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Ngl, I forgot about this... BUT THIS CHAPTER IS FOR @Br3ady :D you'll understand soon :]

   Cole sat up. His head throbbed and his body ached. "What..." He mumbled. He tried to rub his eyes but something pulled on his wrist and there was a clanging of metal. "What the-!?" He stared at his hands in disbelief. Two thick chains were wrapped around his arms and were bolted to the wall. He stared for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter. "They think this can hold me! Ha!" His arms glowed gold and he pulled hard. The chains burst from the wall and clanged to the floor. Cole stood up, the chains trailing behind him and stretched. His body felt really weak. Strange. He glanced cautiously around the room. He was in quite the expensive looking room, and the elegant bed behind him was now covered in dust and rubble though. "Ah..." Cole mumbled awkwardly to himself. "Ok..." He slammed open the door and froze. Sijiu and Hongxue were smiling at him. 
   "Hello, did you sleep well?" Hongxue asked, grinning menacingly. Cole raised his fists. "Woah... easy, we're on your side..." He said, stepping closer to him. Cole flinched as Hongxue bent down to his ear and breathed down his neck. "Do you want to see something else we've prepared for you?" He whispered. Cole trembled. For some reason, this man was even more terrifying than usual. "You'll love it..." Hongxue smiled creepily as he gently put his hand on Cole's back and pushed him down the cold hall. For some strange reason, Cole followed him. His face was blank and he felt... hollow. Hongxue laughed gently. "Here..." He said opening a door. Cole's face paled and his arms fell to his sides. They were stood on a ledge, and below them, a pit, a pit full of Oni soldiers, cheering and screaming and howling at a man tied up in the middle. "That's your-"
   "BA!?" Cole screamed. He stumbled backwards but Hongxue grabbed his neck and pushed him forwards. 
   "Look... we've prepared it nice and well." Hongxue sounded insane, Cole knew he was smiling down his neck and felt his hands tighten. "Ha... it's not even the best part! Watch..." Hongxue whispered something to the Oni below and they all suddenly jumped onto the screaming man below. There was silence before a bloodcurdling scream arose from the pit and echoed terrifyingly around the cave. Cole screamed too. 
   "NO!!" He reached out for his father but Hongxue grabbed his hand tightly and dug his nails into his skin. 
   "Don't cry Cole..." He whispered breathlessly. "Don't cry..." He hissed.
   "Ba...hic..." Cole began to cry. He was terrified, and, the one last family member was down there, being torn apart. "W-why are you doing this to m-me, hic..." Cole begged. "Why?!" He felt Hongxue laugh above him. 
   "Cole... don't you see? You can't save people. Everyone you know and love die and get hurt. It's your fault that Kai died. It's your fault that your father's dead. It's your fault that Lili was kidnapped. It's your fault that Xue Xue still and will never know how to control his elemental powers. It's your fault that Lloyd cuts himself...
   Cole couldn't believe it. "What?" 
   Hongxue smiled. "You didn't know?" He laughed. "Well, after you and Kai were found... Lloyd couldn't deal with it. You should've seen the state he was in. Blood everywhere. He's such a young boy as well. What a pity." He sneered. 
   "H-how do you know this..." Cole snarled. If he wanted to get out of there, he'd have to be calm. 
   "It's quite useful having a robot on your team, isn't it?" Sijiu said suddenly. Cole jumped. Honestly, he'd forgotten about her... ah... never mind. 
   "What do you-" He stopped. "Zane!?" He said suddenly. "What've you done to him!?" He yelled. 
   "Oh, don't get to defensive, I won't know who you like at this point." Sijiu smirked at the infuriated look on Cole's face. She gasped in mock shock. "You're not a playboy, are you?" She mocked. Cole looked terrifying. "Haha. Don't worry, I won't tell. And your robot friend is ok too." She said. "Look for yourself." Sijiu dropped something to the floor and suddenly a hologram of the Monastery popped up. "Oh, aren't they worried." She said. Cole watched through Zane's eyes at the commotion in his home. 
   "Stop it..." Cole sobbed. "Please..."
   Sijiu burst out into cackling. "Not until we've-! ACK!!" She was sent flying by the body of Hongxue who was thrown by Cole. He had a hardened expression, as if something had snapped inside him. "W-what-!? Get off me you fat lump-!" Sijiu tried to push the unconscious Hongxue off of her but she was unnaturally weak all of a sudden. She stared at her hands. Black fog was oozing from them. "Th-that's! THAT'S MY POWER!!" She screamed. She glared at Cole but chills ran through her body as she stared at his face. 
   "I'm... going to... kill you..." He yelled, tears pouring down his face. He raised his hand. There was silence. Sijiu began to laugh. "Ha-! HA! YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH STOLE POWER- ACK!" There was a terrifying rumble and the sound of crumbling and crushing bones. Sijiu's scream was cut short but echoed around the cave, making all the Oni's heads turn. Sijiu's body convulsed pathetically on the rock spike impaled through her back. It burst through the front of her armour and her chest was torn to shreds, her ribs sticking out in all the wrong angles and places. Hongxue was already dead when he was skewered. His eyes were rolled back and bloody, blood pouring from his mouth and he hung forwards, facing down, his back bent sharply, his insides pulsing over the cold stone. Cole clenched his hand, his eyes fiery and the rocks exploded. 
   It rained in that cave. It rained thick, sticky, red rain. Cole closed his eyes as he felt the splatters on his face and body. A wave of sickness overcame him and he dropped to his knees. He hadn't eaten for a good while, so nothing came up but the sound of him choking slightly. The Oni in the pit all started to crumple into dust, falling into little black piles of sand. Cole sat up, he ached all over. I... have to get back... He thought, pushing himself up shakily. He stumbled to the cave mouth and glanced back at the two fleshy lumps and smiled to himself before running down, away from that, from the rain, from his father. 
   He didn't know how, but he'd managed to drag himself to the Monastery doors. He smiled with relief at the sight of home but just as he raised his fist to knock on the doors, he swayed and his eyes closed. The wind rushed past him and two hands slipped under his arms and around his chest. Cole blinked sleepily at the red fabric in his face. Ah... Kai...

   "Oww!" Cole flinched as Pixal angrily dabbed ointment on his face. "Wait- stop-!" He pulled his face away but Pixal chased him. "I'm ok now! You can stop!" He said. Pixal frowned. 
   "Ugh... if you say so, but that was a lot of blood you were covered in." She hissed. 
   "Um... it wasn't mine..." Cole said sheepishly. Master Wu stared at him. 
   "WHOES WAS IT THEN!?" He demanded. 
   "Ah... the Omega and the girl's..." He mumbled. 
   "Cole, what on earth." Master Wu was in disbelief. 
   "I didn't mean it!" Cole said earnestly, "I honestly didn't! I don't even remember what happened to be honest..." He trailed off. He knew that this meant that he was going to get a new training plan, to start from scratch, how to control his elemental powers. He really fucked up there. 
   "Cole, you do know what this means, I trust?" Master Wu said, calmly. 
   "Yes..." Cole mumbled. 
   "You can join training with Xue Xue tomorrow." Master Wu said. Cole nodded in shame. Wait. 
   "They came back!?" 

This was so difficult to write, I'm losing my grip istg

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