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   "Stupid..." Lou stumbled as fast as he could. His hand dangled at his side, occasionally snapping and cracking now and then. A car screeched to a stop beside him. A young girl rolled down the window and a young man got out. 
   "Are you ok?" The girl asked anxiously. She was extremely pretty, she had bright blue eyes hinted with green and short brown hair, her lips looked soft and her eyes gentle. The boy walked up to Lou. He had blond hair with an undercut and black roots, his eyes were jet black. 
   "Yo? Damn! What happened to your hand?!" He asked in shock. "Do you want us to take you to hospital?" He asked. Lou scowled and nodded. 
   "If you don't mind..." He hissed. As he got into the back of the car, the girl stared at him hard. 
   "Oh my gosh! You're Lou Brookstone!" She said. "Xue xue! It's really him!!" She said excitedly. Xue Xue rolled his eyes. The girl giggled. They drove for about fifteen minutes. Lou's hand almost no feeling and had bled all over the car by the time they got to the hospital. Xue Xue cursed at Lou. 
   "What the fuck? You better be paying for all this!" He spat at Lou, he stuck his hands in his pockets and stared down at Lou. Lou glared back and pushed into the hospital. The girl giggled and hugged Xue Xue's arm.
   "It's ok~" She said. 
   "But Lili-!" 
   "Mua-!" Lili kissed Xue Xue's cheek and he was stunned. "Let's not dwell on it, ok?" She smiled. Xue Xue seemed to melt and nodded, dazed. Lili called a cleaning service and they got back into the car. 

   "Ah... I feel like I have more bruises than when we train with Master Wu..." Jay moaned and rubbed his back. Nya laughed. 
   "But who knew that Cole would be such a natural!" She said. Cole smiled awkwardly. 
   "I'm not that good..." He said. Lloyd shook his head, his eyes sparkled. 
   "No! You were amazing!" He said. Light practically beamed off his face. Kai smiled and ruffled Cole's hair. 
   "Yeah, who knew." He smirked. Cole's ears flushed and he turned away. 
   "A-anyway..." He mumbled. "Shall we go back?" He asked. There was a collective agreement and they prepared to depart. Just as they were about to leave, two people walked in. Xue Xue and Lili. Xue Xue froze when his eyes landed on the ninja and he stepped behind Lili. His face seemed to glow brighter than Lloyd's. Lili smiled. 
   "Hello." She smiled. Lili held the door open and Zane thanked her. Xue Xue's eyes sparkled as he hid behind his girlfriend. Cole seemed to recognise him. 
   "Oh! I've seen you before!" He said. Xue Xue's face reddened and his hands trembled. "You were the boy that got third in the Ninjago Ice Skating finals!" Cole said. Xue Xue nodded. 
   "Y-yes..." He said. Lili laughed. 
   "Please excuse him if he seems rude, he's not really good at social interactions, just now we took the singer Lou Brookstone to the hospital, the glare that Xue Xue gave to him after he bled over the car!" Lili's laugh was gentle and sweet. Cole's smile faltered for a second and Xue Xue raised his eyebrow. 
   "Ah... is... is he alright?" Cole asked. Lili nodded. 
   "Yes, we took him to the hospital, he should be ok now." 
   Cole sighed. "Well that's a relief I should think that this wouldn't be kept secret from the news however." Cole laughed. Xue Xue looked at the floor. 
   "I don't want him to be ok." He mumbled under his breath. Lili punched him gently and pinched his ear, she was taller than him and quite easily reached it. 
   "Don't say that! What if someone hears and now suddenly there's a whole news story about how you tried to kill Lou Brookstone? "Gail [ Gayl? Gaiyl? Gal? TF HOW DO YOU SPELL HER NAME-] Gossip here with some breaking news, third place figure skater, Guo Xue Xue and famous singer Lou Brookstone involved in a fight"?" Lili put on an impression of Gail [no] Gossip and Xue Xue burst out into laughter. The Kai couldn't help but snort a bit. Cole's face was a mixed expression. 
   "Um... I heard that you were a good skater..." Xue Xue became shy again. Cole blinked. 
   "M-me?" He said. Xue Xue nodded. "A-ah... I'm not that-"
   "You should've seen him!" Jay suddenly joined the conversation. "He was so fast and elegant with it!" The rest of the ninja nodded along. Kai smiled and nudged Cole. Xue Xue fidgeted and looked as if he wanted to say something but decided against it and silently left. Lili apologised. 
   "I'm sorry about him, when he want's something he never asks..." Lili said slightly sadly. "If you weren't too busy... um, would you mind skating with him?" She asked. Cole looked to the rink they'd just left. Lili's cheeks flushed. "U-um! It's ok if you don't want to! Please forget I said-"
   "Sure." Cole said. "I enjoy it anyway, so I don't mind." He smiled kindly. Lili beamed. 
   "Thank you!!" She said. "I'll go tell Xue Xue!" She rushed through the rink doors and the ninja were left alone. 
   "You guys can go ahead, I'll be back later." He said. 
   "Ok, have fun." Zane said. The ninja left, yawning and Jay was back to grumbling. Kai grabbed Cole's hand and kissed his cheek. 
   "See you~" He winked and ran after the others. Cole was in a daze and stared blankly after Kai. His face reddened and he put his hands over his face. 
   "Oh my..." 
   Cole turned. Lili had her hands clasped over her mouth and was staring at Cole. "It's not-!" 
   "That is so cute oh my god!!!!" Her eyes sparkled. "Are you two dating? How long? Ahhh!" She squealed. Cole was taken back. 
   "You're... not repulsed?" He asked. 
   "Why would I? Xue Xue's bisexual and I'm pan." Lili said. She smiled kindly. "Don't worry, I won't tell." She winked. Cole sighed shakily and put his hand on his face. 
   "Haa... thank god..." He breathed. Lili pulled on his arm. 
   "Come on, Xue Xue isn't really good at waiting." She said smiling. She and Cole walked into the ice rink together and the doors closed behind them. 

Um... I've added two more of my OC's cause yk, I want to, one is based on me and the other on my partner, guess who I am :D but anyway, because I want to honour the fantasies of my young innocent self many many years ago, Lili and Xue Xue are going to join the ninja or at least be part of the action cause I love myself >:D [jk, I hate myself, but whatever]

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