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JUST AS A CLARIFICATION: I AM NOT HOMOPHOBIC!!! All of this is just things to do with my experiences and also to do with the way Cole's been treated about being gay, OK? Also a bit of smut warning...

   The wind stung Kai's face. He couldn't really see because his eyes were squeezed to slits but his dragon knew who they were following. It darted here and there, racing towards a winged silhouette. It roared in anger. Cole turned when he heard it echoing. Kai..? Oh shit... he hates me... Cole urged his dragon down and they plummeted towards the floor. From there, Cole's dragon weaved in and out of the mountains, Kai gaining in every second. Suddenly, everything seemed to slow. Cole stared at the swarming black mass in front of him. He pulled hard on his dragon to slow it but then Kai's dragon seized it's tail and was pulling it back hard. Cole's dragon exploded into elemental dust and he began to fall. 
   "Cole!" Kai urged his dragon down and reached out his hand for Cole's. Cole grabbed his arm and clung onto it. "Hey! Are you ok?" Kai said anxiously after pulling Cole onto his dragon. Cole nodded but his face said otherwise. "Cole..." Kai felt helpless. His dragon sped upwards and they levelled out and glided for a bit before gently landing onto a flat stretch of mountain. Cole slid off first. "Hey! Cole-!" 
   Kai was stunned. Cole stood up and shook his fist, droplets of blood splattered onto the snow. From the small crater left from where Cole had slammed his fist, the ground splintered in massive anomalies, spikes protruding from the ground, forming a lethal landing mat. Kai unconsciously stepped back as Cole looked at him. He stepped forwards again when he realised what he'd done.  
   "Wait... I didn't mean to-!"
   "See." Cole tried to smile but his eyes were dripping. "See? I'M A DAMN FREAK." Cole shouted. He was angry, the only person he could take his anger out on was the one he loved. He was furious. "I can't even close a goddamn door without the fear of something breaking. I can't even train without the mental image of hurting one of you! Every time 'we' have to go save Ninjago, I end up being someone to cast to the side..." He crouched down, crying. Kai didn't know what to do. 
   "Cole... I don't think that..." Kai said quietly. Cole didn't answer, Kai wasn't even sure if Cole had heard him. "Cole... I think... I like..." He bit his lip. "I like you-"
   "No you don't. You don't really." Cole said standing up. He'd stopped crying. His eyes were dark and sore. "You don't have to pretend. You know, it's fucking gross to be gay." He said. Kai felt like he'd been punched in the stomach. 
   "You heard me. It's gross." He said. They stood in silence. 
   "Who told you that?" Kai said after a while. Cole raised his eyebrow. 
   "What do you mean-?" 
   "WHO TOLD YOU THAT?" Kai shouted. Cole flinched. Kai was standing in a puddle of water that was slowly growing. Cole stared at the puddle. "Who?" Kai said again, his voice wavering dangerously. "WHO-?"
   "MY FATHER... ok?" Cole shouted. He looked away. Kai almost burst into flames. The snow didn't crunch as he walked angrily over to Cole. It just evaporated into water vapour. Cole wanted to run away, he wanted to tell Kai to stop but his entire body seemed to be frozen in fear. "Wait-! Stop-!" Kai didn't let him finish. He wrapped his arms around Cole, lowering his body temperature so he wouldn't burn him and covered his lips. "Mngh!" Cole squeezed his eyes shut, trying to push Kai off of him. Normally he would've succeeded, but he felt weak for some reason. "Haa-!" Cole pulled his head away, his lips wet. He didn't even want to look at Kai right now. His face was bright red and his eyes were teary again. Kai's face was also red but he looked determined. 
   "We can be gross together. Who cares? Who gives a damn?" Kai said. Cole bit his lip as Kai wiped his eyes. "Please don't cry anymore..." Kai said. Cole didn't answer but Kai knew what Cole was thinking. "Do you want to go back?" 
   "Yeah... let's go back..." Cole said. Kai smiled and his elemental dragon appeared, much calmer and gentle than before. Kai clambered on first and held out his hand for Cole. Cole stared at it. His face felt warm as he grabbed it and Kai hugged him from behind. The journey back was definitely calmer and a lot nicer than the journey there. Cole leant into Kai's body and closed his eyes. 

   "Cole... do you feel better?" A beautiful woman gently cradled a young boy in her arms. His eyes were puffy and red, like he'd been crying. 
   "Ma... why does ba not like me?" He asked, sniffling. The woman sighed.
   "Cole... your ba loves you very very much... never doubt that... your ba is just stressed..." She promised as she stroked her son's hair. Cole stared at his mother. 
   "Is is because I made ma sick?" He said sadly. 
   "Oh Cole..! That is untrue! Who said that to you?" The woman said gently. 
    "Oh Cole..." The woman hugged Cole tightly. "Do not believe that, ever. Promise me, that you will never ever think that again..." She begged. Cole's face was blank. 
   "Ok..." He mumbled. 
   "I love you-"

   "-Cole." Kai pressed his face into Cole's shoulder gently. "I really do." Cole smiled and laughed. 
   "I love you too..." He looked up at the sky as he said that. Thank you... ma... Cole jokingly pushed Kai off of him and they wrestled playfully. 
   "Woah-!" Kai closed his eyes as he slipped. He pushed himself up and groaned. "Are you ok-?" He blushed. Cole's face was red and he looked a little dishevelled. 
   "U-um... you're pressing... on..." Cole mumbled. Kai looked down. His knee was-!
   "AH-! SORRY!" He jumped back and sat with his hands on his knees. Kai's mind was in turmoil. Holy... oh fuck... He smiled insanely and breathed heavily. He's so fucking innocent... I bet he's never even jacked... it makes me excited just thinking about it! Kai's ears burned red and he glanced at Cole. Cole was still blushing and he was sitting dead still. The rest of the journey was silent with occasional glances now and then. When they reached the monastery, they were greeted by a bruised Jay who threw himself at Cole's feet, apologising. 
   "I'M SO SORRY COLE! I'M SO SORRY!" He hugged Cole's leg and the rest of the ninja laughed. 
   "It's ok..." Cole said. Jay stood up rubbing his eyes smiling thankfully. 
   "So, what did you two do?" Nya asked carelessly. Cole flinched and his face burned up again. Kai didn't seem to have any reaction and just smiled. Nya stared at them in disbelief. "YOU-?!" She was too stunned to speak. "SHAMELESS." She grabbed Jay's hand and dragged him off, fuming. Jay looked back for help but the rest of them just smiled. Zane broke the silence first. 
   "I shall go prepare something for us to eat, please excuse me." He said. Pixal followed him, also holding his hand. Cole stared at them and Kai seemed to notice. 
   "You wanna do that too~?" Kai whispered in Cole's ear. A shiver ran down Cole's spine and he blushed even more. 
   "WHAT?! NO?!" He said. 
   "You look like a startled cat." Kai laughed. Lloyd stared at them. 
   "What in the first Spinjitzu master did you two do?" He said. He didn't really want to know but he couldn't help but ask. Kai winked at Lloyd and grabbed Cole's hand. Cole protested half-heartedly and ended up allowing Kai to drag him away. Master Wu appeared by Lloyd's side as he stared bewildered after them. 
   "What..?" He said. Master Wu stroked his beard thoughtfully. 
   "Lloyd, you are now the only ninja without a partner." He said suddenly. Lloyd nearly screamed. 
   "MASTER?! WHEN DID YOU GET THERE?!" he jumped back in shock. Master Wu just smiled. 
   "Don't worry Lloyd, one day you will find the one for you." He patted Lloyd's shoulder. "Now, I must prepare for Zane's food, he is really an exceptional cook." Master Wu said as he walked away. Lloyd stared after him, even more confused than before. 

This kinda looks like the end but it obviously isn't cause yk, the Oni still haven't been defeated BUT THAT'S FOR AFTER THE NICE STUFF :]

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