Chapter 13, When the past comes back to haunt you....

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This is more of a joke chapter lol....may make a more serious chapter to go off this one cause it kinda is a serious situation 😅

Edward laughed as he found his friend , Conner , fell down. "Are you ok?" He asked him , letting out a hand. "Yeah...." He said.

"Edward? You have been called for an early dismissal."

Edward felt the most pride he had ever felt- sure he may have literally been the king of England at just 9-15 years old , but seeing the looks of dreed of your fellow students as you get to leave class early is the best fuel for self-confidence.

Edward got to the office and looked up at who was picking him up. "Damnit" Edward thought. Thomas Seymour was standing in front of him. He sighed. Once again , Thomas was trying to kidnap him once again. He wasn't even scared , just tired.

Thomas dragged Edward to his car. "Why are you doing this again?" He asked plainly. "You literally beheaded me you little idiot!" Thomas said. "You did bad things to my sister and tried to kill me!" He said. "Your sister made a move on me , 1st of all! 2nd , I was trying to....kill my brother...." Thomas said , sounding unsure. "You said it was for 'checking security'....?" Edward reminded him. "Uh- Yeah. That's what I was doing!" Thomas said , changing his claim. Edward looked over and said "Mhm...."

"You realize my mommies will call the police , right?" Edward said looking out the window. "That won't matter once once you die!" Thomas yelled , as if he did something. "One , I already experienced a long and excruciating death , I really don't care. Two , it will matter because yet again- you will go to jail and possibly be put on death row." Edward claimed. "I might not die...." Thomas defended himself. "You think that's going to make it any better?" Edward said. "Just shut up!" He yelled. "Fine...."

"Can I play a game on your phone?" Edward asked. "No...." Thomas said.

Ten minutes later....


"Oh my God , fine!" Thomas said  throwing his phone at Edward. Edward giggled. "Thank you!" He said , unusually cheery for a child who is being kidnapped. Then again , it probably wasn't't his first time.

"Turn that down." Thomas said. Edward was zoned out watching Cocomelon. "Ba ba black sheep...." He sang along. Thomas groaned.

"I'm hungry....!" Edward whined. "Jesus Christ...." Thomas said.

He pulled into a drive-thru. "What do you want?" Thomas asked , annoyed. "I want....a pickle. Thomas just stared forward , completely done with life. "You. Can't. Have. That. They. Don't. Serve. It." He said , grinding his teeth. "Oh. Can I have a chicken sandwich with pickles?" He asked. "We are at a Starbucks...." Thomas said. "Then take me to Chick-fil-A!" Edward demanded. Thomas aggressively left the drive-thru.

"Nom Nom...." Edward said , eating his chicken sandwich with pickles.
"Stop saying that while you eat.... it's annoying." "Do you know what else is annoying?" "What?" "Being kidnapped." Thomas groaned loudly.

"Can we turn on Christmas music please?" Edward asked. Thomas didn't feel like arguing , so he complied.

"Wad is over...." Edward sang along. "We are here." Thomas said , stepping out of the car. He slammed the door and walked over to Edward's side. "Where are we?" Edward asked. "Also throw this away!" He said , throwing it to the door. Though , Thomas had just opened the door at that moment , so it hit his face. "I will...." He said , completely defeated.

"Where is my bed?" Edward asked. Thomas opened up the closet door , showing a mini pallet. "Oh cool!" Edward said.

"You're happy about....sleeping in a closet?" Thomas asked , confused. "Well my mommies were in a closet their entire lives....I'm sure it's fine!" Edward said with a smile on his face.

Thomas immediately shut the door in his face.

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