chapter 8 , a fun day

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Claire ran around the house as Edward chased her. Edward was laughing. He and Claire loved playing chase. It helped him become faster , so he can run faster then Jay-Jay Owen.

Jane was walking down the hallway and all of a sudden fell. "Ow! She heard a voicesay. She heard crying noise and noticed Edward was crying. Jane got up and put Edward in her lap.

"Are you ok?" She asked him , brushing away the tears from his face. Edward sniffled and said "Yes...." following it up with "Are you ok Mommy?" Edward asked her. "Yes...." She said with a laugh. "My ankle hurts...." Edward said with a frown. "Awe buddy," She said with pity. She picked him up bridal style. Edward giggled and kicking his feet. "I though your ankle was hurting?!" She said in a joking-tone. She laid Edward on the couch and went to the kitchen.

She grabbed a ice pack and grabbed a icie pop out the freezer. Jane opened the pop and put it in her mouth. She walked back to Edward and gave him the ice pack. She placed it on his ankle. She took the pop out her mouth and kissed his forehead. She turned on the TV and put on disney chanel. He loved the disney chanel , so it put him in a trance pretty quickly. Jane got on her phone while sitting at the bar. She noticed Claire over at the window , staring at the puppy playground. There was a new place across the street called 'The Fun Place'. It was bassicaly a play place. It was pretty large. It had a indoor and outdoor play place- even a petting zoo. Jane thought the place would be fun to get out of the house- but never really found the time to go. Edward had been bored here lately , and it had been a while since they had really had any fun. CAthrine was home in her office , doing work she didn't even have to do , and Jane could use on of her break days.

Jane knocked on Cathrine's office door. Cathrine looked up and smiled. "Hey hun'!" Cathrine said , looking back down at her paper. She signed something and put it in her drawer. "Hey babe? Do you think we have some time today to go to that place across the street? I think it would be fun as we haven't really done anything here lately , and Edward seems misreble being around the same walls!" Jane laugh. Cathrine giggled and agreed. "Do you have time babe?" Cathrine asked her. "Oh yeah , I can just call off today!" She said. Cathrine stood up and brushed off her suite. "also- Please wear something other then a suite...." Jane said in a unseriouse tone. CAthrine grabbed Jane's hips and said "Fine...." and kissed her lips. Jane smiled and punched Cathrine shoulder lightly and walked out Cathrine said "Ow!" While laughing.

Edward was whatching Jessie and then his mothers both tapped his shoulder. "Hey baby. Are you feeling better? Your ice pack is off." Jane said. Edward nodded his head yes. Both women sat beside him on either sides of him. He sat up and paused the TV. " have a bit of a suprise for you Edward!" Jane said. Edward eyes widened. He had been wanting a sibling , maybe his mommys are having a baby! "Yes....?!" Edward asked in a excited tone. "We are going to The Fun Place!" She said.

Edward was sad it wasn't a baby , but the place looked super fun! Every other kid talking about wantingbto go , and since he is popular , he needs to be the first to go! He giggled as the pulled into the driveway.

He gave Claire some pets and kissed her head. He kicked his feet and looked back out the window.

They parked the car and got out. Jane fixed Claire's leash and the started to walk.

"Mama? Mommy?" He asked. Cathrine and Jane looked down at him. "Yes baby?" Cathrine responded. "Can we get something to eat here?" He asked. "Ofcourse love." Jane said. Edward smiled at her and came in between Jane and Cathrine. He held their hands and started to skip to the entrance.

Jane opened the door as Edward ran even further into the place.

"Slow Down!" Cathrine laughed. Edward jumped and turned around , standing still to wait on his moms.

Cathrine picked him up and threw him to her side. The women both walked to the front desk and bought some tickets to come in.

Edward looked over to the side and saw a gift shop. He then turned his head and saw all these fun toys , play-places , snacks , and kids. He smiled and started to kick his feet. His mothers looked over at him and smiled.

Cathrine and Jane chased after Edward as he ran around everywhere.

He rushed into one place , that was a entire grocery store that had toys in it. He giggled as he went to the veggie area , picking up the fake bell peppers.

Jane and Cathrine caught up to him. Edward grabbed a fake bag and started to put the toy bell pepper in the bag.

"Whatcha' doing?" Jane asked him , leaning down to his level. "I am buying food! We can have these for supper!" He giggled and grabbed more toy foods. "Ok. But just remember we can't actually take them home , ok?" Jane reminded him. Edward nodded his head and said "Ok." then turned back to grab some fake tomato's.

They then made their way to a mini café. Cathrine dugg through her wallet and pulled out some cash.

Edward looked up at the menu and decided to get a burger. "What side do you want , buddy?" Jane asked him. "Uhm...." He started. "I want mozzarella sticks!" He exclaimed. Jane smiled and searched through her purse to find her phone. Claire was going crazy at the amount of food and people. She was barking and whining out of happiness. Cathrine picked the dog up and gave her a kiss on the head.

Edward was having trouble eating his burger. It was bigger then his head! Jane giggled at this and took a picture.

TheOneHeTrulyLoved : *picture*

TenamongstyouZEROS : Aww!! 🥹

Therichestbitchontheblock : He is to cute!

Boy-Loser : I am already trying my best not to kidnap him! Why make it worser?!

Boy-Loser : CATHRINE!


Thefinalact : LMAOO

TheGoldenGirl(s) : Maybe ;)

"Cathrine...." Jane started. Catherine giggled and turned back to her good. "Here-" Jane said , grabbing a knife , and cut Edward burger into quarters. "Thanks Mommy!" He said. Jane smiled at him and said "No problem love." , then turned back to her food.

"Mama? Mommy?" Edward asked his mother's. Cathrine looked up as she ate her Tomato & Basil soup. "Hm?" She asked. "Can you guys have a baby?" He said , picking up a fry. Jane chocked a bit and Cathrine's eyes widened. "Oh....uhm why?" Jane asked him , trying to keep her composure. "Because a baby will be fun , I want a baby sister." He said. "Maybe we can have a boy , but I want a girl." He said.
Cathrine laughed a bit. "Mommy and Mama would have to talk about it." She said. Edward nodded and ate a fry. Jane and Cathrine gave each other a look and continued eating.

Jane laid Edward in his bed , giving him a good-night kiss.
She walked out and shut the door. She went to her bedroom , waiting for Cathrine.

Catherine shut the door , and took of her coat. She sat on the bed , and looked at Jane. They just stared at each other for a second. "" Jane said , trying to at least stutter a word out. Cathrine held her hand and they smiled at each other. "Do you want to maybe have another....?" She asked. Jane cuddled closer to her girlfriend. "Yes , " She said.
They both laughed and gave each other a kiss.


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