Chapter One

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I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I groggily rub my eyes, thinking its Saturday but nope it's Monday. Just great. Another day of getting bullied and getting abused. I got up from the bed slowly and stretched. I went to bathroom, striped and stare at my reflection on the mirror. I looked at all my bruises and marks. God I'm so ugly. Lastly I stared at all my cuts on my arms and thighs. I brushed my fingers on my scars, lightly. " Ow ", I winced. I stepped into the shower and started to sing as softly as possible. I wrapped my towel around my fat body and went to my closet to pick my outfit. I wore a black long-sleeved shirt, blue skinny jeans and my dark blue converse. I applied eyeliner, mascara and foundation to cover my bruises on my face.
I took my bag pack and went outside. I checked if my dad was around, he's not. I sighed from relief. I was almost out the door and I remembered. My bracelets! All 6 of my bracelets to cover my cuts. I quickly ran up to my room and wore my bracelets. I didn't have a car so I walk to school every day. I'm so lucky that my school is near my house.

- At School -

I opened my locker and quickly got my chemistry books and all of a sudden my locker was slammed shut and I yelped in pain. Someone slammed me into the lockers. I didn't yell or scream at the pain, most probably because I'm used to it. I looked up and no surprise I saw the only and only Nash Grier and his 'posy', smirking at me. " Whatcha looking at slut?" I heard one of them said. That's not all I heard them call me fugly, whore and etc. Nash started slapping me, hard. Matthew started punching my face. I couldn't take it and I fell on the floor. Lastly Taylor started kicking my sides. Everyone was laughing at me. Great. I felt like crying. I can feel the tears almost spilling out like a waterfall. But I kept it in just like all of my other emotions. After a few minutes I heard the bell ring and everyone left. Once I saw nobody was anywhere near me j started crying. I wiped away all the tears and ran to my class. Cameron and Shawn. Great. I walked in class and quickly took my seat. The only seat left was in front of Shawn. Even more great. " Okay class settle down. There will be no homework.", Miss Lily said and the whole ass started cheering. " But there will be a project. And it'll be a partner project and I'm pairing all of you", she said. " Andrea and Cassidy", " Tony and Cameron", " Ariana and Jake", " Riley and Megan" lastly " Shawn and Destiny". Oh okay. Wait did she Shawn and Destiny?!


• Hey guys! So this is my first chapter. And I know it sucks ass 😭. But still I hope you guys like it. So please like, vote or comment. Maybe do all three? 😉 If you do all three...ya'll get free pizza! 🍕 Jk! If you don't it's okay I still love you guys! Muah! 💋

Bullied By Magcon BoysWhere stories live. Discover now