Chapter 2, shoping

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Jane and Cathrine walked down the street , while Cathrine held Edward. Edward looked at a guy who was break-dancing on the street for money. He giggled and pointed at the guy. Cathrine pulled his hand down while smillimg , and gave him kisses on the head. Jane threw money in the guys box and went on. The three of them entered a store called 'A Child's House'. It had cute kids clothes , including some for hus age group. They saw a little play area for little kids. It wasn't really big , but it wasn't small. Edward pointed over and started to whine. "Do you want to play Edie?" Jane asked him. He looked at her for a few seconds staring at her and Cathrine. Cathrine and Jane giggled and he then started to point back and started to whine again. they both laughed and walked him over there. They placed him on the ground and he started to crawl over. He tried to stand up and started to stumble to it. he walked up the steps and slid down the slide. Jane and Cathrine both started to queitly cheer and clap. Edward smiled and giggled. He stood up , balancing himself by holding onto the hem of the slide.

Edward played for a couple minutes , but then he got a little whiny. He started to cry. and Cathrine rushed up to him and held him as he cried. They relized they handn't changed him so Cathrine rushed to the bathroom. Jane walked down the kids section into the toddler section. She walked down the section until she got to the diaper section. She got some pampers and walked down to the casheir.

"are you ready to check out?" the older woman said. "Yes." Jane said. She handed the diapers to the woman and smiled. The woman scanned the diapers. "Do you want a bag?" She asked. "No Thanks." Jane answered nicely. The woman smiled and handed them to her and Jane walked to the bathroom.

"Hey , sorry I took to long." Jane said to Cathrine. "No problem." Cathrine said. Jane opened the box out and grabbed a diaper. Edward was standing on the baby changing table and was bouncing. Cathrine giggled and said "No , no!" and layed him down. They changed Edward's daiper and left the bathroom.

They walked towards the toodler section and looked at the clothes. All of the clothes were really cute and they bought a couple of outfits for Edie

 All of the clothes were really cute and they bought a couple of outfits for Edie

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