Chapter Twelve

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ᗪEᔕTIᑎY'ᔕ ᑭ.O.ᐯ

" They look so cute together", I recognize that voice it's Jack G. " Come on, let's wake them up", he said. No I don't wanna. It feels so comfortable, I wonder why.... Right I'm cuddling with Nash. Before I knew it I felt cold water splashing on me. I shot up and so did Nash.

" What the fuck, guys?!", I yelled. " Now, now it's not very lady like to cuss", Carter said. " I don't give a shit", I rolled my eyes. " Um...Destiny?", Nash said as I got up from him. " Yeah?", I muttered. He was looking down at my shirt. I looked down and saw that my shirt was totally see through and you can see my black bra. Stupid white shirt.

All the boys were looking at my bra. I squeaked and went into the bathroom. " Hayes!", I called and he said yeah. " Would you mind bringing my suitcase?", I asked. " Sure, one sec". I opened the door and saw my suit case there, I took it in. I striped and took a quick shower. I wore a plain black crop top, blue high waisted shorts, black converse and my bracelets. I put on some light make up and walked out.

The boys were still in my room but they were already dressed. " Destiny, wanna go out for breakfast?", Jack J asked. i muttered a sure, grabbed my phone and went outside. " Where are we going for breakfast?", I asked. " McDonalds", I heard Shawn said. We wanted to take the limo but since McDonalds was so near our hotel we decided to walk.

" I'm so tired", I whined. " Grab on", Hayes said as he kneels down. I climbed on his back and I could feel myself blushing....again. God...I really like him.

~ At Le McDonalds ~

After ordering we sat down at the biggest table we could find. " So...Destiny. Do you have a boyfriend?", Shawn asked. I shook my head. " I didn't have a boyfriend for two years", I heard all of them gasped. " No way. A pretty girl like you? No boyfriend?", Nash said. I started blushing all over again.

" Guys, what time does Magcon start?", I asked. " At 3" Matt said. " And what time is it now?", I asked. " 2" he said. We looked at each other and we quickly finished our food and went back to the hotel. And yes, I'm on Hayes's back. I can feel my heart really hard.

Once we arrived the hotel we went to the event hall. We could see girls screaming the boys names. We went inside we the help of the security guards. We did a short sound check and after we're done they let the girls in. Here we go. All the boys and I were backstage. ( Mahogony will not be in this story. Sorry. )

Bart went on stage and started introducing the boys. " Please welcome Nash Grier!", I could her lots of screaming and clapping. " Please welcome Hayes Grier", less screaming was heard but I screamed. How could I not? " Next is Taylor Cannif", not as many claps were heard. " Next is Aaron Carpenter",. " Please welcome Shawn Mendes", I called really loud. " Please welcome Cameron Dallas". " " Next is Matt Espinosa", I cheered for him. " Please welcome Carter Reynolds", I screamed for my Asian buddy. " Please welcome Jack and Jack". " And lastly please welcome,our newest member of Magcon. Destiny Palmer!".

I could her cheering and clapping as I walk up onto stage. I literally can feel my heart pounding so hard. Music started playing and we all started dancing like a bunch of idiots. Then ' Nae Nae' song started playing and I danced along. I knew the dance why not. All the boys were just looking at me. " Give a big clap to Destiny, she can really shake that thing", Aaron said through the microphone. The audience started clapping. I felt my cheeks warming up and Aaron was hugging while laughing.

" Now Destiny and I are going to sing for you guys", Shawn said. The rest of the boys went backstage accept for Shawn. He started paying his guitar and we both sang together. we sang a duet of Everything Has Changed. Once we're done, the audience started clapping and screaming.

The boys went back on stage and Shawn put away his guitar. " Okay, so it's time for Q and A", Matt said. The girls screamed again. " Okay. You with red hair and braided in a fishtail", Jack G said. I wonder how he knows what it's called". " This question is for Hayes. Are you and Destiny dating?", she asked. " No we're not", he answered with a hint of sadness in his voice?

" Okay. Moving on. The girl wearing a " I LOVE PIZZA" t-shirt. I giggled. " This question is for Destiny". She said. She was in the front row so we let her up on stage. She's really pretty. She has long light brown hair and she's really thin and tall. " Why are you even here? I mean no one even knows you. The boys are probably keeping you on this tour so they can have fun with you. You probably slept with all of them you slut", she spat in my face.

I felt like crying, but I won't. I'm going to fight back this time. " Alright...look here. I don't give a shit about what you say or what you think. You can say all the stuff you want to say about me but the truth is I'll be touring with the boys and you'll never tour with them. So go ahead and call me a slut but the boys know that I'm not" I said back to her.

She looked shocked but not as shocked as the boys. This is my first time standing up for myself. " Security!", Matt called. The security took the girl out of the event hall. The boys gave me a group hug and they all said that I did a great job. I finally stand up for myself and nothing bad happened to me.


Hey my pizzas! 🍕
How ya'll doing?
Cause I'm good. I've overslept and didn't go to school. Yay!
Hope you like this chapter!
Thanks for reading! Love you! 😍

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