! Do whatever y-you wan-t to m-e-!" Cole could barely breathe. "Agh-!" He trembled and then slumped onto the ground. "Hngh..." He put his head in Kai's neck and panted shakily. 
   "Hmm? You can't be tired already? I haven't even started yet." Kai slipped his hand down Cole's trousers and rubbed his hand between Cole's backside. Cole's hands tightened on Kai's back. He trembled as Kai rubbed him with his knee. 
   "Aah..." Cole flinched. He looked slightly scared but as if he was really enjoying it. Kai held back laughter. 
   "Ha... I'm sorry." He said, flopping down onto Cole. "We should be doing this on a bed, shouldn't we?" He breathed into Cole's neck and smiled as he felt him flinch beneath him. 
   "W-we should get back..." Cole mumbled, putting his hand over his mouth and avoiding Kai's eyes. Kai nodded. 
   "We'll probably get scolded..." Kai said sighing. 

   "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" Nya screamed. Kai and Cole knelt on the floor obediently. "DO. YOU. KNOW. HOW. WORRIED. WE. WERE?! ESPECIALLY WHEN THE GODDAMN ONI ARE RUNNING AROUND INVISIBLE?! ALSO. YOU." She turned her attention to Cole. "WHAT WERE YOU EVEN DOING? DON'T THINK I DIDN'T NOTICE THE SPECKS OF BLOOD ON YOUR CLOTHES." She said angrily. Cole smiled awkwardly. 
   "W-we were... um..." He trailed off awkwardly. 
   "It was me. I did that." He said calmly. Cole looked at him. "I got angry at him and ended up accidentally pushing him. It's my fault." Cole opened his mouth to object but Kai shot him a look. Cole reluctantly closed his mouth. Nya glared at her brother. 
   "Cole. Leave. I'm going to have a word with my brother." She said menacingly. Cole nodded and glanced at Kai as he left. Kai winked at him and his face reddened. Cole walked out quickly and put his face in his hand. The other ninja were waiting outside. It was nearly sunset and the sky was beginning to redden. 
   "So, how'd it go?" Lloyd asked. 
   "Why're you asking? You probably heard it all." Cole laughed. He felt bad for leaving Kai but Nya was scary sometimes. 
   "Yeah. We did." Jay said. 
   "Cole, did Kai really hurt you?" Lloyd asked. Cole shook his head. 
   "It was my fault but I think Kai just didn't want Nya to shout at me..." Cole said. Jay grabbed Cole's arm weakly. 
   "Nya is sexy but sometimes, I'm absolutely terrified of her." He said helplessly. Lloyd laughed. 
   "Ok, we should probably go get ready for sleep..." He said after a while. The rest nodded. 
   "Um, I'll wait for Kai... cause... I feel bad..." He said. Lloyd smiled. 
   "Kay, don't wait too long!" He said as he walked away. Jay followed him. Zane didn't move. 
   "Do you want Pixal to look at the back of your head? You seemed to be 'pushed' hard." He said. Cole smiled awkwardly. 
   "Hehe... you never miss a thing, do you Zane?" He said. 

WHY. WHY DID I EVEN. UGH. Well, if you enjoy it then it's ok ╰(*°▽°*)╯but still... if anyone from my school found this ToT I'd shrivel up and die. They haven't gone all the way yet tho so 👍 we can add spice for another chapter.................................

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