chapter 6, Kindergarten drama

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Edward sunk in his chair and looked over at the right wall angrily. He had just gotten in trouble by his teacher for pretty much no reason. His principle walked in and sat in her chair.

"Mr. Tuudor...." The principle started. Edward yelled at her. "Don't call me that! I am Seymour not Tudor." He said agnrily. His principle rolled her eyes and sighed. "That's not what it says on your stuff." She said. "Ugh." He growled.

Jane and Cathrine walked in and shut the door behind them. They had sent him to school two hours ago and he had already gotten in trouble. They both stood behind Edward and asked what happened. "Uhm , sorry if we are late. What seems to be the problem?" Jane asked , ruffling her son's hair. "His teacher , Ms. Homb , said that he called her bitch today." The principle said. Jane and Cathrine looked in horror. "Why though?" Cathrine asked. "Why does it matter?" the principle asked with a additude. "Well....maybe there was a reason?' Cathrine claimed. "It doesn't matter. He shouldn't act like that." Cathrine and Jane looked down at Edward. "Buddy , what happened?" Jane asked her son. "She called me an dumbass for not getting a question right!" Edward exclaimed. Cathrine glared at the teacher , who was standing in the corner. "Did you call my so- I uh , Edward a dumbass?!" She asked walking closer t6o her. The principle stood up and got inbetween. "Mrs.-" She started at CAthrine. "Don't you say anything you skank." She said. he pushed the woman to the ground and put her attention onto the teacher.

Edward laughed as he got into the passenger's seat. "Is Cathrine going to jail?!" He laughed as he sunk into his seat. Jane pulled of the parking lot. "Look , we will just bail her out. And this isn't funny!" She said while trying not to laugh. Edward grinned and looked out of the passemger's window. "This is reakky cool , I can tell all my friends that she went to jail!" He said. Jane finally laughed and said "Ok , but don't tell everyone! You shouldn't get her in even more trouble!" She said.

Cathrine opened the passenger door. "And what are you doing here?" Cathrine said jokingly as Edward giggled. "Sitting in my seat!" He said , adding more expression on 'my'. Cathrine rolled her eyes and opened the door. As she did so , she said "Are you really gonna make me sit back here?". Edward said "Yeah!" While nodding his head yes. Cathrine sat in the seat behind Edward and buckled up.

They all decided to grab something to eat before heading to the theater. They went to starbuck and ordered some drinks and food. They all ate and left to theater.

Edward sat down in the dressingroom and played on his mother's phone. Then he heared loud cheering. He heared the queens come back and open the door. Edward took out his earbuds and looked over. Kathrine smiled at him and walked over to him. "Hey Bud." She said. Edward smiled and and put his head on her shoulder. "Hey...." He yawned. He was tired and ready to go home.

Edward laid down in bed as Cathrine tucked him in. "Night baby...." She said with a smile. She pat his head and gave him a kiss. "Night Mama...." He said , slowly drifting off to sleep. Cathrine eye's widened. She felt herself tear up but rushed out before Edward could see her cry.


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