Chapter Four

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Rachel's POV

I looked at the poor figure in the mirror. I have definitely gotten skinner since my parents passing. I just don't have the urge to eat. I heard a light knock on the door and I turned to see Finn.

"You look really pretty." He said smiling.

"Thank you, Finn." I said frowning.

"What?" He looked at me upset.

"I just don't feel like it." I said.

"Feel like what, Rach?" He walked towards me.

"Pretty." I said turning towards him again.

"Well you are." he said smirking. Wait, he only smirks if he likes someone. Like, more than friends. But why do I care? Stop doing this to yourself Berry. He stopped smirking and frowned at himself. Like he was saying the exact same thing in his head.

"Let's go." He took my hand and led me downstairs.

I grabbed my purse from the coat hook and shut the door behind me. After the funeral, we're going to get my stuff from my old house. Everything else is going to go into an estate sale. I reached the truck door and hopped in. I went ahead and turned my phone off, so that it didn't go off during the mass. I scooted over to Finn and rested my head on his shoulder. I have been so stressed about doing my speech about my parents. My Speech! I started digging through my purse and was praying to find the piece of paper. I took a deep breath, relaxing a little since I found the paper. Finn started singing our song and I started to fall asleep while shedding a few tears.

"Hi, so my name is Rachel, which most of you guys know me." I started my speech of giggling.

"So when they asked me to speak today, I was thinking that Pastor Robert was crazy." I said mentioning to the church pastor. Everybody laughed a little. I started to get nervous since this was where the upsetting part of my speech. I looked up at my loving glee club family, then looked to Finn. He smiled at me, knowing I was nervous.

"But then I thought it over. My parents would love for me to read about them at their funerals." I started to cry, choking on my words. Finn came up and started reading for me.

Finn's POV

I couldn't watch her stand up there and die while giving this speech, so I got up and stood next to her.

"Hi, I'm Finn Hudson, I'm Rachel's best friend. Shelby and LeRoy were like parents to me, so I'll go ahead and finish this speech for Rachel." I introduced myself.

"I never thought this day would come so soon. I thought my parents would live out a happy life, that they would grow old together. When I saw the news on the tv, I could barley believe that it was real life. I kept telling myself it was a dream. My mother, Shelby, was a very determined woman. She was my best friend. She was the one I told my secrets, the first one to know about my first kiss, my first boyfriend... you name it. She was a very complicated woman, and I was one of the few people who got to understand her." I said. Rachel was now sobbing, and I couldn't help but feel more shitty for her, but I had to continue.

"My father was a simple man. Anyone around him was lucky. My father was great at raising me. When mom was on business, and he was told to stay, he would always make sure it was exactly like my mom was there. We'd have makeovers, do each other's hair, anything you would do with your mom. My father was the one who told me to turn to God when I was in a rough spot. I miss my father, so much. I want to sing a song in their honor." Rachel departed from me and went over to the microphone, and let her beautiful voice fill the room.


He said, "I've been where you've been before.
Down every hallway's a slamming door.
No way out, no one to come and save me.
Wasting a life that the Good Lord gave me.

Then somebody said what I'm saying to you,
Opened my eyes and told me the truth."
They said, "Just a little faith, it'll all get better."
So I followed that preacher man down to the river and now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger

There must've been something in the water
Oh, there must've been something in the water

Well, I heard what he said and I went on my way
Didn't think about it for a couple of days
Then it hit me like a lightning late one night
I was all out of hope and all out of fight

Couldn't fight back the tears so I fell on my knees
Saying, "God, if you're there come and rescue me."
Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood and now I'm changed
And now I'm stronger

There must be something in the water
Oh, there must be something in the water

And now I'm singing along to amazing grace
Can't nobody wipe this smile off my face
Got joy in my heart, angels on my side
Thank God almighty, I saw the light
Gonna look ahead, no turning back
Live every day, give it all that I have
Trust in someone bigger than me
Ever since the day that I believed I am changed
And now I'm stronger

There must be something in the water
Oh, there must be something in the water
Oh, there must be something in the water
Oh, there must be something in the water
Oh, yeah

I am changed


She stepped away from the microphone and started to break down. I went over to her and guided her back down to the chair next to mine.

"I love you, Finn." She whispered to me.

"I love you too, Rach." I smiled and whispered back.

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