Chapter 12,Backstage

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Edward was coloring in his coloring book. His mom's and their friends were performing on stage.

He was getting bored and wanted to see his moms , so he decided to leave.

He peaked over the corner. No one was there. He rushed down the hallway and then saw the side stage. Tons of people were there doing work , so he knew it would be hard.

While no one was looking he got to the side of the stage and his behind a couple of boxes. He heard the music for Ex-Wives start. He giggled and looked through a hole in the boxes. He could see Cathrine fix up her dress and get into position.


Edward had never seen the performance before. His mom's and aunts said he shouldn't watch because it may bring back sad memories- but how would they know?

Welp , they did.

"Eddie honey? You ok?" Cathrine asked. Edward sniffled and said. "Yes!" in a (obviously) fake-happy tone. "You sure?" She asked again. "Yes Ma'am!" He repeated. Jane came up the stairs with a confused face. "What's wrong babe?" Jane asked out of curiosity. "Edward locked his door and has been crying for the longest. Jane gave a sympathetic look and went up to Edward door.

"Edward baby can we come in?" She asked. She knocked on the door again and heard a groan. "Ugh! I'm fffiiinnneee" Edward said. She sighed and told Cathrine"Maybe it's best to give him some space...." and went back downstairs.

Edward perked up at the smell of brownies. He gasped and rushed downstairs.

His moms knew he liked brownies- as he was constantly asking to make them. So , they thought that making them would make him feel better.

Welp , they were right.

"Brownies?!?!" Edward exclaimed with a smile. His moms giggled and he jumped up and down Infront of the stove. "Hold on bud!" Jane said , patting his head. Edward skipped over to the table and pulled out his seat.

The second his moms put the tray infront of him , he dug in.
He live , laughed , loved brownies. They were his life source. He gasped when he tasted his favorite fruit- strawberries- in it too. His moms both stormed his hair while giving him a smile.

"Do you want to tell us what's wrong now?" Cathrine asked as she wiped the brownies off of the kuds face. "Uhm....maybe later. Not now. He said. His moms both gave him a kiss on the forehead and sent him back upstairs to play.


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