Chapter 10 ,Deer Diahre , I got berd

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Edward opened his diary.

He was excited about getting a little sibling.

Edward was just 5 , and was still learning how everything , mainly spelling and grammer

'Deer Diahre
I have uh new sidlinj. It maybee bee a gurl or a boiy. I wahnt it name Halie if gurl or Gil if boi I also learnedned how to du math. Itzs fun.

bye diahre!!!!'

Edward giggled and closed the diary. He looked out his window and saw a black bird. He tapped the window to get it's attention.

"Mommies!" Edward yelled.
Cathrine came upstairs to see Jane already there.

"Baby we can't keep it...." Jane said. "What's up?" Cathrine asked her. "Edward wants that bird. "Oh...." Catherine laughed.

"Why can't we have a bird?" Edward asked sadly. "Because Claire will eat it." Jane said in a dead-panned voice. Cathrine eyes widened in shock.
"Claire would never eat a bird!" Edward stuttered. He knew Claire and she would never eat a bird!

"Yeah Jane." Cathrine asked. Jane just shrugged and then turned back to Edward. "Dogs eat birds. That just the truth" Jane said. "Oh...." Edward said sadly.

"Really?! You told him that Claire would eat it?!" Cathrine exclaimed. "Catalina , we can't just keep telling him that something's illegal if we can't do or give him something." Jane said. "We can get him a bird! We can just be extra safe!" Cathrine said.
"I am always taking care of Claire! You never put in any effort!" Jane yelled back. "Well sorry for providing stuff for us and our son!" Cathrine said sarcasticly.

Edward covered his ears as his moms both argued. The bird was still at the window and was pecked the window.

Edward looked around to make sure that no one was around. He opened the window and let in the bird. Claire was on the bed and the bird landed on her nose.
Edward was scared but Claire surprisingly was ok with it. He heard doors slam , making him jump up. That scared the bird and Claire , but they both eventually chilled out.

He grabbed his diary and started to write.

'Deer Diahre

Momma and Mommie both foght but I know have a berd named Herkules like the movie. I have berd sed from a skel progekt and I have a more.

Bye diahre'

Edward shut it and put it on his bed.

"Mama? Mommy I have the bird." Edward said. Jane sniffled. "What....?" Jane asked. "You guys were mad so I put the bird inside. Imma give it some food." Edward said , skipping down the garage. Cathrine and Jane sighed simultaneously.

"Mama? I named him Hercules." Edward said as he pat the bird.
"That's cute , but be careful buddy." She said.
"Okie Dokie." He said in a sing-songy voice.

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