Merry Christmas!!

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Merry Christmas everyone!!

   "What on earth...?" Master Wu stared at the lit up monastery. His students were stood at the door of his study, all smiling from ear to ear. 
   "Welcome home Sensei." Zane said. Master Wu laughed and sighed. 
   "You did all of this?" He asked. 
   "Well, it is Christmas." Nya said, she grabbed Master Wu's arm and pulled him into his study. Master Wu's eye's widened. "Do you like it?" She asked. Master Wu smiled. 
   "Yes." The room was sparkling and lights hung from every corner. A small Christmas tree was shining in the corner and a small pile of presents were piled beneath it. "Are... are they all for me?" Master Wu asked in disbelief. 
   "Yes!" Cole said, leading Master Wu over to the presents. 
   "We all wanted to give you something as a thanks for being such a good Sensei!" Kai said, hooking his arm over Cole's shoulders. 
   "Yeah!" Jay said happily. "We've all put something there!" 
   "And Zane's made dinner for us, we've all been waiting for you to get home." Pixal added, nudging Zane. Lloyd laughed. He held up another small parcel.
   "Merry Christmas uncle." He said. Master Wu took the present and grinned at his students. 
   "Where did I find such wonderful students?" He laughed. 
   "Well, we are your students, so, I guess we learnt from you." Nya said. Master Wu stared at his students and felt his eyes tear up. He quickly rubbed his eyes and sighed. Oh brother, I remember this... I hope you're ok... you and father... He thought. 
   "Oh, yeah... the last one..." Cole mumbled suddenly. "Kai, you tell him."
   "What? No... Nya..."
   "Huh!? No! Lloyd, you do it." Nya said, poking Lloyd in the back gently. Lloyd stepped forwards again. 
   "Uncle, we have one more surprise." He said. The ninja all stepped back from the door and Master Wu's eyes widened. 
   "B-brother...?" He stepped forwards hesitantly, as if the man before him would disappear if he moved too fast. 
   "Hello Wu." Garmadon grinned toothily. He walked forwards and hugged Master Wu. Master Wu hugged him back, laughing. 
   "And here I was worrying that you were all alone today." He joked. Garmadon laughed. 
   "Well, thanks to Lloyd and your students, I wasn't. Merry Christmas brother." He said. 
   "Haha... Merry Christmas." Master Wu smiled. The ninja cheered. Jay and Cole pulled two party poppers and laughter filled the study. 
   "Shall we go start dinner?" Pixal suggested. Expectant eyes pointed to Master Wu and he sighed. 
   "Shall we?" He said. 
   "Yes!!" Jay cheered. "I'm glad Zane's cooking." He said smirking at Cole. 
   "Hey! What does that mean!?" Cole said, Jay ran from the room with Cole chasing him. Kai cheered Cole on. 
   "Yeah! Kick his butt Cole! OW!!" Nya grabbed Kai's ear and dragged him out of the room. Lloyd stared in disbelief at his teammates. Master Wu chuckled. Can you see us father? We're all alright... well, maybe not Jay if Cole catches him but for now, everything is just right, just like how you wished... 
"Let's go Wu." Garmadon grabbed Master Wu's arm and dragged him from the room, on Master Wu's desk, a card shined in the lights:
   Thank you, Sensei,
   Merry Christmas

I hope everyone's day has been wonderful and everyone has an equally wonderful day tomorrow!! 🎉🎉

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