chapter 7 , "Mommy , where are all the clowns you work with....?" :(

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*Based off a meme lol , pretty short*

Cathrine was stroking Edward's hair as he pouted. SIX : the musical didn't end , but they all decided to get jobs. Cathrine led a law firm and got a shit ton of money. Edward had a half-day at school , so Cathrine took him to her job. She didn't know why he was sad. He was pretty excited that moring.

Cathrine was in a meeting , with Edward still in her lap. While everyone was working , she looked down to Edward. He was frowning and coloring in a coloring book. He grabbed his purple pencil and started to color the outlines. "Baby....?" Cathrine said as Edward looked up at her. "Yes Mama?"He asked in a sweet and queit voice. Cathrine couldn't help but smile. Her heart was exploding. Edward had just recently starte to call her 'Mama'. She always loved Edward as if he were her own. She saw him just like her Mary and Henry. She kissed his forehead and asked "What's wrong baby?" with sypmathy. He looked down and said "Nothing...." with a pouty voice. Cathrine lifted his chin and asked it again. Edward teared up. "You lied to me...." He said in a whiny voice. Some of the workers looked up , but still paid no mind. "What did I lie about baby?" She asked in curiousty. She doesn't remeber telling him anything else. "You said this would be like circus!" He said pretty loudly. Everyone was looking. "You said that there would be clowns here? Where are the clowns at Mommy?" Edward asked. At this point he was crying. She picked him up , trowing him around her side. She made her way out to the hallway and sat down at a bench. "Ok calm down buddy....' She said with a bit of a laugh. Edward eventualy calmed down after a few seconds. "Baby....uhm...." She started. She didn't really know what to say , so she just apoligized for lying while trying not to laugh

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