Chapter Thirty-Six

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Hayes's POV

    It's been a whole year. A year since that tragic moment. It was all my fault. No one else to blame except me. Maybe if we got to her sooner. There is a lot of things we could have done, but we didn't. But I can't blame anyone except me, I should've never been mad at her. I should've talked it out with her.

     But I didn't and now it's too late.I regret so many things but this has to be the biggest regret I will always have. I wish I could go back in time and do things differently. But I can't and now she's gone.

     I could feel the tears coming down. I look into the mirror, looking at my shaking hands as I try to tie my tie. My hands were shaking too much and I couldn't. So, I just gave up. I curled up in my bed and just cried it out.

     I heard a knock on the door. "Hayes, honey. It's time to go" my mother said. I got up, got into the car with my family and I just stared into space. We reached the cemetery, and I got out. There was so many people there, even though it's been a year.

     I just can't believe she fell off the wagon. After the incident at the hospital, she promised us she won't ever harm herself again. But she did and this time we didn't save her. This time we were a little too late.

     I held the flowers in my hand and gently placed it near her headstone. A black rose. She was always different. Never liked red or white roses. One of the reasons why I loved her. No, not loved I still do.

     I felt all eyes on me, filled with sympathy. I don't need sympathy. The only thing I want is for her to be here again. I miss her laugh, the way she would shy away when she smiles cause she always hated it but, I loved it. I miss her beautiful voice, her warm hugs. I miss...her.

     We all said things to her headstone but, I couldn't. I just couldn't, not again. I'm afraid that if I do, I would cry and maybe never stop. Time flew really quickly and I went my own way when it finished.

     I hope that she finally found peace. I hope she's finally happy. I put my hands in my pockets and I walked into a library. It was always her favorite spot. It was her escape and she was mine.

     "Oomph". "Oh god! I am so sorry, I didn't even see you", a panicked voice said. "No, no, no. It was my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going" I said as I looked up. At first I was taken away by her beauty until I remembered about Destiny.

Then I remembered, this is what she would want for me. For me to move on and I know it's going to be hard to get over her. But I need to move on and get on with my life. We talked about our favorite books. We talked about so many things that I now can't remember. She reminded so much of Destiny. But she isn't Destiny. I don't know how I'm ever going to move on but I'm going to try. I'm going to try just for Destiny.

The End

First of all, I would like to apologize that I have taken such a long time to update. Secondly, I would like to confess something. I actually didn't want to continue this story. I felt like like it is utter shit but my friends have encouraged me to finish it.
This is the end of this story. I really hope you guys enjoy it. I know most of you won't like this ending, but I really wanted to write a sad ending instead of a happily ever after ending. I feel like this would be more a realistic scenario.
Thank you all for putting up with my lazy ass. Thank you for reading this shitty story. I love you all.

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