Chapter Seventeen

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I sat there in the waiting room waiting for two things, Sam and Paisley's doctor. I've been waiting in here for 30 minutes. I stood up from the chair because it was really hurting my butt. Sam walked through the door and the looked panicked.

"What happened?" He walked over to me.

"I turned my back for two seconds and she fell off the kitchen chair and cracked her head open." He hugged me.

"She'll be fine." He said as kept hugging me. The doctor came up to us and faked a cough.

"Paisley will be okay, she just cracked her head open. You need to be more careful as a parent." He looked at me. Before I could say anything back, Sam did.

"Excuse me?" The doctor just smirked at him.

"I said she needs to be more careful as a parent." He said again.

"You don't ever talk to a woman like that you little scumbag-" He started.

"Can we see her?" I cut him off and he looked at me mad.

"Yep. She's free to go whenever." He gave me the bill and the walked away. I ran towards her room before Sam could yell at me. He's been doing that a lot, whenever he thinks I've done something wrong. It's been happening a lot. I've been thinking about leaving him, but I don't have anywhere to run.

I walked into the bright room to see my baby girl waiting for me.

"Mommy!" She came over to me and cried in my arms. At this point, I couldn't feel any worse than I already did.

"Pais, I will never, ever, take my eyes off you again, okay?" I let go of her and she nodded as she looked me in the eyes.

"I can't do this anymore." Sam said.

"Okay." I said simply.
I ran out of the hospital, and I found my car and quickly pressed the unlock button, putting Paisley in her car seat as fast as possible. I got in my seat and was sobbing. I can't go back to the house, that's the first place he'll go. I can't go to Quinn's. Finn.

I pressed the gas and zoomed to Finn's house....

I didn't have the courage to get out and knock on the door so I sat there crying my eyes out in my car with a confused little girl in the back seat. I heard a tap on the window and I saw Finn. I hit the unlock button and he got in and just stared, not knowing what to say.

"He left me." I sobbed.

"Oh, gosh." he put his hands through his hair.

"He left me, right in front of Paisley." I continued. He looked at me and then down to his lap, wanting me to sit. I crawled over to him and bawled into his chest while he held me close.

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