Chapter 3, The hang out.

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Jane buckled Edie into his car seat. She ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek. "Mommy can I have my bunny baby?" He asked Jane , kicking his feet. Jane giggled as Cathrine sat down in the front seat. "Cathrine?" Jane asked , looking towards Cathrine's back. Cathrine adjusted the front mirror and looked at Jane. "Hm?" She asked , reaching into her bag to grab her lipstick. "Can you give me the house keys please? Edward wants his stuffed bunny." Cathrine nodded and gave the keys to Jane. "Thanks ," Jane said. Cathrine smilled and Jane shut the door. "Cadrine?" Edward asked Cathrine. Cathrine rubbed her lips together and shut the mirror. She turned back to Edward. "Yeah buddy?" She asked him , smilling. "Is dada coming back?" He asked her drawing out the word 'back'. Cathrine paused. Considering how young he is , he defnitly doesn't understand what his dad is like. "I don't know buddy....but he was never very nice , and would probaly be mean to us." She said. Edward was a little confused , but shook his head 'yes'. "Are you my mommy now since you are dating my mommy?" he asked her. Cathrine didn't know what to say. She loved him just as much as she loved her Henry and Mary , but didn't know if he loved just as much as his mommy. "I...." she stutterd. Just then , her girlfriend opened up the car door. "Ok baby , here you go." Jane said to Edie. Edward reached over and grabbed his bunny. She smilled and noticed Cathrine frowning. "What's wrong?" She whispered into her ear. "I will tell you later." Cathrine said. Cathrine put one hand on Jane's thigh and pulled out the driveway.

All the queens agreed to go to 'Everest Fantasique'. They all sat down outside on the balcony. It was absolutly beautiful. The place was made out of Rustic Cherry wood , it had chandeleirs and pendant lights every where. It had a pond and tons of green nature , grass , trees , leafs , palms , and so much more. it was a beautiful veiw.

Edward looked around at all the pretty things. He sucked his pacifier and started to bounce on Anna's lap. He just looked around with wide eyes. some people would wave at him , coe at him , or give him akward/weird looks. Edward was really happy though , everything was pretty. The waiter came around. "Hello , I am Sherry your server. Would you guys like a apetizer before your main corses?" she asked. "We would like the 'Gougeres' please." Anne said. "They will be on the way soon ma'am" The waiter said while smilling. He turned away and the girls continued their conversations. Edward got board and restless. He started to cry. "Whats wrong?" Anna asked. the adults talked for a few seconds , but Edward couldn't hear. He could only here his own tears. Anna picked him up and they walked to the steps of the balcony. Anna played with him for a bit and he calmed down. Anna figured the noise was stressing him out. "Do you wanna go back?" She asked him. Edward nodded and snuggled into her shoulder.

when they got back , the appitizer was already out. Edward grabbed for one and spit his pacifier. It landed on the floor and everyone started to laugh. Parr reached down and grabbed it "I am going to wash this off in the bathroom...." she said with a laugh. Edward giggled and looked up at Anna. Anna was talking to his mom and stroking his hair. Edward cuddled into her chest. I few seconds later the waiter came back "Are we ready to oder?" He asked. "Yes sir," Anne said to him. They all ordered their food.

After they all ate and left , Jane and Cathrine decided to head on home. When Edward went to sleep , Jane wanted to suprise Cathrine. She went through her draw and found a matching set. It was black and lacy. It made her boobs pop , and outlined her clit. She tightened up all the straps. She lit a couple candles and laid down on the bed. Cathrine entered the bedroom and took off her suite top.

"Hey babe-" She started. She looked at Jane and smirked. She crawled on the bed and pinned Jane down. She cupped her breasts. Jane moaned. Cathrine started to kiss Jane's neck. Jane digged her finger nails into Cathrine's back. Cathrine took of her tie as Jane sat up. She sat on Cathrine's lap and grinded on her. They had a adventurous night....


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