Chapter 1, Eddie?

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"now I don't need your love....all I need is six." Catheryn says looking around at the queens. "Awe...." they all said , blabbering other cute things , before becoming serious imeditaly in a comedic way. The crowd laughed. They went to their spots and sand.

"were one of a kind , no category!" they sang while jumping around. Anna smiled at all of them. She looked at them. he eyes drifted to the side of the stage....she saw a little boy. He was probally around, 1-2 years old and was just lookimg around. he made eye contact with Anna. He had beautiful baby blue eyes , curly fully blonde hair , and white skin. He was sucking a blue pacifire and holding onto the sid of the wall. He was stumbiling a little bit , like he just learned how to walk\stand. As soon as Anna noticed him , her smiled faded. Not that she was sad who it was- she was just in genuine shock. It was her youngest Ex-Step Son , Edward.
Edward smiled as soon as he niticed her and started to run with his arms out towards her.

"the end of the show-" Anna saud akwardly while running towards him as he almost fell. The queens looked back to see the comotion. Everyone looked shocked when they saw her holding a boy-especially Parr and Howard when they relized it was him. They looked at Anna asking "Is it Edward?" with their eyes. Anna nodded her head , as Howard and Parr eyes widened.

they crowed was all singing along and were aweing at Edward without knowing the situation. The Queens continued the song , all looking at Anna with Edward. Edward nuzzled his head into Anna's shoulder. he was humming to the tune of the song. Anna gave him a kiss on the head and smiled.

The queens rushed backstage and closed the door to theur trailer. Anna sat Edward on the counter as he giggled.

"Who is that kid?" Anne asked , walking towards him. She pet his haur as he played with a makeup brush , looking at it with curiosity. " this isn't just ANY OTHER kid...." Anna said. The first three queens looked at her in curiosity. They all three loojed at the last two and noticed they knew who is was. "Who is it....?" Jane asked. Anna looked at the last and then sighed. " Edward....your son." she said. The last three puased. "What?!" Cathrine exclaimed. Jane squeled. "My baby boy!" she said rushing over to him. Anne moved as Jane held him. All the queens smiled. They knew that Jane's only wish in life was to be a mom. Ofcourse , it was their dream to , but unlike the rest of them-Jane wanted nohing more. Kathryn them asked "Wait- If Edie is here , could Lizzie Mary , and both Henry's be here too?" out of curiousity. All the queens looked at Edward as Jane took his paci out of his mouth. "Eddie , are your older brother and siblings here?" she asked in a babish voice. Edward looked at her as if their was nothing going on in his barin. "No." he said , playing with the makeup brush. The queens got a little sad , but were happy that Edward was here.

Jane skipped into the house , with Cathrine right behind her. She sat Edward on the couch as Cathrine locked the door. Both women sat beside him exited Edward smiled and looked around at all the new stuff. "Whats that?" he asked , pointing the TV. "That's a TV buddy." Cathrine said , petting him. He giggled as she did so. Jane smiled. "We HAVE to take Edie shoping in the morning." Jane told Cathrine. "We should! WE can buy him clothes , toys , snacks EVERYTHING!" Cathrine said in return. it was REALLy late at night and was about to be 2:00 AM. EDward yawned and snuggled in the womens bodies. They both said "Awe...." as he did. "Where should he sleep tonight? Is he old enough to share a bed?" asked Cathrine. "Uh.... I don't know...."

Thus , the anxiety of becoming a new parent without maids and nannies taking care of them in a completly seprate house begain.


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