chapter 4, the birthday party

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Edward jumped up and down. It was his birthday! He was turning 5 years old finally! His entire pre-school class would be coming! He grabbed his favorite purple jacket and his favorite blue jeans. He decided to wear his disney princess shirt under his jacket. He got his belt and ran downstairs where his moms were.

"Cathrine! Mommy!" Edward said. His mothers were both making out in the kitchen. He furrowed his eyesbrows and tilted his head not knowing why they were kissing so weirdly. It was until Cathrine started to take his moms shirt off , reveiling her bra that he finally spoke up asking what they were doing. Both women screamed. Jane slid off the counter and buttoned up her shirt , as Cathrine picked up Edward. "Hey buddy...." Cathrine asked nervously. "Do you need help getting dressed?" Cathrine asked him as he grabbed his toy dinosour that was onthe table. "Mhm." He said. Cathrine picked him up and brought him up stairs. Edward played with his T-Rex and made it fly by throwing it across the hall. "What was that for?" She asked him. "I made him fly!" He said exitedly. Cathrine laughed and opened his bedroom door. Edward started to whine. "Whats wrong buddy?" Cathrine asked. "I want my dino!" Edward yelled. "Ok buddy , but don't yell ok?" Cathrine told him. "Ok....sorry." Edward said regretfully. "Its ok love." Cathrine said as she stepped back into the hall. Edward was confused about how his mom and Cathrine treated him , or how they were in general. He recently started to get his memories back and was reaklly getting confused. He thought girls couldn't kiss girls? He thought he would get yelled at if he yelled. Where were all the servants and maids? He liked how it was now , but was confused. Cathrine came back and shut the door. She knelt down and gave him his dinosour. She ruffled his hair. Edward started to play with his dino as Cathrine ironed out his clothes.

"Alright buddy." Cathrine said , taking off Edward's PJ's. Jane knocked on the door and opened it. "Are you almost done birthday boy?" She asked him.  "Were just now getting dressed!" Cathrine said to Jane. Jane started to make Edward's bed. She heard edward start to giggle , and looked over to him. "The tag tickles!" Cathrine grabbed a pair of siccors and cut off the tag. Edward started to calm down and start to behave. Once he got dressed , he turned around in the mirror "Tada!" he said , adimring his reflection. His mothers both complimented him. Edward sat down and played with his baby dolls as his mothers began to set up.

Cathrine pulled the cake out the fridge and started to put the icing on it. Edward wanted his birthday party to be royal themed , so they decicded to go off the era they were from. They were pretty wealthy , so the party was going to be big for sure. Edward was pretty popular at school , so most of the school was going to be there. They would be serving spaghetti and pizza there , and for dessert , brownies , cupcakes , and cake. It was going to be amazing. They had people in the back blowing up party castles and helping to decorate whilest they were cooking.

Edward sat down in his 'throne' as everyone ate. It was lunch time and there were tons of kids there. Edward was enjoying his pizza as his worst enemy , Vivian entered the backyard. Him and Vivian hated each other. Once , Vivian ate his crayon. They hated each other since. "Hey stupid. Vivian said to Edward. "why are you here?" Edward said. Edward glared at her. "My mommy and daddy made me." Vivian claimed. She took one of his pizza slices and ate it infront of him. The kids that noticed gasped. "Your so mean!" Edward said to her. "Your such a mother-fucker!" Vivian yelled at him. Edward teared up and ran to his mom and Cathrine , who were both talking to Vivian's parents. "MAMA , CATHRINE!! VIVIAN CALLED ME THE B-WORD!" Edward yelled at both pairs of adults. "Mother-fucker doesn't start with B!" Vivian yelled back. "Vivian! You don't call people that!" Her mother said. "But he is one!" Vivian yelled again. Vivian pushed Edward on the ground. Vivian's parents left with her , who was screaming and crying. Edward's party became pretty normal after that. Edward played with all the kids and had a great time. He got tons of new toys and books.

Edward was jumping on the couch. He was already in his nightwear. Edward jumped onto his back and covered himself up with the blanket. "Mommy!" He yells over hus shoulder. "Yes baby?" Jane said , cleaning the dinner plates. "Can we watch TV with us and Cathrine?" Edward asked her. Jane turned and around and said "Sure!" while walking to the couch. Jane called Cathrine downstairs and they all turned on a movies. "What movie do you want to watch?" Cathrine asked him. "Uhm....Zombies!" Edward exclaimed. Cathrine put her arm around him and turned on the TV.


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