chapter 5, sleep over!

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Edward jumped up the stairs. He was at Kathryn's and Anna's house. His parents went on vacation and needed a sitter , so Kathryn and Anna jumped in to help. Jane smiled and knocked on the door. Kathryn opened and the adults all greated each other. Edward just stared up at the with a smile. Kathryn then got down to Edward's height. "Hey buddy!" She said inviting him into a hug. Edward run into the hug as everyone laughed. "How are you?" Anna asked. "Good...." He said with a laugh. He stood on his tippy-toes and reached out his arms , making grabby-hands. Kathryn picked him up and invited them all inside.

Cathrine Pet Edward's hair. They had just ordered pizza and were all talking about stories. Edward hadn't ever been to Kathryn or Anna's house , so this place was new to him. He was looking around and saw a backyard. He got off the the couch and toddled over to the back door. He started to try to push open the door. Jane walked over to him and grabbed him. "No , no!" Jane said while laughing. "Can I go and play outside?" Edward asked her. Anna spoke up andsaid "He can go outside if he wants , we don't mind." with a smile. Edward jumped up and down while giggling. He went back to the door and smushed his face on it Jane picked him up and walked over to the main back door. she slid on her shoes and walked out.

Everyone has eventully joined Jane and Edward outside. They all sat on the deck talking. The pizza had yet to come , so they were all still a little hungry , but then they saw the car pull up.

All the adults sat at the table . Anna was opening the box when she looked over at Edward. He something laying in his jacket , and it was moving. "Whats in Edward jacket....?" She asked. Everyone turned around a noticed Edward he looked very guilty and he sat it down. "Buddy , what's in your jacket?" Cathrine said while getting down. "Nothing...." Edward said , looking down at the floor. "Buddy?" Cathrine asked again. "It's not a puppy!" Edward said in a whiney voice. The second he said that , a tiny black dog come out. The dog shook and started to walk around. Everyone just stared at it. "Oh uhm...." Jane said. "Can we keep the puppy please?" Jane stared at him for a second. "Well....uh....maybe.....? We would need to take it to the vet...." She said. "How about we eat?" Anna said. Everyone agreed.

Edward threw his bouncy ball at the doggo. "Mommy , I wanna call it Claire!" He said. The dog barked and got in his lap. Jane smiled akwardly and turned around. He cuddled up to Claire and snuggled to her.

Cathrine looked at the time. "Well , I think we should leave now." She said. Everyone said bye to each each other.

Edward snuggled into his puppy-dog and slowly fell asleep. Anna and Kathryn turned out the lights , and went to their respective bedrooms.


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